yellow rose

  1. Timothy Black

    🌹 Rose Giving A Beautiful Yellow

    Tim had heard that the next person was one of the Ravenclaw prefects and where any Ravenclaw prefect could be found? Anywhere except for Library because Tim always found ways to come up with anything that didn't even make sense. He was at the great lawn just hoping that maybe Delilah could be...
  2. Estella Fuentes

    🌹 Rose Giving The best of all

    Essie always loved delivering roses to her friends, and so when she saw Tilly's name on her list, she couldn't help but be excited for it. She hadn't spoken to Tilly for some time, simply because they were both busy doing their own things. For Essie, it was the Hogwarts Monthly, and for Tilly it...
  3. Timothy Black

    🌹 Rose Giving The Loud Yellow

    To say the least, Tim knew only Quidditch player's in the school, well, and some Gryffindor girls that were in the same year with his sister, except for his friends and friends. And the person he had to deliver roses to was someone Tim had never even known that he existed in the school, tho, he...
  4. Kaia Stark

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for a Gryffindor

    kaia wasn't sure whether she knew the next owner of the yellow rose, Harper Alston. Well, she fastly found out that Harper was from Gryffindor. Kaia asked someone to get Harper out of the common room for her and extremely hoped that Harper was there. @Harper Alston
  5. Kaia Stark

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Professor

    The next rose made her a bit overwhelmed, of course she knew who professor Cyndi Kingsley was it was just the thing that Kaia had never taken any lessons from her. She didn't like the ancient runes, tho, she never knew how sweet or how like a Styx professor Kingsley was. Tho, Kaia approached her...
  6. Molly Burke

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow... Feathers?

    Yellow Rose for @Lysander Summers Molly was exhausted from skipping, walking and just going up and down the stairs looking for people. But she also liked giving out roses. She liked meeting new people, possible friends! The Hufflepuff finally had her last rose to deliver. Molly stood on the...
  7. Kaia Stark

    🌹 Rose Giving The Sweetest Yellow

    This time, Kaia had absolutely no idea who she had to deliver the rose to. No, of course she knew that she was a prefect, however, she had no idea what she looked like. Kaia just decided to go to the place where she knew that always were the most people and just hoped for a good luck. "Is...
  8. Kaia Stark

    🌹 Rose Giving Silently Delivering Roses

    Kaia wasn't really sure if she had put the name and face together but she was pretty sure that Leia was the same girl who had won the duelling championship. "Heyaaa! Leia, right? I have a yellow rose for you" @Leia Hume
  9. Molly Burke

    🌹 Rose Giving Perfectly Perfect Yellow

    Yellow Rose for @Ivy Ashworth Molly was slightly trying to avoid the library for as much as possible. Just because her loudness and the library weren't exactly a perfect mix. Plus she found the library absolutely boring. But the girl had reluctantly decided to try and make her way there. She...
  10. Kiara Wood

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendship Over Anything

    And again, Kiara perfectly knew the next person she had to deliver the rose to. They worked together for a few years now and well, they were on good terms after all. "Hey, Connor! I have a rose for you!" Kiara excitedly sat next to him, excited to see his reaction to the rose. @Connor Holland
  11. Sky Eriksen

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow tastes like peaches

    Sky had just delivered a rose to Jordie harris in the conglomerated arts room and she hoped that maybe eugine nester wasn't far away as she knew they often practised together. she had decided to wait for a few minutes in the courtyard to get her ideas back in order and try and work out locations...
  12. Molly Burke

    🌹 Rose Giving Sparkles of Yellow

    Yellow Rose for @Harper Alston Molly decided to make her way up towards the Student Lounge. She knew she could've tried the Gryffindor table next, but where was the fun in that. Molly entered the student lounge with giggles and looked around for the older student, even though this person was...
  13. Molly Burke

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Petals for a Firstie

    Yellow Rose for @Aine Thompson Molly was super duper excited for rose deliveries. It had been her first time doing it. But she was a little overwhelmed that she had to in fact search for them. But Molly didn't mind. She skipped happily towards the Hufflepuff table, hoping that it was worth the...
  14. Sky Eriksen

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Feels like sunshine

    there were a lot of roses in Niamh's list but she was supprised at how quickly she was getting through them. she had been told by one of the Gryffindors that Elara Chatwin may be found in the garden so she had set outside to try and find her. even if elaea wasn't there it was nice to walk...
  15. Sky Eriksen

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow smells like Butter Popcorn

    after last year everyone in Hufflepuff knew the name Lucas Fletcher. even if they didn't follow quidditch. but recognising the name of the house seeker was different from seeking out the boy himself. she still had a few names left on the list and had taken to wandering around the corridors in...
  16. Sky Eriksen

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow sounds like bells

    Niamh had scanned down the list of names for her roses and had an idea where she might find a couple of the recipiants. Jordie harris was a fairly notable person in Hufflepuff house as he was on the quidditch team. but that was not where she recognised the name from. She knew him from the...
  17. Kiara Wood

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendship on Top

    Kiara wasn't really sure if she knew the next girl. Indira Khatri. No, she totally had heard the name before but Kiara just couldn't put the face and name together, tho, she was pretty sure that Indira was in Slytherin, so Kiara took a good guess and approached the slytherin house table. "Indira...
  18. Sky Eriksen

    🌹 Rose Giving A yellow enigma.

    Sky stopped to catch her breath. why had no one reminded her how many stairs were needed to reach the north tower? why had she not thought to wait at the bottom of the stairs as there was only one way in and out? she had been delivering roses all day and one of her deliveries had been hard to...
  19. Kiara Wood

    🌹 Rose Giving In The Yellow Tones

    Kiara loved the Valentine's Day and the roses. Especially she loved delivering roses, and this way, she had signed up for delivering roses, she didn't wanna sit back on her last year, she wanted to participate in everything as much as she could. So with her delivery list, Kiara was searching for...
  20. Felix Carnahan

    🌹 Rose Giving Are There Yellow Dragons?

    Felix was excited to get outside for a bit even if he was still busy delivering roses. He was tempted to just lay in the grass for a bit. It was a lot of work running around the castle looking for people. But it had been a lot of fun too. Before he could get too ahead of himself and get comfy in...