Closed What's One Missing Sugar Mouse

Miroslav Petrov

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Boomslang venom Core
11/2049 (11)
Miroslav had been bored, so very very bored. His parents were off doing something else with one of his brothers and they had just left Miroslav to wonder around himself. He didn't have any money because his parents were too cheap for pocket money and there was nothing he needed to do. So Miroslav had gone to the sweet shop, in theory to just look and dashed out of there with a small pocket of sugar mice that no one would miss. He was pretty sure someone was chasing him, but he didn't dare stop and look back. That was until he spotted an alleyway, and he ducked into it, pulling the person who'd just been standing at it with him. Using them a little as he moved to hide.

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Brynn was humming softly, just out for a walk, her blond hair tied back with a soft, pastel pink bow. She was just enjoying the day when suddenly someone had knocked into her, causing her to stumble and fall over. "Owwww," She whined, sitting up and rubbing at her now scraped hands. She looked to the boy that had run into her. "Are you okay?" She asked, genuinely concerned.
Miroslav was sure he could hear the sounds of someone behind him. He was glancing around them, somewhat ignoring the girl and then grabbed her and dragged her behind a rather large garbage can. Something that they could hide behind. "Shut up, please," he said with a low tone. Trying his best to silently listen out for any noise of someone approaching.

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Brynn's eyes went wide but she let him pull her away, hiding in behind him, cuddling into his back (not noticing how he stiffened) and peeking out at the street, trying to see what was going on. This was all highly irregular, and she could feel her heart thundering in her chest- what could be going on? Was someone bad chasing him? She chewed on her lip, trying to keep out of sight and quiet like he was.
The last thing that Miroslav expected to happen was for the girl to hug him. He immediately stiffened, unable to stop himself and so unused to the casual and open affection. He was listening out, but heard nothing and after a few minutes decided that it was probably safe. Miroslav moved his hands to break her hold on him and to push her away from him. "Thanks," he said.
Brynn fell back easily, not bothered at all that he'd pushed her away. She scooted in towards him just a touch as she readjusted, giving him a gentle smile. "You're welcome?" She offered a touch uncertainly. "Are you okay?" She whispered, peeking back out to where they'd been and where she thought she could still faintly hear someone else looking for them. "Whats going on?"
Miroslav let himself stay a little hidden, but no longer as actively hiding them both. He glanced at the girl who was standing pretty close to him, he took involuntary step back before nodded. "Sure," he said without care in his voice. He reached into his pocket and held out a sugar mouse, "Want one?" he asked. Not answering her other questions.
Brynn smiled softly, and accepted the treat- after peeking at her dirty, scraped palms and brushing them over her pants to try and clean them up a bit. She nibbled on the treat a bit. "Thank you!" She told him. She offered out her hand. "I'm Brynn. Whats your name?"
Miroslav spotted her hands as she took the treat from him. He pulled his backpack down. It was old and worn, put together with haphazard patches. From within it he pulled out a bottle of water and some tissues. "For your hands," he wasn't sure why he was helping, perhaps he felt a little bad about it, given how nice she had been about the whole thing.
Brynn smiled, finishing her mouse and accepting his help. "Thanks, hands," She teased him gently, trying a bit clumsily to clean her hands up. "Do you want to hang out?" She asked him, a bit shyly. She was always told she needed to make new friends. "We could go to the park..." She offered, finding it easier to talk to him with her eyes mostly on her hands.
Miroslav watched her for a moment and then rolled his eyes. "Let me do that, sugar mouse" he said adding the nickname after a moment's pause. He moved to take the bottle of water and the tissues and actually cleaning up her hands. "Haven't you ever fallen over before?" he grumbled unsure why she didn't know how to clean herself up better.
Brynn let him take over, surprised by the nickname but smiling shyly, oddly liking it. "Well, sure," She offered softly. "But usually I wash it up inside," She explained, watching as he did it much more effeciently. "You still haven't told me your name," She decided on, giving him an easy smile. "Though I suppose I could just call you 'hands' forever."
Miroslav made easy quick work of cleaning up this girl's hands. Brynn or something. He glanced at her and shook his head, opting to just not give his name, to not replying. "My name doesn't really matter," he said. "We're unlikely to ever run into each other again," he told her rather bluntly as he finished with her hands.
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Brynn smiled and shook her head in turn. "Aw, don't be so glum, hands," She offered to him. "You never know what fate holds in store. Besides, even if we never see each other again, it would still be a nice memory," She tried to explain. She considered a moment before taking the pastel pink ribbon from her hair and wrapping it around his wrist. "Thank you for helping me," She told him with a sweet, shy smile, peeking up at him through her sunshine blond bangs.
Miroslav rolled his eyes at her. He didn't have nice memories, people didn't like him. He was unkind and trouble. this girl just didn't get it yet. He watched as she tied a ribbon to his wrist and then glanced at her. He stepped away, shoving the water back into his bag. He needed to go. "Okay," he said, he took a step away from her. "Miroslav, my name is Miroslav," he was stepping away, looking to leave the moment she acknowledged his name.
Brynn smiled happily. "It's nice to meet you, Miro," She told him. She could see he was trying to get away, so she gave him a little wave. "I hope we can see each other again," She told him, thinking it would be nice if she could spend more time with him. Though she wasn't sure if he would spend a lot of time with her.

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