Open Y40 Club Fair

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Club NameLeader(s)
Accio!Ajaccio Skey
The Brotherhood of MagicLumio Skey & Lucas Fletcher
Heta OmegaNicole Fisk
Wild Patch ClubLysander Summers
Student Defence AssociationJuniper Zumwalt & Flynn North
Hogwarts MonthlyPoppy Perkins
Conglomerated Arts ClubCasper Beckett

Professor Kingsley was happy to see that the sun was shining brightly on this day. There had been a few clouds the night before, and she had been slightly concerned about the event being able to carry on. But she need not have worried it seemed. The slight breeze was cool against her face as she went about setting up the tables for the event, ensuring they were spaced out enough to allow each club to have a small crowd around it.

The Club fair was usually a good time. It could get a bit rowdy with the excitement of it all, but it also usually all in good fun. If that fun soured a bit, that was what she was there for. Professor Kingsley double checked the Club tags to make sure they were all there for the club leaders to pick up before they chose a table, and that was it. She was ready to go. The club leaders typically set up their tables how they liked, so she'd done little more than add plain tablecloths of varied colors in the event someone forgot their own. Taking a seat in he chair she'd set aside for herself, the professor waited for the festivities to begin.

OOCOut of Character:
The club fair is an open topic so everyone should feel free to join. You can also reach out to the club leaders listed above with questions and/or for other roleplays.
Lysander always enjoyed setting up his stall for the club fairs, trying to think of new ways to get people to come and check it out. He entered the courtyard, his floral cloak draped over his shoulders and his arms full of potted plants. He picked up a tag on his way over to where he'd wanted to set up the Wild Patch, slowing down as he passed the SDA stall, and pointedly ignoring the fact it was there. He set down the plants he'd borrowed from Castillo's greenhouse, displaying them in an array of pots across the table. The leaping toadstools wasted absolutely no time, bouncing away before he'd had a chance to properly put them down, and he scrambled for a couple of minutes trying to collect them from the courtyard floor before they could roam too far. He rounded them up and tucked safely within a magical barrier around their pot. The bubotuber plant on the other hand was far more well mannered, with only the occasional shudder here and there. That one he'd brought along solely in case he needed to squeeze some bubotuber pus at anyone in particular.

After conjuring a few flowers and vines to decorate the remainder of the stall with, Lysander was set, and stood behind the counter with a pleased grin. He'd had half a mind to summon over the floral throne he'd fashioned himself from the Wild Patch, but had decided to leave it stored away for meetings and events instead. He did, however, remember to bring along his crown, which rested lop-sided on top of his head. With a flick of his wand, a rolled up sign unfurled to hover in front of the stall, to ensure no one missed the club, or what it was about.​

OOCOut of Character:
The Wild Patch is a club dedicated to plants and gardening. Just @Lysander Summers if you're interested in joining or interacting!
With a year of experience under her, Poppy felt a little more confident as she entered the courtyard to set up her table for the Club Fair. She pinned a hand made sign across the front and set out old issues of the Monthly on top for the new students to peruse if they were interested. It was kind of hard to make a newspaper sound exciting but she hoped people who were interested would find her anyways. Poppy had done her best not to dwell on the fact that she would only get to work with whoever signed up today for a year before she would have to leave them. The thought made her sad and a little annoyed. She had hopped she might be able to shake off the moody part of her the kept dwelling on the fact she was in her last year. She wanted to enjoy it and not spend it sad and worrying that it was almost over. Once she was finally through setting up she smiled warmly, hoping it would make her look welcoming and lighten her mood, and kept an eye out for anyone who looked like they wanted to talk to her.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @Poppy Perkins if you would like to join the Hogwarts Monthly newspaper!
''Hello, can i join Wild puch club?'' He asked and this face looked something familiar. ''Did we met pet shop?'' He asked with warm smile.

@Lysander Summers
Elizabella know that she needed some club join becouse she later hoped be a prefect. She walked here and wanted find Heta omega club. ''Hi, can i join?'' She asked the girl @Nicole Fisk
Lumio was equal parts very excited for the club fair, and rather nervous. He knew these could get busy and hectic but he didn't want any boy who wanted to sign up to not be able to. The teen was at the brotherhood table, he'd set up the stall, with some examples of things they'd done in the past with a badge on his chest with his name in big letters. He had made one for Lucas to, so that anyone who came up to them would immediately see their names. He had also gotten some cookies from the kitchens and had them there for people to take. "Come join the brotherhood! Brotherhood!" he was loud as he shouted this, making sure to be ready with a simple sign up sheet and an eagerness for answering questions.

