Return Of The Enormous PD

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
It's that time of year... the time where I post the world's biggest and stupidest PD and we all pretend not to be horrified by it....


Thistle Carnahan
10 Years Old
mud and mischief 🪲 youngest of four

Holden Marshall
9 Years Old
bitter babiest boy ⛰️ youngest of four two

Lucy Holland
7 Years Old
cheerful chook 🐥 youngest of five
Thistle is the youngest Carnahan, and soon to be the only one not at Hogwarts. She's rambunctious and enthusiastic at most times, and if there's fun to be had that's where you'll find her. She's quite fond of crafts and making things by hand. She could always use friends, especially future classmates, and she's a proud member of the Niffler Scouts.
Holden is, as he's recently learned, the younger half-brother of Eric and Connor Holland. He's not taken the news about his father's secret family especially well, and is understandably pretty upset with just about everything right now. He could use some friends who are less terrible than his dad and/or anyone eager to get up to mischief & help him blow off some steam!
Lucy is the babiest of the Holland Sisters, by quite a lot. She's been pretty spoiled over the years by her dad and four sisters, but in spite of it all she's a sweetie. She loves doing things with her hands and in the outdoors, always up for adventure. She could use friends, ideally future classmates or fellow members of the Puffskein Scouts!

Finn Madison
Ravenclaw 7th Year
art enthusiast people enthusiast 🖌️ not an enthusiasm enthusiast
Finn is a weird kid as ever, available for all your weird kid needs. He's super interested in Divination, and the more spiritual elements of magic. A regular reader of the Quibbler and collector of crystals. He's also a painter, and. Let's say an enthusiast of brief romances. Totally keen for any friends for him, and if you're a guy looking for a fling Finn's your man. He's working to make his intentions clearer than ever, after his misunderstanding with Sawyer last year, but I'm always open to people misunderstanding his casual way of life!

Hester MacGillivray
Gryffindor 6th Year
HESTER!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! Hester is everyone's either favourite or least favourite bagpipe player. She's been struggling more and more with the idea of growing up the last few years, and feels like life is moving faster than she wants. She's only recently realised that she maybe is interested in dating after all, and while she's currently interested in Delilah Thorne I'd be keen for future romance plots for her! (Girls only!) She had a pretty traumatic experience last year, after the tragic role her beloved son Big Douglas played in Certain Events in the Forbidden Forest, so Hester will be absolutely glued to her toad if anyone would like to spend time with this sweet boy.

Jenna Irons
Slytherin 5th Year
queen b 👑 (you know what the b stands for)

Maggi Watties
Gryffindor 5th Year
future superstar 🌟 sweet but a little bit lost
Jenna Irons is the queen of Hogwarts, and if you think otherwise you're wrong, as far as she's concerned. She's not afraid to speak her mind, especially when other people's outfits are ugly. Jenna is a sneaky kind of mean, needing at all times to prove her superiority. Would love people to bully, or people to bully others with! Also! If we talked last IC year about your char joining Jenna & Celia's Elite Sisterhood please @ me, things got so chaotic last semester but I'm keen to pick that plot up again this year!
Maggi is still having trouble getting used to life at Hogwarts, which is a far cry from the life she always assumed she was going to have. She's trying to find ways to while away the time and work on her performance skills while she's at Hogwarts, and could always use more friends while she's at it! Would especially love any kind of performing arts plots, or friendships with any other characters feeling unsettled at Hogwarts. Also keen for romance plots! (Any gender!)

Manaia Te Rangi
Hufflepuff 4th Year
just a nice lad 🎸 singing and daydreaming
Manaia is still working to adjust to his parents' separation, though he's grieving less than he was last year. He's quite definitely changed by the experience though, and while he's as easygoing as ever he's a lot quieter and more somber a lot of the time. Manaia's poured a lot of his feelings into his music, so he's always keen for friends to jam out with. With his younger brother starting Hogwarts this year I'd love to do some silly family activities too - anyone keen for a Rugby game?

Giulia Alcott
Ravenclaw 3rd Year
zero chill at all 📖 its nerd time
Giulia is a self-described geek, interests including comics, science, maths, fantasy/sci fi, and dragons. She moved to NZ from France for first year, and while her English has come a long way she's still most comfortable around French-speaking friends. She also absolutely loves having people around who share her geeky interests, so anyone who wants to nerd out with her is welcome! She'd also be a prime target for bullying, so mean characters have at her! I don't have anything concrete nailed down for Giulia, so I'm down for absolutely anything!

