Closed The Doodler

Kyousuke Kurosawa

Ambitious | Introvert | Open-minded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Kyousuke hadn't really been to the student lounge before. It seemed like an interesting place to visit, to assess whether it'd be any good for study, and that was about it. What he wasn't expecting to find was a fellow student from his astronomy class. He'd noticed her several times. At first he'd been impressed, thinking she'd been taking notes diligently. Then one lesson he made a closer look and found that rather than notes about the stars, she'd been doodling. Kyousuke didn't know what to make of it. Ideally, all students should be paying attention in class and taking the appropriate notes, but one less person doing so meant one less person to worry about beating. School was a competition - it seemed like not everyone had gotten that memo, however. In an oddly sociable mood, Kyousuke approached the girl. "You're the one who doodles in class, right?" Kyousuke asked, his tone difficult to decipher, his face hard to read. In truth he found it intriguing but that didn't necessarily come across.
(if you don't want to continue with this thread i totally understand!)

Elise had come to find she quite liked passing time in the student lounge. Even if no one talked to her she enjoyed watching the older students come and go, and see who was friends with who. Today she had been dragged here by her brother in an attempt to get her to do some of her homework but he had gotten distracted by one of his friends so now she was a lone and free to do what she pleased, which involved drawing a twisting vine that crawled up the edge of her parchment. She looked up as a boy from one of her classes, astronomy? sat across from her and asked a question. She thought it was an odd question to ask someone but she didn't let it phase her. "I doodle all the time." she answered without saying yes or no. It was something that drove her dad crazy but she just felt it was more accurate. As if to prove her point she held up her mostly blank homework assignment.
Kyousuke found the answer, while not exactly what he asked, to be sufficiently clear. He blinked as he looked at her homework assignment. Evidently she really didn't take school seriously, which was both a shame and fine with Kyousuke, people were free to live how they pleased, but the extent of the doodles was impressive. "That's...amazing," Kyousuke said slowly, a little uncomfortable with what could be described as the desecration of homework. "You're an artist, then?" He saw something artistic in her doodles after all.
Elise raised an eyebrow at his response. She wasn't sure if she had really made something truly amazing before but it probably wouldn't be a doodle on her homework. She turned the page around to look at it again with fresh eyes. It was a simple drawing of a looping vine with leaves and a few flowers thrown in. No, it was good but not amazing. She put down the paper and considered his question. "I like to think so." she said with a shrug. "Or at least I want to be some day. I'm not sure what qualifications I need to be one but I'm not sure if I'm there quite yet." Elise explained and thought of her aunt and uncle who were definitively what she would consider artists. Maybe it was just because they were old? She hadn't figured that out yet.
Kyousuke considered her answer. "Hm, if you make art, doesn't that make you an artist?" he countered, a small air of doubt in his tone. "That's how I see it. Being an artist isn't something you reach, it's the journey. Always improving and coming up with new ideas." Kyousuke spoke with a faint air of passion; his voice still sounded somewhat detached. He did think too many people didn't consider themselves artists when they were by most definitions. Some people just needed a push to realise it, Kyousuke thought. He really did enjoy her doodles, even if they were on something as sacred as homework.
Elise wasn't sure what to say to his answer so instead she just stayed quiet and thought about it for a moment. "You sound very serious." she said bluntly and she wasn't sure what she meant by it. It was an observation. But she thought she liked that about him. Not everyone thought about art as seriously as she did and she liked to hear it talked about like that. "Are you an artist too then?" she asked and sat up a bit straighter when she insinuated she was an artist too.
Kyousuke didn't know how to respond to being called serious. Maybe he was - that was something his sister sometimes complained about after all. "I guess I am," he admitted with a light shrug. "I'm an actor," he explained when she asked if he was an artist. "Specifically, I enjoy Shakespeare but any acting will do fine. I'm not much of a visual artist, but I appreciate the work." Kyousuke spoke in a monotone, but a peak of sincerity came through every now and then.

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