Waiting for Lucius

Alicia Barker

Alicia stood beneath the tree where their initials were. She sighed as she pulled her cloak closer to herself, trying to stay warm. She didn't dare start a fire for fear of drawing attention to her location. This forest was dangerous and Alicia didn't want to be seen in it. She still had her reputation to worry about.

A gust of wind whistled through the bare branches, kicking up the fresh powdery snow in her face. While she tried to shield her eyes from the biting wind, she started to worry that this wasn't the spot that Lucius had mentioned.

Although they didn't live near each other as they were growing up, Alicia's family would often spend summers at her grandparents house in London. This was when she met Lucius. They had hit it off immediately, they were in fact almost inseprable. Once they were in Hogwarts, their little group grew; many of the group would end up being Death Eaters, but Alicia didn't want to think about that. In their fourth year, Alicia and Lucius became something of an item. Though when her parents took her away that summer for her older brothers marriage; she was late to return to school. When she finally got back, she found that Lucius was very close with Narcissa; a pretty blonde that was always following him around like a desparate puppy. Alicia hadn't had to hear the explanations, she could see it in their eyes. Hurt and angry, Alicia turned away from them all (for a time) and focused on her education.

Once out of school, when her close childhood friend Severus Snape told her that the old 'gang' had come up with a name, Alicia had gone to a reunion. It was at that reunion that she decided to become an official Death Eater....of course her parents pressure on her was enough to make her join; not to mention that her oldest brother was also a member-oh how proud her parents were.

Alicia heard a twig snap behind her and spun around. She had forgotten where she was as she reminisced.
Lucius' heart caught in his chest as he saw Alicia; he hadn't seen her in so long. Not as a free man, anyways. He did not want to be tattled on to the Ministry, so he kept his cloak wrapped himself, his blue eyes glittering beneath his hood.

They had so much history together, Alicia and himself. But their professions had pulled them further and further apart. It was so nice to see her, for once.

"Alicia," he breathed, knowing that he had startled her.
Seeing Lucius and hearing his voice made her heart leap. The wind continued to whip around their heads, her hair getting a bit unruly. She couldn't see much more than his eyes, but they were so striking it was as if they were lit up. Alicia smiled at him, "Hello, Lucius." I've missed you so much! I'm so glad Narcissa left! Let's run away together These were the thoughts that were trying to break through; but she held them in place. She had all her children to think of; well, not her children, but she loved each of the students as if they were her own.
Lucius smirked beneath his hood. "And how have you been? I am sorry for the way I had to.. leave.. the last time I saw you. I was actually looking forward to a chat, but my colleagues seem to have horrible timing."
Alicia chuckled. She had almost fogotten about his dry humor and wit. Pulling her cloak tighter to herself she struggled to think of something to say. "I'm just glad that you're alive and free. Though I wish there could have been a more legal way to do it."
"Well, me too," Lucius said smirking, "It's a pain having the Ministry on my tail. And I can't exactly go back home either." His expression saddened, and he removed his hood, figuring he was safe enough. His face definitely had a lot more wrinkles from when they had last met.
Alicia frowned, "Then where are you staying, Lucius? I wish I had somewhere to offer you; though of course my home is now a school, so that wouldn't work". She noted his wrinkles and thought self-consciously of the gray that had spread into her golden hair. Age was a dreadful thing; though she thought that the wrinkles on Lucius' face was attractive in a dignified way.
((attractive wrinkles? =)) ))

Lucius smiled. "Don't worry. I appreciate it. I have been drifting through the homes of others, but I need somewhere permanent." He smirked; although she had aged, it did not hinder Alicia's beauty in any way.
Alicia smiled softly at Lucius. Though she was still concerned for his safety, she was surprisingly at ease standing with him in the biting cold.

"Have you any relatives that you could stay with? Does the Ministry already know about all the safe-houses we had back in the day?" She felt slightly silly talking about it like that, but she was still worried that there might be someone listening in.
"I truly don't know," Lucius said quietly. He smiled back at Alicia. "I stayed for a while with a certain Norwegian friend, but that is not so anymore."
Alicia frowned sadly. She hated to think of the strong and independent Lucius she always cared for being practically homeless. Her eyes gazed sympathetically at him, as she tried to control her heartbeat and chattering teeth. She wasn't sure how long she could be gone from the school before she was missed.
((I just totally found out who your siggie lady is! I just watched Divine Secrets of the Ya ya sisterhood last night!))

Lucius could only smile sadly back at Alicia. "At least I'm not in a cell, right? Then I wouldn't even be able to contact you."
Alicia's already pink cheeks began to warm up. She smiled at Lucius, then turned to look at the horizon. Her eyes misted over at the thougt of leaving him, but knew she had to. "Please take care of yourself, Lucius. I've missed talking to you and will not worry so much now that I know that you are safe. I just wish you had someplace to live." She paused and looked down. "I have to return to the school before I'm missed. I don't want you to be captured just because of me."
Lucius smiled warmly back at Alicia; while his heart was a cold block of ice, Alicia had always managed to defrost it a little. Somehow, seeing her this one moment had filled the void that Narcissa had forced him to possess when she left him behind.

"I'll find a place to live, don't worry," Lucius replied quietly, pulling his hood tighter about his face. "I hope to see you soon again."
Alicia smiled then stepped forward and embraced Lucius briefly. She didn't know when she would see him again, so she wanted to at least do that. When she stepped back she nodded sadly and apparated back to Hogsmeade.

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