Ngawaiata Martin
Slytherin 2nd Year
self-made loner 🎼 stoic and silent songbird
Ngawaiata is one I'm really eager for plots with, despite her being a bit difficult to develop for. She's very standoffish and very much a loner, preferring to do things by herself, in her own way. (An ideal personality type for a collaborative writing medium :V ) That said, she's still a kid away from home for the, and though she has family at Hogwarts she very much needs people around her who are comfortable with her way of doing things. Alternatively, I would love for her to clash with people who aren't on the same wavelength.

Blanche Broomhead
Slytherin 1st Year
disgraced legacy 🧹 abandoned twin

Rāwhiti Te Rangi
Gryffindor 1st Year
everything is chill ✌️ your best friend

Daria Bright-Root
Ravenclaw 1st Year
sweet and shy 🌺 flowers and sunshine
Blanche is a descendant of the once illustrious Broomhead family, long-since thrown into shame when a set of their brooms failed spectacularly during the 1869 Quidditch World Cup. She can be a bit odd at times, due to her level of creativity. Right now she's a lot more bitter than she usually is, having been forced to wait a whole year longer than her twin brother to start Hogwarts, but she's eager to settle in and make friends!
Rāwhiti is Manaia's younger brother, and he inherited all of his older brother's chill, and none of his anxieties. Rāwhiti is relaxed about just about everything, perfectly ready to accept anything and anyone at any time. He believes the world would be better if we all just got along. He can be distinctly not chill about things he's passionate about though, and Quidditch is number one on that list, so I would love any Quidditch plots for him!
Daria is my newest baby and she hasn't left my mind from the moment she first wandered in there. She's a total sweetheart - grew up very sheltered, the baby of her family by a lot. (Her only brother is seventeen years older...) and so she's always been treated like a baby and a princess, her family protecting her from the world. I'm really eager for her to get out there and make friends on her own for the first time, though she can be a bit shy!

Ainsley Lynch
26/Ollivanders Co-Owner
head in the clouds 🪄 or in the books lbr

Lizzie Taylor
26/Kea Beater/Ski Instructor
full of energy ❄️ empty of free time
Ainsley is settling into her new role co-running Ollivanders, and though she's always struggled with the customer service elements of her job she's been finding her footing as she goes. I'm literally always keen for any plots relating to Ollivanders, or anyone who shares her passion for researching the origins and function of magic. She's also recently engaged, if any former schoolmates wanna catch up and chat about that!
Lizzie is as ever very much the bundle of energy she's always been. She splits her time between playing with the Kea and teaching ski and snowboard lessons at her family's lodge. And spending time with her family. And her fiancee. And her cats. And, and, and.... and Lizzie doesn't wind up with a ton of free time, but she likes to make the most of what she does get, so friends would be great!

October Alcott
25/Pro Ballerina
wound way too tight ✨ Its Fine Everything Is Fine

Harley Tsuji
25/Art Space Manager
rebel with a heart of gold 🤘 punch your local scit

Vivian Brackenstall
24/Indie Musician
tragic heartbroken poet 🪶 your next mistake?
October has been a ball of stress her entire life, and unfortunately adulthood hasn't lessened that stress any. She's doing her best, though the stability she had found was recently rocked by the discovery of her half sister. She's mostly cut herself off from the magical world, but she could really use some friends to keep in touch with and give her an outlet to vent, if nothing else!
Harley is still the same punk kid at heart she's always been, but she's somehow found herself in a position of authority? Managing a business? Absurd. She's loving it though, really enjoys creating a space for other creatives. She could always use collaborators, friends, or flings (girls) and p o ss i b ly? a long term gf? MAYBE? Harley is just here to cause mayhem, so jump on in!
Vivian is a big dumb stupid idiot who's still hung up on his ex. He's trying to bury himself in his art to forget his problems, but that can only really take you so far. He could use an actual friend, but he's never been good at making those. Muso friends would be nice too, but rn he's out for as many rebound flings as possible. (Guys)

Caro Taylor
24/Travel Photographer
everything is everyone else's fault 📷 can't have problems if you run forever

Kauri Tipene
24/Ice Cream Scooper/Kids Entertainer
life is about love and happiness 💛 Good Vibes Only!!!!!
Caro graduated HNZ and immediately left the country for good. She hasn't been back in NZ since her graduation and has no plans to be, so if anyone wants to plot with her it'll have to be elsewhere, though the benefit is that you could find her in just about any country. She's been travelling the world taking photos for travel magazines and refusing to make any long-term attachments, though she could use temporary travel buddies or flings (guys) any time.
Kauri is a sweetheart trying his best! He's passionate about mentorship and bringing out the best in everyone around him. He's been performing at kids birthdays for a few years now, and spends his spare time volunteering as a leader with the Phoenix Scouts. He could always use more friends or a hang with old ones, he's available for ALL birthday parties if you're looking for someone to do some cool balloons or juggle, and of course I'm down for ANY AND ALL Phoenix Scouts plots!!

