Y44 Club Fair

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
It was that wonderful time of year again where the clubs came together to show themselves off for new potential members, and Landon was very happy to be setting it up this year. The courtyard was an excellent place to have it, and so Landon arrived there early and set up various tables for the club leaders, excited to see what each club had in store. The man also put together a small grazing table for those who were walking around, with some cheese and biscuits and some chocolates and lollies, hoping it would attract more people to want to come and join some clubs. He decorated the place with a large banner as well that read. "Welcome to the Y44 Club Fair" in big and bold letters, just so the new first years wouldn't get confused as to what was happening at the courtyard that morning if they had forgotten the message. Once he was done decorating, Landon stood back and waited for the club leaders to arrive and start setting up.

Club Name
Accio!Eugene Nestor
Heta OmegaRenata Stepanova
Hogwarts MonthlyAaliyah Chun and Giulia Alcott
Conglomerated ArtsNiamh Eriksen
The Brotherhood of MagicJingyi Huang
Student Defence AssociationCelia Vuong
Wild Patch ClubRosie Archer and Kiara Thompson

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to the Y44 Club Fair! Above are the club leaders. Please tag them for IC questions or PM them for OOC questions. Enjoy ^_^
Renata wasn't the best at art, but she was enthusiastic, and surely that had to count for something. Besides, it wasn't like there was anything special you had to be able to do to be in Heta Omega - you just had to want to hang out with other girls and have a good time. Or just to have a space to have girl talk. Still, she'd gone to a bit of an effort to try and at least make it look welcoming, having some chocolate chip cookies out and some hair ties for people to take in the different house colours - red and gold, green and silver, blue and bronze and yellow and black. She made sure that the latter were also somewhat glittery to stand up to the others. There was a sign up saying what the group was, of course, and some photographs she'd taken from the club room of previous events to kind of illustrate the point. She had some quills and muggle pens out for girls to sign up and had sat herself at the stand ready to answer any questions. At least, after surreptitiously looking around to wave at both Eugene and Sky. And of course, to say hi to her Head of House.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag me @Renata Stepanova if you would like to sign up for Heta Omega or if you have any questions about the sisterhood!
Rosie was ready for the club fair, she had used her connections to grab some pictures from the events the year before and brought them with some left over roses from the rose giving. Everything to be able to tru entice people to join the wild patch. She even had a couple of little plants in pots. She took her spot at the table fo them, arriving before Kiara and getting things set up at the table for any possible new members to join them.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag me (Rosie Archer) if you have questions or would like to sign up for the WPC
Eugene always felt a little awkward about being at the club fair. He didn't exactly have the same open spots and it was difficult to say no to people, but he also knew that it was necessary. He knew that they had to be a small team to ensure that the work was done well. Eugene did still set things up, set up the previous yearbooks, set up a camera and the application form and was ready to speak to students if they had questions, even if the end it was just a no to all of them.
Vanity had two clubs she kind of wanted to join, but only one she really wanted to be seen joining. Her art was still something private to her, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to join the arts club. For now, the Slytherin made a beeline for the Heta Omega table. “I’d like to sign up.” She told the older girl behind the table. She also immediately reached for a hairtie. “How many can I grab?”

@Renata Stepanova
Friday had been keen to sign up for clubs, for the ones that would help her the most, and when she stepped into the courtyard, she spotted both the club she wanted and someone she was more than happy to talk to. Friday approached and just caught the end of what Vanity was saying, and then stood next to her. "I'd also like to sign up," she said to the older girl, before grabbing a red hair tie. "That purple one is cute," she said to Vanity while pointing towards a nice purple one.
@Vanity Mettlestone @Renata Stepanova
Renata wasn't surprised to already see a couple of students approach - a lot of girls had been sorted this year, and considering the more general nature of the club it seemed like she'd be busy. She wondered if she should have asked Margo or Gwen to help but she also didn't want to put too much on their plates, especially Margo being in fifth year and having OWLs to worry about. She could do this, she told herself, and gave a warm welcoming smile to the girls. "Hello! Of course you can sign up, just write your names on one of these sheets," she explained, gesturing to the forms. There were a couple there to avoid holding people up, though it meant she'd have to keep a close eye on them to make sure they didn't get lost. "Take a couple if you like, just make sure there's plenty left over for everyone!" She didn't really want to police hairties she just didn't want to run out for any students who showed up later. "We'll send out a message when we have our first meeting and start of semester party!" It wasn't a huge party or anything, but she wanted to be enthusiastic and keep spirits high.

@Vanity Mettlestone @Friday Weeks
Celia had been pleased but unsurprised when she was named the new Student Defence Association president. She was the reigning dueling champion of her class after all, a title she'd held for four years now. She had been less pleased to discover that she had been passed over for the Hogwarts Monthly editorship, and she had to resist the urge to glower at Aaliyah and Giulia as she entered the courtyard. No doubt they'd run the paper into the ground.

