Open Seeker Solidarity

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
open after Rowan posts with Rāwhiti

Dahlia was thrilled that she'd been able to get a spot on the Quidditch team. Even being an alt, at least she got to train with the others, and work in the team, which was the main thing she wanted. Quietly, she was pretty put out for Max and for Fraser, though, and wasn't going to say anything about it to either of them. She wished they'd been able to make the lineup too, but maybe they would next year. At least, she hoped they would. Still, she wasn't going to let that ruin her own excitement. She'd just have to be tactful in who she approached about it. And the obvious choice seemed like it would be her senior in the team. Rāwhiti was a little older than her, but unlike the awful third year boys seemed like he was really fun and good company. It helped that he was cute, too. Dahlia wasn't used to playing sports with cute boys but she could certainly get used to it. Spotting him in the student lounge, she made a beeline for him with a broad grin on her face. "Hey, star seeker!" she said, cheerfully. "Congratulations! I guess I'm gonna be learning from you out there, huh?" Although she could be competitive, she was happy to admit that she still had things to learn about Quidditch.
Ever since the Quidditch teams were announced, Rāwhiti had been buzzing. He'd wanted to be Gryffindor's Seeker for as long as he had known what those two things were, and seeing his name on the list had to be one of the best moments of his life. Now all he had to do was win the cup, and his life would be perfect. Staring out the window, Rāwhiti was completely failing to study his Potions notes as he ran different imagined plays through his mind, excited to play them out on the pitch. He was distracted when he heard a familiar voice, beaming brightly at the sight of Dahlia. He had learned a lot from Elara as an alternate, and was looking forward to working with Dahlia and seeing how she played. She was closer to his age, so Rāwhiti hoped they could learn bits and pieces from each other. "Hey!" He said brightly, sitting up and taking his feet off the chair across from him so she could sit down. "Yeah, I'm excited to get started! Have you played much before?"

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