OOCOut of Character:
Feel free to tag @Lumio Skey if you would like to join the brotherhood or would like to just chat about the brotherhood!
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Ajaccio always felt a little awkwardat the club fair, he knew that unlike the other clubs they didn't have an easy sign up process and really they said no to most people. But he knew they needed a replacement for Kasim and this was the easiest way for anyone with an interest in the yearbook to be able to see them and decide if they wanted to sign up. Ajax had the stall ready and was waiting for Eugene, he'd told the younger boy to come along so he could see the process, and they had the most discrert stall, with just a few yearbooks on it.
Eugene was a little nervous about this, he'd been to the club fair in his first year before and was now back to the fair to be able to help Ajax with trying to get a new member. He knew he'd have a great amount of trouble saying no to people but it would be necessary and he was here to learn so he'd know hwo to do it himself. It probably wouldn't be too hard to do himself but Eugene appreciated that he would see it a bit. The hufflepuff waved excited to lead of the yearbook and walked over to him. "Hey bro," he greeted, there was much else to do now but wait and see if anyone was interested.
Rosie had dragged Aurora somewhere for the first time in little bit. She had been looking forward to being able to sign up with the wild patch for ages, she couldn't wait for it. She'd already snuck a little look at the area too. She walked into the courtyard, and immediately spotted the stall for the wild patch. She walked over and spotted there was a boy in her year at it already and the boy whose stall was, was someone Rosie had seen getting a bracelet from that girl at the same time as she had. He was a wearing a crown which she thought was a little odd, but didn't really question it. She was about to ask about signing up but since the boy was talking, she was easiily distracted by the leaping toadstools, and she lowered herself to be more at their level, smiling at them, and resisted the urge to reach out and touch them. Once the young boy was done, she'd ask about joining.
@Lysander Summers
Juniper felt a little embarrassed that she was still one of the co-leaders of the SDA but was no longer a reigning champ. She didn't know what got into her in the last few moments of the duel. Maybe she got a little cocky... or a lot, but at the very least, she had beat Lysander once again. That had to count for something... right?

As she levitated her basket alongside her, Juniper found the SDA table, glancing around at the others and quickly ignoring the ridiculous flower table Lysander had decorated and placed her container on the ground. She had brought about many decorations for their area, all green and purple, the unofficial colors of SDA that she had decided upon last year. There was a basket for the buttons for those that signed up, the sign-up sheet itself, and photos on the table from past duels. This year, she'd gone above and beyond and created a photo wall with purple, silver, and green streamers. In front of it was a lifesize cutout of Professor Styx with a screwed-up look on his face as if he'd been thrown off-kilter and hit by a spell. She thought it would be a fun way to draw attention to their table. Much more fun than plants. While the first years may not know who the man was since he'd decided to leave, she figured it would draw in some older students who may have hesistated in joining in the past. Her last item was a tray of cookies that looked like the buttons. While she waited for Flynn to bring the rest of the gear, she stood on her chair and whistled loudly with her fingers. "Oy! Come have proof that you have taken down a scary old man! Get your photo before it's too late!"

Regular Button


Button flashing to notify members of meetings


OOCOut of Character:
If you're interested in joining the Student Defense Association, please tag @Juniper Zumwalt or @Flynn North - we'd love to have you!
Flynn was a little surprised when he had been asked to be the co-president of the SDA, but he certainly wasn't going to complain about it. Being the duelling champ two years running must have left a good impression and proven how capable he was with a wand. He was running just a little late, going to the club room to grab a couple of things. But before too long he was jogging back with it in his arms, grinning as he approached the SDA table and saw the cutout of Styx. "Nice touch," he joked with a laugh as he put the things on the table, setting them out to look interesting. He'd brought a Sneakoscope, Foe Glass and a Probity Probe, just some things that might get people interested. Having things on the table for people to play around with was one way to grab attention.
@Juniper Zumwalt
Aurora didn't mind being dragged to the club fair, she had wanted to go of course, but she hadn't been nearly as excited as her sister was, but she understood why she was so eager for it. Aurora followed her in and watched as her sister immediately ditched her for the club she wanted. Aurora for her part had one club she wanted to go into, the heta omega, and aside from that she had no interest or believed she had no interest in it. Aurora was waiting and glancing around and spotted a stall, the student defense association. She thought it would be cool, and she approached it. The leaders seemed pretty cool, the boy she recognised from her house but not the girl. "Hi...Can first years join this club?" she looked at the girl and then to the cut out of the old professor styx.
@Juniper Zumwalt
Zagreus had decided that if he wanted to make friends at school, then he needed to actually get out there and put himself in situations he wouldn't usually find himself in. Which was quite hard, given the fact he was normally a quiet person and didn't really do for large crowds of people. Just standing there with so many people and all these different stalls was just a little overwhelming. He had to take a couple of deep breaths before he could actually go any further. But the question was where he was going to start. Nervous eyes glanced around until he saw a boy wearing a crown of flowers. And then he saw Rosie by the stall and he let out a breath of relief. "Is this... a gardening club?" He wondered once he had wandered over, feeling a little more relaxed now he was around someone he knew. Standing next to the girl he did have to look down and frown at the weird bouncing toadstools she was looking at. He'd never seen anything quite like it.
@Lysander Summers @Rosie Archer
Lucas had been surprised to get the title of club leader for the Brotherhood, but he was at least pretty glad he could share it with Lumio. It meant he didn't have to think of everything on his own, and it meant that if he was running a bit late, Lumio was there already to set up. He smiled apologetically at the Gryffindor, putting down the basket of sweets he had rushed to grab. "Hey, I got some snacks." He said, looking at the cookies Lumio had put down already. "Guess we had the same idea." He added, gratefully grabbing the badge with his name on it. "Thanks." He said, before starting to shout as well. "Come join the Brotherhood!"