Zoe Tsuji
23/Stay-at-home Mum
the truth is out there 👽 goatmans number 1 stan

Edmund Westwick
life is darkness 🕷️ except 4 my fiancee

Charlie Madison
closed off 🖐 its not me its you
Zoe is very emphatically Doing Her Best. She's a mother of toddler twins, and is still adjusting to that whole situation. She's kind of desperate to spend time with people who are Not babies though, so would love some friends for her, and would also be v cool if she could make friends with some people with babies at a similar age so they can hang out!
Edmund probably hates you and that's fine. He's a difficult person to get along with at the best of times, though he appreciates a dark sense of humour, and a bent for the darker side of life. The one exception to his sulky broodyman life is his fiancee who is the light of his life and he loves and cherieshes. But yea if you're ~edgy~ enough he could use some friends!
Charlie has finally gotten their life on track for the first time in years, and they're in the process of adjusting to their new job as an Auror. After wanting this for their whole life, they're doing their best to put in the work and make the opportunity count. They're also currently assigned to guard Briar Rowan-Cullen, so keen for any Auror plots or anything election-related!

Acacia Dunn
22/Makeup Artist
life is more fun with a smile 💄 and that smile is more fun with some lip gloss

Dominique Malone
everything is about me even if it isn't ⭐ drama on and off stage
Acacia is a sweetheart and a darling and she lives to make the people around her feel good at all times!! She's all about hyping up her friends and spreading positivity in the world. She could always use more friends to uplift, and she's also working as a MUA now, so if anyone needs a makeover she's ya gal xox
Domi is Trouble with a capital T, and she can, will, and must ruin your life. If there's no drama around her, she'll make it on purpose. She lives for chaos and attention, and will do just about anything to get it. Currently about to cause quite a lot of drama for someone else, but I'm still keen for any friends, enemies, or flings!

Emily Madison
your business is my business now 🌊 my therapist said be nice to me

William Kaimarama
off the grid 🌳 no people only trees
Emily is relentlessly cheerful and relentlessly invested in everyone else's lives. She loves to get involved in any and all personal matters and do her best to help, whether she's successful or not. She has some lingering anger issues from her childhood but she's been working on them and tries hard not to lash out like she used to when she was a kid. Could use friends or boyfriends!
William pretty much disappeared into the woods after graduation, and nobody's really seen him since. He's fine, don't worry. He's working as a Magiconservationist which is a job I invented but it's probably to do with preserving the native environment from potential magical threats. Or something. He could maybe use some friends that aren't trees?

Nell Wright
20/Daily Prophet Intern
question everything 📰 even if it annoys everyone

Clifton Ward
20/Dinette Baker
open mouth insert foot 👓 sweet... literally

Blake van Houten
20/Macaws Seeker
reformed former bully ⚡ kindness only pls thx
You know her you love her everyone's favourite retired Monthly editor is back on her slightly invasive journalism kick! Nell's currently interning as an Investigative/Current Events Reporter at the Prophet, so any scandals or dramas bring 'em her way! She's been pretty busy moderating the first election debate recently, and could also use some time with her friends to unwind from all that. Newspaper plots, friend problems, election drama, I'm super keen for anything at all with Nell!
Clifton has been focusing on his baking since graduation, and he's thoroughly enjoying building his skills and developing a name for himself in the culinary world. Currently working at the Dinette, though if you catch him off work he'll probably have a pastry or two for you to take with you. He'll also probably accidentally insult you, but he didn't mean it. Friends who can put up with his clumsy wording welcome, and possibly down to discuss romances (any gender!)
Ever since coming out, Blake has done his best to be a good person, and while it didn't come naturally at first he's come a long way, and is now generally pretty chill to be around. He's been playing on the Macaws for a few years now, so I'm super keen for any Quidditch related plots people wanna throw at him, and he's also very recently gotten married to the love of his life (don't forget to drop in to the wedding thread if you were invited!) so anything to do with his marriage would be super fun!

