And Here We are Once Again..

Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
The nighttime air was cool against Theodore's skin as he rested his body against the soft grass. Small fireflies floated around the area and he would've admitted that it looked very pretty if it wasn't against his nature to go off calling things pretty. Instead of heading to bed like most students had, Theodore snuck outside for a bit of peace and quiet outside, an this place was honestly doing the job. Being so close to the lake always comforted him when he was feeling stressed.

'If only home could be as peaceful as this place.' Theodore thought to himself happily as he brought his hands to rest his hands behind his head and closed his forest colored eyes. He knew he was beginning to drift off to sleep, but he could really care less. A little nap would do him good.
Aleyha strolled through the open night sky, her eyes focused on the sky. Still struggling with the fact that she would be married in five or six years, to someone she loathed. It was horrible, but she was living day by day now. Even after hitting Carmen in the face with the pole, and destroying the room, Aleyha still had a ton of rage built inside her. She glanced over at the lake, sparkling in the moonlight. It almost looked romantic, but Aleyha was not that kind of girl. However, somehow, Aleyha found herself tripping over what felt like a random log, and landing on her arms and front. Hissing curses in Parseltongue, she brought her feet under her as she slowly sat up to see what she tripped over.

Her hair that almost appeared silver in the moonlight's rays flowed around her. Her red eyes narrowed at the figure before her. It was her fiance. Even though Aleyha appeared to be a small angel in the moonlight, looks were highly deceiving. It was odd how moonlight revealed the most exotic beauty Aleyha had. It worked the same with Hadan. There was just something about moonlight's rays. "Watch where you lay down, Theodore!" It was surprising even to her that she couldn't even think of a decent insult to throw at him.
Theodore's eyes bolted open and he looked over to see the girl who had been haunting his thoughts. Of all the people in the world he would've had to marry, it had to be her. With a soft sigh he sat up and rubbed his eyes for a moment before he looked at Aleyha sleepily, he had been having a good nap until she came along and started to yell at him, it wasn't really his fault she couldn't watch where she was going. "I was here first, so why should I have to watch where I lay? Why don't you watch where you walk?" He said slightly annoyed as he attempted to wake himself up more.

"Hey, you look really pretty tonight." He snickered as he honestly muttered the first thing that came to mind. When a yawned escaped his lips once more he decided to lay back down in his spot. He could really care less if Aleyha stayed next to him or not.
Aleyha sat up completely and she glared at him. She muttered, "Low enough to sleep on the ground. How sad. Didn't think you could sink much lower..." It wasn't much of an insult, but it was still something. Insulting him and fighting with him made her feel better. She wasn't exactly sure why, but it just was. Aleyha was a little shocked when he complimented her, and she just stared, even her glare softened. Aleyha wouldn't compliment him in return. She wasn't like that. Aleyha replied, "Lies..." Her red eyes glanced at the ground. "What are you getting at, Theodore? Cause pulling something like that won't get under my skin anymore."
Theodore kept his eyes narrowed as he looked at her boredly, was there no making piece with this girl at all? Sitting up he stared at her before he snorted and pushed some of his hair out of his face. "If your trying to insult me I suggest you tried harder." He said as she raised an eyebrow at her behavior.

"And I don't lie...I hate liars..." Theodore said with a huff. "Nevermind...your such a brat." Theodore rolled his eyes and attempted to lay back down once more, there wasn't much else he could say to her when he wasn't really in the mood to fight with her in the first place.
Aleyha sighed and she muttered truthfully, "I kind of can't think of anything else. Is that what you want to hear? My mind has been so warped I can't even think of a decent insult!" Aleyha slowly adjusted her position and she moved the hair back and away from her face. When he said that he didn't lie, Aleyha shrugged, "Well, sorry for acccusing you of being a liar then. Because the last time someone said that, it wasn't exactly truthful." How could she ever explain the emotional baggage Dorothee put on her growing up? "Aleyha, you will never be beautiful! You are a cursed albino that talks to snakes! A curse!" She tried not to think of those words, but they were still echoing through her head. Was it any wonder why she was happy that Dorothee was dead? "I may be a brat, but this brat will be stuck with you for the rest of your life. I am sure neither of us are too thrilled about that." Aleyha stood on her feet, went to the lake's edge, and she knelt down and picked up a pebble. With a lazy flick of the wrist, the stone went across the water. Just like the stone, it sank into the dark abyss along with her future...
Theodore frowned for a moment. "Well I think your pretty and I don't lie. Whoever thought that you weren't that obvious has a bad taste in appearance." He said as he brought a hand up to rub at another one of the infamous bruises that his father had left with on his upper arm. He was sure that Aleyha would have already noticed several on his body already, but he really didn't care anymore. Theodore's life had already gone to hell, so everyone might as well know the cause of why. Alphonse couldn't really do anymore to hurt him than he already has.