@Lumio Skey

OOCOut of Character:
Feel free to tag @Lucas Fletcher if you would like to join the brotherhood or would like to just chat about the brotherhood!
Nicole may have not made Head Girl this year, but she had been thrilled when Samantha had handed the club over to her. She'd been working as Heta's secretary since her fourth year and she'd been starting to think that was all she'd ever get to do. Now though, she was president and got to assemble her own club leadership team in time for the club fair.

Setting up their table, Nicole had done her best to arrange things neatly, hanging the Heta Omega banner overhead and setting up displays with photos of the club across the table, along with some friendship bracelets she and some of the other members had made together. Content, Nicole settled behind the booth, curious to see which new students were going to join.

She didn't have to wait long, smiling as a younger girl approached the table. "Absolutely, just put your name down here and we'll see you at our first meeting soon," she said, sliding the sign-up sheet over with a flourish. @Elizabella Drake
OOCOut of Character:
Please @Nicole Fisk if you have questions or you're interested in joining Heta Omega!
"Thanky" Elizabella writed her name and then walked closer to Lysander Summers where was the wild pach club. "Hi, i am professor assistant from herbology greenhouse. Did you take flowers? Our they just was there?" She crush her hand and Bella looked mad.

@Lysander Summers
Lysander was happy it didn't take too long for people to approach his stall. It distracted him from glowering at the SDA's dumb badges and weird cutout of Styx. A vaguely familiar boy had come up, but it wasn't until he spoke that his mind registered where he knew him from. "We did! How's the pygmy puff? He settle in okay?" He asked, sliding over the sign-up sheet and a quill as he talked. "Here, you can put your name down on this." He said. A girl had come to look at the leaping toadstools while he was chatting with the boy from the store, and another boy soon joined to ask about the club. "Putting it simply, yeah! We help maintain the school gardens and learn about growing a lot of different plants. We've got a patch where everyone can grow their own things if they like. We also host some events where you can learn more about horticulture, or what plants can be foraged for food and stuff. It's fun, you're gonna learn a lot of the same stuff in Herbology but it's more kind of like a space to put it all to use." He explained. Gardening really oversimplified what they were all about now.

Lysander gestured for either of the two to put their names down if they wanted, but didn't get much farther before another girl was storming up to him. His eyes widened slightly. He had no idea Castillo had an assistant, or that she'd happen to be here. He'd not thought to do anything about the school-standard pots the plants had come in, to make them any less obvious, but he'd not thought anyone would pay too close attention, either. "I, uh. I have no idea what you're talking about." He laughed nervously. It had seemed so much easier to just grab a couple pots from the greenhouses instead of removing anything from the wild patch. "I mean, technically, none of these are flowers." He continued, patting some of the pots. The toadstools were a fungus, and bubotubers were...well, not flowers. "And I conjured these ones myself." He finished, pointing out the actual flowers entwined around the stall, though he knew none of them would've been found in the Herbology greenhouses. She definitely hadn't meant those.
@Newt Stewart @Rosie Archer @Zagreus Kohler @Elizabella Drake
Abby already had felt overwhelmed with the number of people that had arrived at the club fair. She normally wouldn't sign up for this sort of thing, but the clubs had all sounded interesting. She wasn't that good at making friends, so she had guessed that maybe this was the best option. The girl slowly walked around, knowing for sure that she was going to sign up for the art club, girls club and the Hogwarts monthly. Sure it was a lot, but these clubs had her interests. She was still on the fence about joining the plant club though. Abby shyly made her way towards the girls club, giving the older girl a shy smile and wave, as she fiddled with the ends of her hair. "Is this the girls club? What do you do?" Abby says shyly.