Shale Night

anger issues 🔥 probably hates u
If I'm honest, I'm mostly including Shale for completionism's sakes. She's been doing pretty much nothing since graduation, and that's going to come to a head soon. She's got a pretty difficult life ahead, and things have been rough since grad and since leaving her family behind. While she's going through rough stuff I'd love for her to hang out with friends or maybe have some flings (girls only) but she's not really in a place to make any long term plots just yet.

Connor Holland

nice????????? boy 🌻 falling apart at the seams
As anyone who read grad can see, Connor is.... a little bit broken. To be fair, he's been a little bit broken for a long time... He's trying to scrape his life back together after everything that happened last year, and the absolute disaster that was graduation, but it's going to take a lot of scraping. Honestly, Connor needs therapy more than plots right now, though perhaps a friend gently suggesting that he talk to someone about what he's going through would be a pretty good idea. Generally keen for anything non romantic with him though - catchups with school friends or enemies would be a lot of fun after how things went down!

Bernard Hackney

Gabriel Blume
59/Tattoo Artist

Eva Marsh

James Holland
50/Herbologist/Stay-at-home Dad
Bernard is a scit and a "Healer" in the same way doctors in the Middle Ages were pretty sure they were great doctors because they stole all of a person's blood. He's very dangerous and callous and frankly a bit of a jerk, but I'd love to do more with him. Scits, victims, whatever, throw 'em at me!
Gabriel is a tattoo artist, recently (ish) moved back to NZ after spending a while in France and travelling around Europe guesting in different shops that would have him. He's recently put down roots and established his own studio, Keystone Ink, in Wellington. HMU for friends, flings (any gender), or any tattoos you wanna get!!
Eva is a former magazine editor finally brushing off the shackles of what society expects from her and learning to be happy. She's quit her job to dedicate herself to sculpture, left her husband and recently gotten engaged to her girlfriend, and is trying to repair her relationship with her now adult daughter. Also on Victoire's election campaign!
James is of course the Minister's husband, and father to far too many Hollands to name. He's generally a good guy & a dedicated dad, though he's haunted by mistakes of his past. He spends most of his time these days supporting his family, so fellow parents of young kids or Claudia's work contacts could be good friends!

Rupert Cresswell
49/Curse Breaker/Curse Maker

Kahurangi Josephs
49/Runes Prof/Ravenclaw HoH

Ruby Morales
47/Honeydukes Owner

Adelia Kolter
Brighter Futures Together! Remember all that stuff I said where I called him a cad and a scoundrel and a nastyman? FORGET IT! Rupert is a Legitimate Businessman and always has been! He is definitely not a criminal or a serial boyfriend stealer! Please vote for him for Minister and do not ask too many questions about his past! In all seriousness, he has his own dedicated PD here!!
Kahurangi is of course your friendly HNZ Ravenclaw HoH, and she's available at all times for any and all student related plots, whether your char needs help with class, help with their personal life, or a firm reminder of what the school rules are. She's also mother of a toddler who is available for cuddles any time anyone wants to visit. She's also currently dating Siobhan McGowan, and doing her best to help with her campaign!
Ruby is the recently retired former owner of Honeyduke's in Brightstone Village, so she'll be a familiar face to any students out there with a particular sweet tooth. She's also mum of two small children and one adult angsty poet, so she's always got something on her plate. She's hard-working and kind, and could really use more of a social life outside of her family. Any friends would be welcome!
Adelia is a muggle, though she may be a familiar face around the magical world after speaking with Professor Alicastell and Minister Holland on a panel on Muggle/Magical relations a couple of years back. She's hard working and kind, and I'd quite like her to make some friends in the magical world, as well as any connections she can with any muggle characters out there! She's also currently helping out with the Rowan-Cullen campaign for Minister, so keen for any plots relating to that!

Kyle Alcott-Ward
45/Scrivenshafts Asst. Manager

Ryan Marshall
44/Deadbeat Dad

Maria Madison
44/HNZ Counsellor

Richard Madison
KYLE my FIRST BOY my CHERISHED AWFUL OLDEST SON... Kyle is of course, a bit of a wreck. He hasn't really known what to do with himself since his and Matt's kids graduated HNZ and left home, and he's looking for just about anything to fill his free time. He works at Scrivenshafts and does some amateur theatre stuff in his spare time, though being a werewolf somewhat limits his free evenings. Would love some friends for him!
Ryan is Eric & Connor Holland's long lost father, returned to their lives after more than a decade away. He abandoned Melanie and the kids because he didn't feel ready to be a dad, and then promptly remarried and had two more children - Penelope and Holden. His wife has recently passed away, and he's unexpectedly re-entered his ex partner and older sons' lives. Ryan is basically the Worst and desperate to hand responsibility off to others, so super keen for anyone he can make do stuff for him.
Maria is the counsellor at HNZ, and she's absolutely available at any time for any students in need of support. I'm mentioning her in the PD but just like Kahurangi, please PM me any time you want to plot with her, I'm so keen for threads! Work aside she's a mother of four adopted kids who are all growing up much too fast, and she's only got one left at home now. Which means oops, she needs friends, and maybe a boyfriend? I don't have any long term plans for Maria, so please hit me up any time!

