🌹 Rose Giving Fossil Evidence of Roses

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Yellow rose for @Felix Carnahan

Emmanuel had never given out roses, but it had seemed like the thing to be doing. He was going to enjoy himself while he did, and use it just a little to be able to promote his history club if he saw an opportunity to. Really Emmanuel was just getting involved where he could, and this was just another way in which he was doing it. It would be a fun event for him to be a part of and he'd bright people's days, hopefully.

Emmanuel spotted the first person he needed to find as they left the great hall. "Felix Carnahan!" he called out warmly trying to get him to stop so that he could give him the rose.
Felix felt like he couldn't walk more than five feet without running into a rose delivery today. He loved how excited people were to share all the love but he had to admit it was making getting anything done today nearly impossible. But his mood brightened considerably when he heard his name being called. "Oh! That's me!" he replied and held up his hand while he searched for the voice.
Emmanuel smiled at the boy who was the person he was looking for. He took out the yellow rose and the note that went along with it and then held both out for Felix to take. "This is for you,"

the stupid rose lady wouldnt let me put glitter in here PRETEND THERE WAS GLITTER IN THIS NOTE AND NOW YOU'RE COVERED IN GLITTER
"Oh wow, thanks!" Felix said excitedly as the other boy handed over the rose and note. He was starting to regret not signing up to deliver this year. He had fun last time but he was a lot busier now. He took the yellow rose and gave it a sniff as he hoped the note. Felix chuckled as he read the note and even though his sister didn't sign the note he was certain Thistle had sent it. Even though she wasn't around he still pantomimed wiping glitter off the table. He was told to pretend after all. "Thanks again, happy Valentine's Day!" Felix said, turning back to the deliverer.
Emmanuel smiled at the prefect. "You're welcome!" he said, "Happy valentine's day to you too, " and then he began heading in the direction of where he'd come from to find the next person he needed to.

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