@Nicole Fisk
Nicole beamed, feeling accomplished when the girl put her name down before moving on. Another younger student approached with a question and Nicole confidently turned to her, already excited to see her stint as president was going down well so far. "Hi, yeah so, we mostly just sort of hang out, but it's more than that. It's a great way to make friends and get to know older and younger girls in the school and support each other. We do bonfire nights and study sessions and all that good stuff," Nicole said, motioning to a few of the pictures she'd set up around the table. "If you join up you'll paired with a big sister from an upper year too, which is probably my favourite part," Nicole added with a smile. @Abigail Payne
''Yes, you are!'' She looked mad at Lysander. He was a prefect and leader to but didn't he know that steeling was wrong? Did his father don't learned this stuff to him? ''Bubotubers our not. There are Greenhouse and i understand that you are leeder and prefect, but didn't your parents not teached that take who not belong you is wrong? What you feel if i take your stuff without asking?'' She looked around and find professor Cyndi Kingsley@Professor Cyndi Kingsley. ''Excusme, professor Cyndi Kingsley. I need your help. Don't you think that mister Lysander Summers is doing wrong, take from greenhouse without asking? Did prefect, can do that?'' She looked and she know how upset was professor Castilio and she will be not be easy with him.

@Lysander Summers
Clubs. The word reminded her of the Mickey Mouse club she had joined when she was back home at her old muggle school. Iman knew the easiest way to make friends was by joining one. She didn't know anything about the clubs though, and decided that going for the annual Club Fair would help her make a decision.

The various tables caught Iman's attention. Each table was for a different club. Her eyes first landed on the Wild Patch one. Iman knew she was definitely no fit for that club, each plant she had growing up died in less than a week. If they knew her background in plant killing, the entire club would probably hate her.

Iman's eyes shifted to the next table. The Brotherhood of Magic. It clearly wasn't for her either, it was for the males in the school. She giggled to herself, remembering a muggle television show she had watched back home. The female lead had pretended to be a guy at an all-males university. What if that happened here? What if any of the female students here joined that club? Of course Iman knew this was a magical school, and they probably could tell what your gender was. She smiled to herself, amused by her own train of thought.

Iman turned to look at the next table that caught her attention. Heta Omega. This club she knew she could join. Iman was keen to make more friends, and since they were all girls, there was a chance she could even go hijab-less. Perfect.

The first year made her way to their table, and approached the girl there.
"Sorry, can I ask - how do I join your club?" she asked politely.

@Nicole Fisk :3
Aaliyah took a stroll at the club's fair wanting to check if there was something that was about music or performing. She looked around at the booths already set up but did not see anything performance-related. So she just wandered to the Heta Omega booth, a sisterhood from she heard. It would be a good way to make new friends and get to know more people. She saw @Abigail Payne already there. The girl was her roommate and they had yet to be properly acquainted. "Hello, Abigail! Are you joining?", she greeted the girl. "Where can I sign up?", she asked the Slytherin prefect who was the president of the club. @Nicole Fisk
Abby nodded shyly when the girl had explained what they did in the club. "That sounds like fun... Where-" Abigail said quietly until she was interrupted by another girl around her age. Which the Gryffindor didn't mind, as she was quiet herself. She was about to ask where she was able to sign up, when yet another person had come and joined them, glad to see a familiar face of one of her roommates, Aaliyah. Abby nodded when Aaliyah had asked if she was joining. "Um yeah, that. Where can I sign up?" Abby asked quietly, hoping that she was a little bit loud enough for the president of the club to hear her.

@Nicole Fisk @Aaliyah Chun
Hayzel finally had the chance to join the clubs this year. She remembered the talk she had with @Rosemarie Chatwin that she walked past Heta Omega to approach the Wild Patch Club. She will round back to the sisterhood once she was done. Nicole was still busy with other young students. The president seemed to be in some kind of argument with a young Hufflepuff, for what reason she did not know. Hayzel just stood by and watched the events unfold. She noticed Rosie whom she met at the pitch at tryouts. "Hey, Rosie! What's with those two?", she whispered.

@Lysander Summers @Rosie Archer
The courtyard was filling up nicely, and the professor was content to sit back and watch. The leaders didn't need her help, they knew their clubs inside and out. Noise wasn't uncommon with that many students in a small space so she wasn't overly alarmed at hearing raised voices or any other noises. It wasn't until a student sought her out directly that she was able to see there was a bit of drama taking place. She raised her eyebrow as she glanced over in Lysander's direction. That didn't sound like him. "That's quite the accusation you're making, young lady. Are you sure he did what you're suggesting?"

@Elizabella Drake

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