Richard is Maria's younger brother, and he's absolutely awful. By which I mean he's incredibly successful. He worked hard to get where he is, pulling himself up by the bootstraps of the company he inherited from his father, unlike all the lazy kids these days who expect a handout. He's successful because he worked hard and earned it and also his dad was rich. Basically, he's the absolute worst, with no kind of self-awareness at all. Richard is available for any and all Awful Guy needs - would love any kind of plots for him... friends, enemies, girlfriend, whatever!

Alexander Alcott
37/Broom Maker

Kitty van Zijl
35/Comedian/Radio Host

Efren de Leon
35/International Magical Law

Jason Tsuji
28/Squib/Graphic Designer
Alex is Kyle's younger brother, recently moved back to NZ from France. He's a bit irresponsible and never really grew up, despite having two kids off at HNZ at the moment. (Louis and Giulia.) He's all over the place and you'll probably find him wherever the fun is, for better or worse. I haven't done anything with him yet and I'd really love any kind of plots.... friends, enemies, flings or partners (any gender) I'm really down for absolutely anything for Alex!
Kitty van Zijl is a comedian and political satirist, best known for hosting the WIZ 98.4 radio comedy show "Kitty In The Evening". She's worked in comedy her entire career, a love she inherited from her mother, a comedian in her own right. While Kitty started out in pure comedy, she was quickly drawn to the inherent ridiculousness of politics, and over time her career shifted to develop a focus on political satire, something she's eager to flex in this year's election cycle! Friends, colleagues, interviewees, all welcome!
Efren is another one I haven't done much with. He's sort of stumbled into a career he's accidentally passionate about, after spending most of his life floating from one thing to another without any real direction. He works as a translator for the Ministry, specialising in international law, and it's about the only thing he does right now. He could really use some friends!
Jason is another one I mostly included for completionism, though if anyone can think of any plots with him I'd definitely be down! He's Harley and Zoe's older brother, a squib working as a graphic designer in the muggle world. He's The Family Disappointment, a title Harley is eternally jealous of. He doesn't have much to do with the magical world because he feels like it doesn't want him, but I'd be down for friends anyway!

Cedar Dunn
28/Medley Bartender

Timothy Bright-Root
27/Café Manager

Bijoux Laurent
22/Finding Herself

Soren Song
19/Muggle/Comp Sci Student
Cedar is just a nice, chilled out, relaxed kinda guy. He's easygoing and easy to get along with, never has issues with anyone or anything. He expected it would just be a quick job to tide him over, but has found he's actually really passionate about bartending. He could do with friends or maybe some flings? He's in an open poly relationship with Jeong Mun, so any flings would have to be ok with that.
Timothy is a walking disaster trying desperately to disguise himself as a Functional Adult. He spent most of his early 20s in with a "bad crowd", living a rebellious life and getting into all kinds of trouble. In an attempt to get him on a better life path his uncle put him in charge of a new branch of the family's café chain, a job he is entirely unqualified for, and desperately trying to pretend he knows how to do. He's in desperate need of friends!
Bibi my darling. Recently (ish) graduated from Beauxbatons, Bijoux has been struggling to figure out where she belongs ever since. She's recently travelled to NZ to meet her long-lost half sister October, and is still reeling from how dramatically this changes her life. She'd be super down for any friends in either France or NZ as she's travelling back and forth a fair bit to see family atm. No romance pls, she's taken!
Soren is the last char who is just living here for the sake of completionism. I had one spot left and it was just the right size for him! I'm not sure what kind of plots he could get into right now though. He's Freya Song's older brother, and has very recently discovered that magic is real. As in, during Freya's graduation. It's a thought he's still adjusting to, and he's not quite sure how he feels about it right now. As I said, I'm open to plots but I'm not sure I'm looking for anything in particular!