But that wasn't her problem. No, her job this year would be to grow the SDA's rather pitiful membership. Celia wasn't exactly eager for more work, but she did think it would be fun to be in charge of more people. So she'd actually put effort into making her booth look nice. Dueling trophies lined the table, glittering against a backdrop of dark blue cloth. Celia had also set out photos from past tournaments and a glass jar of chocolate wands. And in the very middle of the table was a sign-up sheet with a golden quill. There was just one last finishing touch to make. Celia tapped a large banner with her wand, activating it. The banner floated overhead and unfurled to reveal the club's name in elegant lettering. Now there was no way anyone could miss the SDA table.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag @Celia Vuong if you have any questions or wish to sign up for the Student Defence Association!
The clubs seemed kind of cute, Audrey thought, though a little boring potentially. She knew Oz was in the arts club, and that was so not Audrey's thing. Maybe the paper would be interesting, but the types of things she would have to write would probably be extremely dull. Maybe not. The sisterhood seemed okay, at least it felt like kind of an obligation to join and hopefully there'd be other girls who were good value. She recognized Vanity, from the train, and wondered if she'd make a comment about her Ravenclaw robes. Maybe she just wouldn't give her the opportunity. "'Scuse me," she said, pushing her way in to scribble her name down, take a Ravenclaw hairtie and a cookie and saunter over to the club she was most interested in.

Audrey's eyes lit up taking in the SDA's booth, the trophies, the photographs, the elegant signage. The head girl seemed pretty cool, and Audrey wasn't going to mess around. Not when she was actually somewhat invested in this and the opportunities it would give her. "Hi!" she said, cheerfully. "So do we get like, a head start on jinxes and duelling spells? I know we can't do the tournament in first year, buuuuut..." She put her name down as she wrote anyway, regardless of the answer she was keen to give duelling a try when she was allowed to and surely the opportunity to get a little ahead with spells would be worth it.

@Renata Stepanova (lol) @Celia Vuong
When Marley heard that there were clubs around the school, Marley knew she wasn't going to say no to them. She knew that the art club and the girl club were the ones that had stuck out to her the most. The girl quickly made her way towards the heta omega club, smiling at the two other first-year girls that were there. Marley then noticed there were cookies on the table. "Sweet! Cookies!" Marley cheered, before picking up a cookie and then turning towards the older girl. "I'd like to sign up too please!" Marley says cheerfully at the older girl before taking a bite from her cookie.

@Renata Stepanova
Jingyi had been quite shocked when he had been asked to lead the Brotherhood, but he wasn't going to turn the opportunity down. Though he was currently a little stuck for any meeting ideas which wasn't incredibly lame, he was sure he would be able to come up with something. He entered the club fair on time, not early, on time, heading towards one of the sits to set some things up. Nothing really all too impressive, the sign-up sheet was an obvious one, he'd also managed to source a banner from one of the previous fairs and he'd also nipped down to the kitchens to ask if they had any sweet treats he could put out. In the end, he'd been given a plate of cupcakes, so he supposed he wasn't complaining. It was nothing impressive, but it was good enough. And with that, all he had to so was wait to see if anyone wanted to sign up.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag @Jingyi Huang if you would like to join the Brotherhood or if you have any questions!
Lucy figured it'd be a good idea to join some clubs - it'd be a good way of getting to know some more people, after all. She arrived at the courtyard in a timely fashion and looked over the scene before her. Immediately her attention was grabbed by some pot plants and roses - Lucy loved flowers, though she wasn't especially knowledgeable about them. She approached the girl behind the desk and asked, "Hi, excuse me. Um, this might be a silly question but what does the Wild Patch Club do exactly?"

@Rosie Archer
It wasn't long till Rosie had her first, interested first year, and she gave the girl a smile and shook her head. "Not a silly question," she assured, before taking a little moment to think of an answer. "The wild patch, does a lot of things, we look after the gardens a little bit, we plant things, learn about certain plants. We grow roses, we've painted beehives, and we've worked with the arts group to plant vegetables for a dinner to share with them," she listed. "So, it's always plant related but not always firmly just, planting seeds," she hoped from her words, that this girl might be interested enough to sign up.
@Lucy Montague
Ten had known what clubs she wanted to sign up to since she’d heard about them, and upon hearing they were opening Ten had practically dragged Ned out of their dormitory to race downstairs and find the stalls. By the time she got there, Ten was breathless, her eyes hunting around for the club she needed to be a part of. She found out! I’m her hurry to see the desk she bumped into one of the girls that was already talking to the club leader. “I’m so sorry,” she added, grabbing the girl by the shoulder for a moment to make sure she was okay, before turning to the older student “Can I sign up? Where do I sign?” Ten didn’t need to know the details, if it was about plants, it’s was going to be perfect.