"Nope. I'm not to thrilled about getting married to you...but I'll get over it." He shrugged. She wasn't all that bad, at times Aleyha could be a huge pain in the butt, but she was sort of easy to get along with when she wasn't. As Theodore watched her flick a stone across the water then watched it sink, it was the only he could focus on without feeling like he wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. He hated his life, he hated it will all his being and could really cared if anyone wanted to end it for him. Anyone but his father at least, Theodore wouldn't dare give Alphonse the satisfaction.
Aleyha closed her eyes, fighting the overwhelming emotions that was building up inside. Instead of just sitting there and bottling it up, Aleyha lost control of her actions, and found herself flinging her being to Theodore. Her arms wrapped around his torso, her head buried in his chest. A few silent tears escaped from her red eyes and she murmured, "I don't want my life to be decided for me, I don't..." She faded off. Aleyha fell silent. Her eyes zeroed in on a few bruises but she said nothing. Instead, the tiny girl needed some sort of support and well, being comforted by an enemy was the least she wanted. But Aleyha could not understand why she was losing control so soon...
Theodore was about to tell her to forget everything he just said but instead he felt the small girl wrap herself around him and bury her face into his chest. Theo immediately tensed and was about to shove her off and tell her to keep her distance when he he recognized that she was crying. If it was one thing that always bothered him, it was when a girl cried. 'I guess were not so different after all.' Theodore thought as he gazed down at her sadly, he wasn't really sure how to comfort her without the fear of him getting smacked.

"I...I'm sorry." Was all he felt he could say before he gently wrapped his arms around her. Struggling to keep his own own tears in he buried his face in Aleyha's hair. "I really would fight back.....but he'll kill me if I don't." Theodore whispered as he continued to hold Aleyha. He didn't know what to do , or who to turn to.
Aleyha whispered, "I bet it is the same with the Patriarch." There was so much pressure upon the two children, it was ridiculous. She closed her eyes and listened to his steady heartbeat. This was so unlike her, but it was needed. Instead of being the viper that she was always pictured as, she was merely a little girl in the arms of an emotional boy, both scarred by powerful family members. Aleyha had her eyes closed, tears still making their way out. "How could they do this to us? It just isn't fair." Aleyha just wanted freedom. And now she felt like she was being held down, forced. This snake could never be tamed, but apparently, she was so wrong. Aleyha's anger was returning, but she remained right where she was, hating this feeling of helplessness.
"I hate them for doing this to us..." Theodore said softly, as he felt Aleyha calm down a little. He still held her for a minute longer, because honestly it deep down felt sort of right. However he knew he had to eventually let her go and hesitantly released his grip on her. But the moment he let go he got his feeling in his gut, it was a feeling that he had rarely felt. But it was strong, and persistent.

'Why do I feel like I wan...' Theodore thought to himself. He wasn't sure why, but every muscle in his body was demanding that he kiss her. Without much idea in the world about what he was doing he gently placed his hand under Aleyha's chin and forced her to look up at him as she slowly leant in.
Aleyha felt Thedore loosed his grip which made her do the same. Her hands held her jeans rather loosely, and held a hand lift her head to stare at Theodore. Forceful yet entirely relaxing. The tears had ceased, thankfully. If she were wearing make up, then her white shirt would be stained with tears mixed with make up. Lucky for her though, she was wearing a black undershirt. Her red eyes almost glittered in the moonlight, and still unable to control herself, she too leaned in.