That's pretty much all of them! I left off a couple of chars who mostly exist for occasional family plots (James' evil brother, etc.) but this is everyone I'm invested in building new stuff for. I'm legit open to any kind of plots anyone wants to suggest, just throw all your plot spaghetti at the wall and we'll see what sticks!
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Rowaaan I have ideas for yooou!

Giulia + Jingyi - I believe we had a thread with them AWHILE ago so I am down for another one because I think they could get along. Jingyi is always loud and eager to make friends so if you want a friend who understands how hard it is learning another language, then he's your guy

Ngawaiata + Zagreus - Not really sure how this would work as they are both awkward loner types, but maybe we could try and see how they get along? Zag is trying to be less socially awkward and actually make some friends so he might be drawn to trying and make small-talk with other loners

Rāwhiti + Mischa - I think these two could get along. Mish is significantly less chill about things but very friendly, a bit big-headed and all over the place but he shares a love of Quidditch as well so maybe we could do something with that

Ainsley + Flynn - Owner/Employee type thread? Flynn is interested in learning more about wandlore and all of that so we could do something with that.

Kahurangi + Flynn - I think we said we were going to do something but never actually did. BUT I will now set a scene for you. I imagine Kahurangi comes over to help with campaign stuff. So imagine this. Flynn is being typical lazy teenager and slept until noon, has no idea Kahurangi is over. Some comes downstairs, probably looking and a mess and half-asleep, toast hanging out of his mouth and... Professor in his living room. Shenanigans.
@Flynn North Yess I love all of that!

Giulia + Jingyi - Definitely keen to revisit these two! I think Giulia would really appreciate having someone who understands her situation, & him being so loud would encourage her a lot! (She's very exuberant in French but much more reserved in English because of the language barrier, so having an example that it's okay to be yourself in a second language would help her loosen up!

Ngawaiata + Zagreus - SUPER love this! I like the idea that since they're both Trying To Be More Sociable they maybe have a super excruciating conversation where they're both really forcing themselves to Be More Outgoing & as soon as they realise how similar they are they become the kind of friends who just vibe quietly bc they're on that same wavelength, if that makes sense?

Rāwhiti + Mischa - Yess sports boys! I feel like Rāwhiti would be a good stabilising influence for him.... right until the topic of Quidditch comes up and all hell breaks loose :p

Ainsley + Flynn - I love this! Ainsley would be super keen to encourage his love of wandlore & pass on the knowledge & skills she's built up over the years!

Kahurangi + Flynn - OMG that mental picture is killing me I love this idea so much yes plsssss poor flynn

Should we maybe start with the 2 time sensitive threads? (The two Flynn ones) and save the others for once the semester is underway?
ROWAN! Helllloooooooooooooo!!!

I have a few characters to offer to you! (Now just after typing this... a few may have been a lie...) Feel free to let me know if any of the pairings I'm offering aren't your vibe!

For Your Pre-Students:
Thistle + Conan - Conan is the younger brother of Nolan and Molly Burke. He's quite of an oddball. He loves the great outdoors and is a collector, especially when it comes to shells hehe! I feel like she and Conan could get along, doesn't mind going on any adventures or anything hehe

Holden + Marley - Marley has been adopted by Killian (Jess' character) just over an ic year or two ago. I can see them causing mayhem and mischief hehe! She just wants to have fun. She kinda relates to finding out about siblings and all - She found out not too long ago that Killian had sons of his own and is still unsure about them.

Lucy + Fiona - Fiona is the youngest out of the Burke clan. I think we've rped with them once or twice! But I've enjoyed their bond so much! It's really cute and I hope they become great friends at Hogwarts hehe! She also loves the outdoors and all!

For Your Students:
Maggie + Valencia - I think we've roleplayed with them a couple of times. Valencia doesn't like the idea of magic at all and doesn't like coming back to Hogwarts. She doesn't enjoy Hogwarts. So I guess they kinda relate to that in some way? But I'm defs keen to put them into a thread together and see what happens!

Manaia + Nolan - Ahhhh the puffs hehe! I don't think we've roleplayed with them much. Nolan is slowly going through his own thing this upcoming year. He's trying to figure out who he is (sexuality-wise and all) as well as his mum being a pain, so he too may be a little distant. Keen for them to jam out or anything non-music related as well!

Giulia + Molly - We didn't roleplay with them last ic year, but I imagine they've hung out from time to time behind the scenes. I would love to put them into a thread together. Maybe we're Giulia teaches her some French and Molly teach her some English - Or maybe them geeking out about something or maybe both? - Molly is a geek on the down-low but will not tell many people about it.

