yellow rose

  1. Felix Carnahan

    🌹 Rose Giving Bonjour!

    Felix let out a small cheer of excitement when he saw who was next on his list. But he was getting hungry and hoped he'd be able to find Giulia in the great hall. He tried to stay focused and headed straight for the Ravenclaw table. He kept an eye out for his brother but didn't see him...
  2. Felix Carnahan

    🌹 Rose Giving Rosie Rose

    Felix was out of breath as he took the stairs two at a time to get up to the seventh floor. Why were there so many stairs? He asked himself that question all the time, especially whenever he needed to go above the fourth floor. But the next person on his list was in Gryffindor and he wanted to...
  3. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving For a Friendly Face

    Poppy was ready to call it a day but she still had one more delivery to make. She wasn't sure where to find the next person on her list but she thought the Student Lounge wouldn't be a bad place to start. With her nearly empty basket of roses she slipped inside and looked around. It was full of...
  4. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Another Yellow

    Poppy was starting to get tired. She somehow managed to forget how exhausting delivering roses was every time until her feet ached and she felt like she needed to nap for the rest of the week. She needed to push on to finish her deliveries, but sitting on a bench in the entrance hall seemed like...
  5. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Just A Rose, Nothing More

    The next rose on her list made Poppy a bit nervous. Her falling out with Nicole had taken Emma along with it. While she was still friends with Iris she felt a bit uncertain about where she stood with Emma. She had always been closer to Iris out of the Van Houten twins and after so much time...
  6. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Out in the Sunshine

    Poppy took a deep breath and took a moment to enjoy the fresh air. She had been running around the castle all morning and hadn't had time to come outside yet. She almost forgot why she had come out here until the sent of roses brought her back to the task at hand. She looked around the courtyard...
  7. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Next Stop of Many

    Poppy felt like she was off to a good start. She wanted to deliver her roses in a timely manner but she felt like she could indulge a little and savor the experience. She landed on the fourth floor and made her way to the Hufflepuff house to try and find the next person on her list. The hardest...
  8. Augustus Westwick

    🌹 Rose Giving A Yellow Rose for a Pretty Girl

    Augustus had saved this last rose for last, both because he was nervous and because he hoped he could linger around and maybe talk to Nicole a little longer. That would be great, if scary. He asked a Slytherin to get Nicole from the common room, waiting anxiously for her to arrive.
  9. Augustus Westwick

    🌹 Rose Giving A Yellow Rose for Eugene

    Augustus had decided to help Ryan deliver the roses he'd found, but he kind of regretted it. He was shy, which was kind of a hindrance. He didn't recognize the first name on his list and ended up having to ask a few younger people. He figured out that the boy was a Hufflepuff, so he finally...
  10. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunny Petals

    Poppy hoped to find one more person while she was outside so she could enjoy the sunny day while it lasted. She had been so busy studying for exams she hadn't made it out the the lake our even out to the lawn as much as she usually liked. She she took her time and thankfully spotted the next...
  11. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Not a Snitch

    Poppy didn't know a lot about Blake Irons other than the fact that he was dating Lars, but she was fairly certain she would be able to find him at the pitch. She had only gone to a few games her self and was worried she might get lost on her way but she made it in one piece and managed to spot...
  12. Delilah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving Familiar Yellow

    Delilah smiled when she saw the last name on her list. It took some wandering around but she finally found Theia in the courtyard. She walked up to the Slytherin girl and was nearly out of breath. "Hi!" she said brightly and held out a yellow rose. "Happy Valentine's day, you have a rose." she...
  13. Delilah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunny Yellow

    Delilah hoped to find one of her other deliveries outside. It really was a lovely day and she didn't mind the thought of taking her time to look around. She took a deep breath and sat down for a moment to rest when she spotted who she thought she was looking for. "Charlie Jacobs!" she called...
  14. Delilah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving For Friends

    Delilah was close to being finished with her deliveries but she had to pay a quick stop to the seventh floor to try and find one of the last one on her list. She knew Hildegard in passing since they had lessons together but she hadn't ever really talked to her before. Maybe this would be a good...
  15. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Cheerful Addition

    Poppy wasn't sure if she had ever gone to the dungeons if it wasn't for potions lessons. She wasn't a member of the SDA and didn't really care for the dueling tournament and she was almost worried she would get lost as she tried to find the next person on her list. It took longer than it...
  16. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Crimson Correspondence

    Poppy was getting tired of running around the castle but she also liked the excuse to go to different parts of the castle she didn't get to visit all that often. The seventh floor for example didn't usually have much to offer her but she was there today on a mission. "Is Salem Lee around?" she...
  17. Delilah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving A Happy Rose

    Delilah hadn't realized how much time had passed as she took a break to eat something until she looked up and realized that a good half of the students had already left. With one last bite and sip of her drink, she scrambled to collect her things and head over to the Gryffindor table. She tried...
  18. Delilah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving Before You Go

    Delilah finally found her way to the Ravenclaw table and she could hear her stomach growl even in the crowded hall. But she had one more rose to deliver before she could take a break. She found Adorah fairly quickly and tapped the older girl on the shoulder gently to get her attention. Delilah...
  19. Delilah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving Something Like Sunshine

    Delilah took a deep breath as she took her first steps outside and enjoyed the feeling of the summer sun warming her nicely. She never considered herself to be an outdoorsy person but she didn't hate it either. But she had to stay focused, she was over half way done now and the end was in sight...
  20. Delilah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose in Hand

    Delilah walked over to the Hufflepuff table with a yellow rose tucked neatly between her fingers. She had the urge to pick of some of the petals but she kept her hands firmly still as she tried to find the next person on her list. "Um, is a Casper Beckett around?" she called out broadly towards...