Time seemed to slow, when Aleyha received flashbacks of Brodie. Though this was different, as she felt like it was a necessity, like she had to. However, Aleyha's heart jumped in fear. Aleyha flipped out, shoving him away as fast as possible, the only emotion that could be read in her eyes was utter fear. However, she was not the only one that flipped out because of this...
Theodore continued to lean in until they were inches apart he would've continued in until his lips touched hers, but something in his froze. 'What are you doing you idiot. You hate her...and she hates you!' Theodore suddenly remembered all the troubles that girls usually gave him. Especially the one that that he was just about to lock lips with. "Ugh, what are you doing?!" Theodore snarled as he shoved her away from him, however he didn't think she would shove him back and underestimated how close they were to the lake.

"Whooa!" Theodore gasped as he suddenly felt himself beginning to lose his balance. He tried to save himself from falling, but ultimately ended up grabbing Aleyha's shoulder instead. This didn't manage to save him either as he still felt himself soon become engulfed in a body of icy cold water.
Aleyha gasped when even she lost balance and plunged into the water. Emerging to the surface, she pushed her blonde hair back and wheezed. She shot him a glare and she shouted, "What the hell? God, I can't stand you!" Aleyha struggled to stand up, water adding excess weight. She only prayed that he didn't see the fear she had in her eyes. Aleyha couldn't believe that she even opened up like that to him! She glanced down at her shirt in horror. Thankfully, she was wearing that black shirt underneath or else this would have been just embarrassing. She went back to the surface. Aleyha glanced back at the Veela boy, and the only thing she wanted to do was run. Turning, Aleyha broke into a run. Shame the water was only slowing her acceleration....
Theodore coughed up some water as he came back up and immediately brought his hands up to pull his light wet hair away form his face to her could glare at Aleyha. He almost kissed her and now he was paying for his foolish actions. "Your such a b*tch!" Theodore snarled at her as he lunged foward and yanked her back deeper into the water. He wasn't going to let her run away, especially not that he was freezing and soaking wet. "What is your problem?!" He asked once he released her and splashed a large amount of water her way.
Aleyha gave him a death glare when he yanked her back into the water. Lucky for him, she couldn't kick him because she was on her bottom in the cold water. "You are such a chick!" Aleyha splashed water at him for the counter. She stood up, but not before she managed one violent act: A smack across the face. Wasn't much but still. Aleyha responded icily, "What is yours? You are the one putting moves on a girl that is emotionally unstable! That is just sick!" Aleyha didn't bother running this time. Instead, her posture was in a position to beat the Veela boy to a pulp.
"You were about kiss me too so shut your mouth!" Theodore snarled as he shoved her back violent and tried to make his way around her, he wasn't going to deal with this. Theodore himself couldn't really be sure why he almost kissed her, something in his gut was just telling him to. And now he was just so frustrated that he could barely think at all. "I can't believe they are making me marry a selfish, cruel, and bratty girl like you. Do you they honestly expect me to fall in love with someone like you?" He asked her loudly he kept walking towards the shore so he could head back to the school and get some dry clothes on.
Aleyha retorted, "You were only imagining things! I wasn't in my right mind either, so I had no idea what I was doing!" Aleyha rolled her eyes and she walked toward the shore. "Right back at you! Never thought I would ever end up with a girly boy! Almost like marrying a girl! I'm only hoping it is illegal to marry someone so like your own gender." Aleyha would not have this fight over so quickly. Completely riled up, she stomped toward him, stopped in front of him, reached and clinched the collar. She glared harshly into his eyes, those forest green eyes that haunted her every thoughts and dreams. How much she hated them. Hatred and confusion rested behind her own blood red eyes.
The feeling was back again, and it didn't help that Theodore was mad enough to wring the neck of any person who dared to come near him in the mood he was currently in. But that feeling was still nagging at him, and he knew if she didn't do something about it then it would bother him for quite awhile. 'I might as well...not that the little brat needs to know why.' Theodore brought his hands up to tightly grip her shoulders so she wouldn't be able to swing at him. With impressive speed he lent down and pressed his lips against hers roughly.

