Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Setting up for the Electives Fair was a task for the Head of Houses, and Kalif actually volunteered for this one. This was the second one in a roll, but who was counting. He waved his wand and several tables appeared, one for each elective. The tables were long enough to sit two professors, since most of the electives were taught by two people. He conjured cloths to cover the tables, then chairs. Last time, he had simple ones, but this year, he decided to be somewhat civil and give them cushions. That is, except for one professor. At the table of Ancient Runes, he placed a small stool just high enough for a person to peek over the table. He smirked slightly, and put his wand away. Engraved on that stool was the name 'Kingsley'. He knew that she would likely turn it to something else, but he had to do something to make it somewhat more interesting.
The electives fair was a highlight of every year for Kahurangi, and she was looking forward to it even more than usual this year. It was exciting to get to showcase her subject for younger students and see the spark of interest blooming in students she would hopefully be seeing in her own class in a few years time. It was especially exciting now that she had a house full of students under her own protection, and Kahurangi was eager to see if any Ravenclaws would be signing up for her subject this year. She made her way down to the Great Hall and gave Kalif a small wave. Kahurangi was getting more accustomed to the presence of teachers she had found intimidating in her own time at Hogwarts, but she still didn't really know what to say to Professor Styx most of the time.

That changed somewhat though, when she approached the Ancient Runes table, and saw the state of the seat next to her own. Kahurangi raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kalif, laughing lightly. "Somehow, I don't think Cyndi's going to appreciate that." She commented with a small smile before taking her own seat, unpacking the supplies she had brought for the day's demonstrations. Kahurangi had a few books and leaflets about runic divination, and had brought several amulets engraved with bind runes, as well as a few sets of runes for students to look through, and so that she could demonstrate castings for any interested students. She set up her side of the table neatly, and waited for the students to arrive, fiddling idly with a bag of runes in one hand and enjoying the sound of them clicking together.
it had been a while since Elvera had attended the electives fair. She made her way down from her tower to the great hall a box hovering beside her. there weren't too many people here yet. but she found the divination table next to the runes one. "Good afternoon Kalif, Good afternoon Kahurangi, how are you both today?" she said she probably should get to know the other professors better. Kahurangi seemed nice in the little interaction they had had at the dining table. and her daughter certainly seemed to like her head of house.
She took a purple cloth out of the box and realised that it was unnecessary as the table already had a cloth on it. with a wave of her wand, the rest of the things she had brought began to unpack themselves. a teapot, a few packs of tarot cards and a crystal ball arranged its self on the table all equipment the students would learn to use in their first two years.
she looked at the other two as they were shuffling and realised what they were talking about. "I am sure that cyndi would thank you for that chair" she said. glad that she hadn't been given the stool as she wasn't sure that she would be confident in transfiguring it to something more suitable. that branch o magic had always been one she had struggled with. it suddenly struck her that it would be her daughters year looking into the electives. she would be taking her daughters' friends this time next year. she wondered what electives they would choose. helia would almost certainly make a beeline for the magical creatures and possibly muggle studies if she decided to show up whereas Selene seemed more interested in ancient runes and not due to lack of redirection her subject.
Lars had known about the electives fair from his sister, but had still been a bit surprised when he realized it was relevant for him. He didn't feel even remotely ready to choose his path for the future, and felt nervous as he walked into the great hall for the fair. It seemed like he was a bit early, and mostly professors were around so far. Lars lingered for a moment before approaching the Ancient Runes table, mostly because of the familiar face of his head of house. "Hello..." He said shyly, then, not sure what else to say, he pretended to be very interested in one of the leaflets the professor had placed on the table.
Jasper knew he wanted to be an Auror, and after asking Professor Styx about that at the Slytherin house meeting he knew he didn't really need any electives for that. Though he did need an additional E that could probably be one of these classes. He walked into the great hall, and decided to walk around for a bit. He grinned at the chair for Professor Kingsley, then looked over at Professor Styx who had organised this. He headed over to him. "Professor, what's the best elective to take?" He asked his head of house.
Tyler knew the electives fair was mandatory, and knew logically that it would be best to explore his options. But he was also bored, and had no idea what he really wanted to do after Hogwarts. None of the subjects seemed especially appealing to him, and he wondered what Blake was going to pick. Tyler decided to hang back and observe for now, before he would approach any professors.
Jasper had no idea what he was doing here. He just knew he had to be. He walked in, and after some observation he walked over to the other Jasper as he asked Styx what the best class was. Jasper decided he would wait for an answer and see what the other boy was doing before looking into anything on his own.
Isla didn’t really know what she wanted to do at school, not what to focus on. How was she meant to when she was only a second year? She hunted around the stalls that shown some subjects they’d be introduced to in their third years, but the only one that caught her attention was divination. The sparkly ball drew her in, and the Hufflepuff was staring at it mesmerised, she needed one of those.
Agnes entered the Great Hall with a sigh. It was pointless looking around given that her parents decided what subjects she was going to be taking, but maybe if she found one she really liked she would have been able to try and influence their decision. She rounded a few of the tables, wishing her dad would just tell her already what he was going to enroll her in. It would have been dumb to looking into them too much, no doubt they’d be looking at these subjects a lot next year.
Kahurangi was glad when a boy she recognised from Ravenclaw approached her table right away, smiling at him in greeting. "Hi." She said warmly, letting him peruse the leaflets in his own time. After a few moments, Kahurangi spoke again gently. "Are you interested in Runes? If you've got any questions I'd be happy to answer them, or if you want a demonstration I could do a little reading for you."
Frankly, Elliot felt like he had enough to worry about with exams on the horizon already without the added stress of having to pick electives for next year as well. He couldn't shake the fear that he would pick the wrong classes and hate it or screw up his future somehow. Rationally, he knew it probably really didn't matter what classes he took until his fifth year, but the idea of starting a class potentially two years behind stressed Elliot out more than he wanted to admit. He hoped at least he could get a good understanding of what was on the table at the elective fair, even if it meant making some awkward small talk with some of the professors. Making his way into the hall, he eyed the set up tables before spotting Lars. Relieved that maybe he and Lars could figure out their classes together, he made his way over, peering curiously at the Ancient Runes table Lars was stopped in front of. Elliot new vaguely about runes, and was interested to see if it could really give you any insight into your life. It would certainly be comforting to have a little guidance like that. "Hey Lars," He said softly, to his friend, not wanting to interrupt him and Professor Kahurangi too much. He was curious about the reading though, nudging Lars a bit. "You should get one." He said when Kahurangi offered Lars a reading.

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