Yule Ball Shenanigans

Justin Cliffeton

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Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Justin sighed deeply. All he wanted was for one school event to go well and there to not be a fight caused between some students. He opened up his door with the two of them in tow and took a deep breath as he opened the door, "Have a seat." He told the two of them. He had been enjoying the ball until they had been brought to his attention and he'd been forced to leave the festivities. With one final sigh he took a seat and looked the two of them in the eye. "What happened this time?" Justin asked them, having heard of their last escapade quickly before he had walked off with them.
Noemie was less that surprised that they'd been sent to this man after the fight, with the current head of slytherin out for the year, this man being her head of house was the next best thing. There was no sense in lying to him about what had happened, there had been witnesses and though she assumed that the boy would probably try to get out of it somehow, she would just be honest with him, own up to what she had done. The part-veela took a seat, adjusting her dress as she sat, and fixing her hair so that it wouldn't become too knotted, her gaze looked to the professor at the desk and nodded, "He said that I looked fat in this dress," the Ravenclaw said with a certainty, "And I told him, his dress was ill-fitting and that meant he was poor," Noemie knew better than to try to get out of it, so to her it made the most amount of sense to just be honest, to tell the truth, well everything but how she had spilled her drink on him, though that part had started the interaction she was more than sure that if she hadn't, he would've done it, so to her that part was unimportant.
Asmodeus was not happy about being handed over to the deputy headmaster like a toy, but since his relative was not there, maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Last thing he wanted was to be punished by him. When asked what happened this time, Asmodeus let Noemie go first, before rolling his eyes almost audibly. He finally found his words, choosing not to be too offensive to the professor, "Her face and outfit offended me, so I took retribution." Asmodeus flipped his hair away frommm his face and glared at the Ravenclaw girl. "It isn't my fault that she looked like a f**king cow." Asmodeus folded his arms over his chest, and looked dwon at his lap, not regretting his actions at all. She insulted his family, so she deserved every hit she got. Though, he probably did too but he was not going to admit that, not for a million galleons.

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