'This is wrong and I know it is....I'm acting like such a fool.' With a frustrated growl he removed his lips from hers and released her shoulders. With a quick turn he hauled his body into the direction of the school, he needed to get away from her, before anything else happened. "Never mind Aleyha. Just leave me alone." He said angrily and loudly enough so she could hear him as he got further and further away. She may have able to hear the anger in his voice, but Theo was thankful that she couldn't see the hurt in his eyes and he stalked off.
Aleyha was extremely shocked when he kissed her roughly. Strange enough, she actually liked it. Not that she will ever admit it, or even admit anything lower than hating the boy with all her being. Aleyha stood in utter confusion when he walked away. So, when he is pissed off, he kisses a girl and runs off? Ugh, I am in for a rough life. Aleyha released a sigh and rolled her eyes, "I will never understand boys. And people wonder why I hate humanity so much." Moving the wet hair and water drops from her face, she headed back toward the castle. However, she doubted she would ever forget tonight, no matter how much she wanted to.
"Hurry up, were going to get in trouble if we get caught out here." Theodore called out loudly so that even Aleyha could hear him when he was a good distance ahead of her. He may have been ticked off that she pissed him of to the point of him kissing her, but at the same time he also felt sort of responsible to watch over her. The cool wind blew against him and caused him to shiver lightly, he really wanted to get inside and warm up now.
Aleyha let out a frustrated huff as she ran to catch up with him. She sighed and glanced at her soaking white shirt. Without a moment's hesitation, she took it off and underneath was a black tank top, soaking wet. Aleyha's wet hair dripped onto the ground and she too shivered. "I don't care if I get in trouble." Her voice was wavering a bit. She just wanted to get inside, warm up, and forget about this. Knowing her luck though, she doubted that they would run into someone.
She's probably right.' Theodore said to himself as he turned to her and shrugged his shoulders. Some of the staff around here were awful shifty and seemed to pop out of nowhere, it almost reminded him of Niccy and that freaky cat thing she could do. Theodore's wet shirt made him shiver every time the wind blew against him, plus it was uncomfortable against his body. "I hate being all wet!" Theodore snarled as he peeled his out shirt off and gripped in in his hand tightly. If he wasn't so annoyed at the moment he probably would've felt more awkward around Aleyha, not that he was embarrassed about the way he looked. He was quite built for someone his age, but he never really liked to think about it that much.

"Geez your so slow! Hurry up!" He called in an agitated tone.
Aleyha bit her lip slightly when he took off her shirt. She flushed red with embarrassment. Sure, she might appreciate what she saw just a bit, but it wasn't like she was going to admit it. Aleyha snapped harshly, "You try wearing jeans and having long hair completely soaked weighing you down! You are nothing but a skeleton!" Somewhat an insult, Aleyha shivered once more. All she wanted was to get into some dry clothes, and curl underneath her covers for a very long time. Long enough to ensure that she didn't get sick because of all this. Aleyha grumbled, "Men..." She rolled her red eyes in disgust.
Professor King had finally finished unpacking his office and had decided to take some rounds of the castle before calling it a night. After being certain that the school itself was fine, he moved out toward the grounds, mostly wanting some fresh air after his first few days of being cooped up within the castle. He figured a few moments down by the lake by himself would help him clear his mind and possibly reminisce on a lot of memories that being back in Hogwarts had brought up for him. But he was also uncertain of what professors patrolled wear and when - so he figured it couldn't hurt to double check that the grounds were just as empty as the hallways.

Nicolas walked out through the main entrance to the school and took a first few steps out on to the star-lit lawn, surveying the grounds a moment he spotted two figures coming up from the lake - one significantly ahead of the other and both seemed to be yelling at the other for one reason or another. Nicolas rolled his eyes dramatically students, he thought, drawing his wand and walking in the direction of the duo (so much for his quiet evening). Casting lumos quickly he called out to the pair walking across the lawn, now seeing the first person who evidently had no shirt on. Nicolas hoped that his reasoning was innocent, but couldn't be sure. "Alright, you two, come here."

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