zomg, movie thread!

Violet Bellamy

Somehow, Pulling It Together
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Okay, I'm blatantly copying Estrella here. Oh well.
So basically, same format as the book thread, discuss films you've recently seen, your favourites, make recommendations, whatever.

To start, I just got home from watching Slumdog Millionaire. I have to agree with the critics, it was a wonderful film. Sure, my friend's younger brother disliked it because of the camera angles and the fact that it had a fairly positive message (and ending :r: ) but I thought it was fantastic. I think y'all should watch it...except you, you little kiddies. It's a little too violent for you. :rofl:
Poopies. It's a 15. Too violet for my innocent eyes <_<

Anyhow, as for films which I can watch ^_^ I wanna see Push. It sounds interesting, but I'll have to resist screaming 'Lemina' at the screen :p
[Plus its a 12A, unlike most decent films. But I might just wait until it's out on DVD.]
Push was amazing! I love love LOVED it. The story was nifty and all, but it was just an awesometastic film. The cinematography and style was different and cool and I just loved it.
Good thing you said Not I'd have to smack you upside your head :p
=)) =))

I would have done the same thing :lol:

I just saw an add for Push, it's looks good but not my type of film
What about Finding Neverland? :wub:

Thats a great film! :rofl:
I recommend films by Studio Ghibli. In particular, Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, and Grave of the Fireflies.
You can be a purist like me and watch them in the original Japanese with subtitles, or you can watch them with the dub, it doesn't matter, they're still awesome movies. I haven't seen all the films, of course, but those three are my favourites of the ones I've seen. Howl's Moving Castle is great, too, because I love the book. (It's different from the book, though, it's like Miyazaki made the characters much nicer and more righteous.)
Those films are great! My favourite has to be Spirited Away. But Howls Moving Castle also >XO<
Coraline is an awesome movie. I love, love, loved it ( :p )!

The Uninvited would have been good if the theatre wasn't packed with a bunch of screaming/talking kids. Scary movies should not be rated PG 13, at least not while they are out in the theatres.
I have watched Slumdog millionare in its real form, in hindi because i understand hindi.
Its great and so is twilight oh my god
edaward and bella watched it ten times, last night was the tenth
-blink- I refuse to talk about the sparkly movie.

Moving on. Fanboys was actually pretty funny. Probably the most funny if you happen to be a Star Wars nerd. I don't know any non-Star Wars nerds who have seen it, so I dunno. I was laughing hysterically though.

The International was...confusing. I expected it to be a little weird, but it was just very confusing for me. I liked parts of it, but I can't really say I liked it overall.

Confessions of a Shopaholic was a good chick flick. Very cute, very funny, not bad at all.

I have seen all of those movies in the last 24 hours. :wacko:
I liked...

'The Boy in the Striped Pajama's'

It was a quaint little film that had a shocking end!
I just watched Three Colours: Blue today. It was the first in the series, the others being White and Red. I haven't see White, just Red, but Blue and Red are both amazing movies.
I should call them the proper French names but I'm lazy. :r:
They explore the themes of Liberty (Blue), Equality (White) and Fraternity (Red) and are quite powerful and moving. I'd definately recommend them.

However, on the subject of French cinema, I'd avoid 8 Women, which is just too bizarre for words. :lol:
I :wub: Studio Ghibli. My sister has loads of the anime stuff >XO<
I've been watching Spirited Away since I was like 5 or something :lol:
Subtitles suck, you can tell that is soo not what they are saying.
I wanna learn Japanese <_<

Let's see.. as far as Push goes, I have to agree with Sophia, it is a fantastic movie. I thought it was pretty unique in itself. That and the acting was pretty good.

I have yet to see Twilight.

I'm going to see Slumdog Millionaire with my grandparents next weekend (yeah, that's right, my grandparents :p ) and all I've heard are good reviews.

The Mysterious Case of Benjamin Button was brilliant. A little long, but overall I loved it.

And, even though they're not movies, I always have to recommend watching 'A Time to Kill' and 'The Silence of the Lambs.' Neither are for kiddies though!
i loved scilence of the lambs! it was amazing! *nom the face off* yummy ^_^
Haaa, Edward Scissorhands is on here in 10 minutes. I :wub: that movie.

Anyone going to see the remake of the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes? :lol:

I feel pretty bad for the Slumdog Millionaire kids though.

It's like showing them heaven, then shoving them back to hell and laughing in their faces <_<
lalala, haven't seen Slumdog yet, don't wanna know what you're talking about.

Watchmen was AMAZING. Definitely rated R for a reason though. I loved it though. It was really really close to the book and the things they changed made total sense and it was just great. There were some really interesting shots and stuff in there too. But yeah, LOVED it. Again, rated R for a reason, so don't go sneaking in!
Nonono xD
No spoilers here xD
It's just that the actors were sent back to their own countries after living the lifestyle of the filthy rich =-/

And. Nooooo. I can't watch it ;~;
Ah, but as every normal under aged person would do, I shall proceed to find ways and means to do so.

Anyone watched Repo: The Genetic Opera? 8D I'm aching to watch it v__v

Edit: My smiliey was missing! Dx
i actually own REPO: the genetic opera on blu -ray. in all honesty i hated it the first time i watched it. then it grew on me. now i sing all the songs and recommend it to everyone. alicia hates it and thinks i$'m crazy. no one ever mentions it so i assumed i just made the movie up
i saw the watchmen last weekend. loved it. then again i love zack snyder movies and i loved the comic. violence and blue weiners don't scare me.
i also got "a scanner darkly" on blu ray. excellent movie. keanu reeves couldn't even ruin it. and he ruins everything.
Hmm... can I recommend Star Trek without being stoned to death or something? ^_^
Oh good. I'm going to see Star Trek sometime soon. David told me I had to go see it with him (as long as he watches Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with me, which is perhaps my absolute favourite movie right now). So I'm glad you've recommended it. :)
I also have to see Transformers and Transformers 2 with him. :lol:
Apparently robots are a man's romance...this is going to be fun. I'll only go with him and his housemate if his housemate brings his girlfriend along, so I won't have to suffer alone. :p

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