Ngawaiata + Abby - Abby hasn't made many friends, as she prefers to be alone at times. She's found it a bit hard to make friends as she is a bit shy. I'm not sure how things would go down between these two girls, but I'd defs be keen to put them into a thread together and see what happens?

Rāwhiti + Josh - I know we spoke about them briefly a couple of days ago, but I defs keen to do some stuff between them! Josh is quite an enthusiast when it comes to sport. I also imagine him to absolutely love quidditch. But at the moment, he has no idea how to play and how it works or anything about quidditch for that matter. Only that you fly on a broom. Maybe RāwhitI could tell or teach him how to play maybe? Josh may also join in on that rugby game that has been mentioned hehe

Daria + Lizzie - I think these two could get along! Lizzie is also quite shy, so I imagine once they meet it maybe a little awkward at first hehe - But im keen to put them into the thread together and see where it leads.

For Post-Grads/Adults:
Connor + Samantha - Maybe? They kinda know each other, we've done a couple of threads between the two. She basically knows what happened last year as her brother, Issac is currently dating Emma and has told Samantha what he knows. Could be a shoulder to lean on if Connor needs. Totally cool if you aren't keen on this tho! This was just a suggestion ehehe!

Ainsley + Samantha - Sam has worked at Ollivander's for about an ic year now - Would be interesting to put them into a thread and see where it goes hehe! More like an employee/work sorta related thread. Sam still doesn't really know what she wants to do career wise, so she's keen to learn about anything.

Kahurangi + Quinn - We haven't put them in a thread together in a bit! If I remember correctly, they met or know each other from uni. Super keen to make their friendship a bit stronger!

I think that's it for now? If I have any other ideas I'll let you know. I know I'm offering a lot hehe, but we can defs spread all this out! lmk what you think hehe!
wow I feel like I'm going to have to have Renata hit up Efren in a few years because that's exactly the job she also wants to do :r

ANYWAY hi hello here's a couple of throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks:

Rāwhiti and Michael could possibly be friends? Michael's a bit of a sport nut but he's had his mother constantly fretting over his safety/he's still kinda short and waiting on his growth spurt to hit so he can actually play the way he wants to play. He's big on cricket and rugby and he hasn't actually gotten to play Quidditch yet but he's spent a bunch of time reading up on it and is really psyched to actually see some games and hopefully play. I'm still not sure whether Michael will be Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff so that might make things harder if Rāwhiti will most likely be Gryffindor but we can always see what happens if you're interested!

I could throw Lizzie at Bernard as a victim because apparently I just want to make my sunshine girls suffer. :r I don't really have anything particular in mind there but hey. She's the type to totally take him being a healer at face value.

I think we discussed Noah and Vivian? My memory sucks but that's still on the table if you're keen, club gig and potential awful bad idea fling.

Also I was thinking of having Violet hit up Gabriel for a tattoo? She's starting to realize that she can't spend her literal entire life wallowing in regret and self-loathing and wants to do something to symbolize a new start. :lol:

and if Renata actually gets in as a transfer she could maybe be friends with Giulia as they'll be in the same year level and Renata's got a basic gist of French? She's the type to accidentally slip in to other languages when she's speaking just because she was all around the place growing up and picked up a lot of things
@Flynn North Yess I love all of that!

Giulia + Jingyi - Definitely keen to revisit these two! I think Giulia would really appreciate having someone who understands her situation, & him being so loud would encourage her a lot! (She's very exuberant in French but much more reserved in English because of the language barrier, so having an example that it's okay to be yourself in a second language would help her loosen up!

Ngawaiata + Zagreus - SUPER love this! I like the idea that since they're both Trying To Be More Sociable they maybe have a super excruciating conversation where they're both really forcing themselves to Be More Outgoing & as soon as they realise how similar they are they become the kind of friends who just vibe quietly bc they're on that same wavelength, if that makes sense?

Rāwhiti + Mischa - Yess sports boys! I feel like Rāwhiti would be a good stabilising influence for him.... right until the topic of Quidditch comes up and all hell breaks loose :p

Ainsley + Flynn - I love this! Ainsley would be super keen to encourage his love of wandlore & pass on the knowledge & skills she's built up over the years!

Kahurangi + Flynn - OMG that mental picture is killing me I love this idea so much yes plsssss poor flynn

Should we maybe start with the 2 time sensitive threads? (The two Flynn ones) and save the others for once the semester is underway?