@Lucy Montague @Rosie Archer
Rosie had just finished her explanation to the first girl when another girl was looking to sign up. "Oh, just put your name here," Rosie said to the second girl, taking a sign-up sheet and quill and passing them over to her. Not wanting to keep this girl longer than she needed to be.
@Amortentia Layton-King
Enoch knew that clubs would take up valuable time, but there were two clubs that he wanted to sign up for. He walked into the courtyard and immediately spotted the person he needed to speak to. He walked over to the older boy. Enoch noted the plate of cupcakes but took out a quill he was carrying. "Can I just sign up here?" already moving towards where it seemed the sign up sheet was.
@Jingyi Huang
Vanity smiled as Friday joined her, glad she was signing up for the club too. She grabbed the hair tie Friday was admiring and handed it to her, grabbing a few for herself as the girl said it was alright. She signed her name with a heart over the ‘i’, grinning. “Thanks!” She said as the girl explained they would get a message for their first meeting.

@Renata Stepanova
It wasn't long before someone approached her table. The Ravenclaw was a tad too cheerful for Celia's liking, but she appreciated the girl's enthusiasm for SDA. "Of course," Celia replied. "And you'll get to use them on all your least favorite classmates," she added with a smirk. She hadn't yet finalized her plans for this year's club meetings, but a not small part of her wanted to hold a battle royale-type competition just for the chaos of it all. "Even if you can't sign up for the tournament this year, you can always go to the dueling chamber for practice. You just need to find a professor to supervise your duel. Or you can work with the practice dummies, which are enchanted and will fight back if you want." Celia was sympathetic to the desire to duel as a first year and had wondered if she could change the rules to the tournament now that she was in charge. Then again, that would mean more work for her — something she'd rather avoid.

@Audrey Beauchamp
Renata was kind of floored by the sheer volume of students already, but she kept smiling as each student signed their names. Some seemed on a mission and went by quickly, others had some more questions. "Enjoy the club fair!" she said to the first girls who'd come by and signed up, the one who'd asked about the hairties had taken quite a few but luckily she had a decent stash. "Hope you like them!" she said, beaming at the young Hufflepuff girl who mentioned the cookies. "No problem, just write your name down and we'll handle the rest." With how many members Heta Omega had, it would be a lot of work to keep up with but Renata was just going to have to do what she could to make it run smoothly.

@Vanity Mettlestone @Marley Pattinson
Audrey gave a wicked grin at that. The head girl seemed pretty cool, actually. "Brilliant." She finished signing her name, considering drawing a little star next to it or something but deciding to just keep it simple. Though she wondered if she should have written her first name considering that that was the name called out when she was sorted, but a magic school could surely work out the right thing eventually. "Thank you!" she added, figuring she ought to at least be polite as the older girl had answered her question and done it in a way she was happy with. Having got what she needed, Audrey figured two clubs was enough for now to hopefully stave off boredom. The lolly table was calling her name before she left, after all.

@Celia Vuong
Marley smiled at the older girl and nodded. She then signed her name onto the signup sheet. "Thank you! And thanks for the cookie!" Marley says with an appreciative smile, before quickly heading towards the other club she wanted to sign up for. Marley loves art and anything creative, so she knew she would sign up for the art club. She smiled up at the older girl. "Hello! I would like to sign up for this club please!"

@Niamh Eriksen
Teddy's eyes scanned the list of clubs displayed at the Club Fair and two caught his attention: The Brotherhood of Magic and the Student Defense Association. Intrigued by both, but driven by the prospect of honing his dueling skills, he directed his steps toward the Student Defense Association first. He overheard the Head Girl telling another first year that they could use the dueling chamber to practice and Teddy was excited by the idea. "Hi, I'd like to put my name down too!"

@Celia Vuong
Lucy listened to the student attentively and was just considering put her name down when she was collided with. "Ouch," Lucy said quietly. She understood that this was an exciting time but was that really necessary? At least the girl apologised, she had to give her that. Still, Lucy felt a little bit annoyed. "Watch where you're going next time," Lucy told the girl. She then turned to face the representative for the Wild Patch Club. "I'd like to sign up as well," Lucy declared, waiting her turn.

@Amortentia Layton-King @Rosie Archer
Ten rolled her eyes at the girl who told her to watch where she was going, it wasn’t like she’d done it on purpose and she knew it. Writing down her name on the sign up sheets, she thanked the leader before running to find another club or two that would interest her. Of course some sort of potion club would be the best, but it didn’t look like an option. “What is this?” she asked a girl that had a Head Girl badge stuck to her robes. Was it a good idea already to try and impress her? Probably not, she’d be gone in a year. “I want to join too,” she added as the girl finished explained it to another student.

@Celia Vuong
Rosie nodded as the girl who was just moving so quickly left and turned back to the first. "Amazing!" she said, before taking the sign up sheet and the quill and handing them both to her. "There you go, just sign there," she instructed.
@Lucy Montague

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