Giulia + Jingyi - If Jingyi is one thing it is definitely loud. He's also willing to help with her English as well in very unhelpful ways like teaching her colorful phrases and swear words they probably shouldn't be using. But yes I am totally down for the two of them.

Ngawaiata + Zagreus - I can already imagine the super awkward and very forced conversation and GOD will it be painful. Probably a lot of awkward blushing as well, but that just makes it more fun. But I can also imagine when they get past that and just /vibe/ together once they realize they are very similar.
Rāwhiti + Mischa - I mean, he can try and be a stabilizing influence, but no promises there :teehee: But yes I see it now, all friendly until the moment Quidditch comes along then it's 'I will destroy you and everything you love.'

Ainsley + Flynn -Amazing Flynn is eager to learn. Would you like to start this one?

Kahurangi + Flynn - It'll be torture for Flynn and very embarrassing but that is why I love it. I can start this one for us!!
@Flynn North All sounds perf! I'll put Ainsley & Flynn on my to start list and try to get it up in the morning, and I'll chuck the rest on my future plots list & nudge you once the sem is under way :D
well done me only read the last post in the thread then scroll up and see there are others

@Samantha Jacobs we are kindred spirits in Long Post Writing 🤝 I've whittled this down to the ones I'm keenest for, but if there are others you were particularly set on just @ me and we can come back to em!
Thistle + Conan - Defs love this! Did they meet at a Niffler Scouts event at some point? Either way super happy for them to hang out - maybe a camping trip w their families or something?

Lucy + Fiona - Yesss I love these two and I'm super happy to continue their friendship! Looking forward to them being BFFs at Hogwarts :wub:

Manaia + Nolan - Awww poor Nolan! If he ever wants anyone to talk to about stuff, Manaia's always there! He comes from a v queer friendly family and has recently figured out he's bi himself (tho his eyes are firmly locked on Caleb Thorne rn) so he's got a good grounding in this stuff if Nolan need someone to talk things out with.

Giulia + Molly - I def agree about them hanging out behind the scenes :p A language exchange thread could be cute!

Ngawaiata + Abby - This could be fun and I'm intrigued!

Rāwhiti + Josh - HECK YEAH Rāwhiti would be super keen to teach him all about Quidditch! Defs defs keen for these two!

Daria + Lizzie - Awww yes I love this! I can totally see it being a bit awkward at first but I def think they'd be good friends once things get going!

Ainsley + Samantha - Awww yes I would love for these two to hang out, Ainsley barely knows what she's doing with her own life but she'd be super happy to give Samantha any guidance she can think of :p Could do something where they're unwinding after a rough shift? (Ainsley is usually pretty haggard after work though, so if you're not down for that we can do before a shift or something ahha)

Looking at all of those I think maybe Manaia & Nolan, Rāwhiti & Josh, and Ainsley & Sam are the ones that make the most sense to start off with, if you're keen we can get those going soonish and I'll chuck the others on a to-do list and nudge you a bit later on?

@Aine Thompson

Rāwhiti + Michael - Awwww yes I love that! We can defs see how things go once they're sorted... Rāwhiti has very much lived a kind of 'idk give it a go and try not to die' life so he might help Michael a bit with getting out of that mindset of being fretted over & get him trying new stuff?

Lizzie & Bernard is interesting, though it'd probably have to be a bit down the line :p He could test out a few "cures" on her if she's feeling unwell and see how things go...

We did discuss Noah and Vivian! Was I... going to start a thread? Were you? Did we just talk? It's a mystery but I'm defs still keen for club gig/awful fling any time!

BIG YES to Violet and Gabriel, I was JUST saying the other day how much I wanna do more tattooing threads :p Love this!!

Renata & Giulia is great too! I feel like Giulia might resent her a bit though - languages don't come easily to her at all and she's had to fight hard for the English she has, so meeting someone who it comes so easily to might make her a touch bitter.

Given timing of things it's probs best to leave those two until later as well as Lizzie and Bernard, but we could get the other 3 going any time if you're keen!
I think we discussed Noah and Vivian in the sense of 'oh let me know when you have a bit more free time and we can do something', haha. I'm happy to start a thread if you're keen though!

I will also nail down what I want for a tattoo for Violet (I have an idea I just need to clarify it) and get something started in the next few days! Can leave students until the semester is getting started as that would probably make more sense.
Thistle + Conan - Defs love this! Did they meet at a Niffler Scouts event at some point? Either way super happy for them to hang out - maybe a camping trip w their families or something?

Lucy + Fiona - Yesss I love these two and I'm super happy to continue their friendship! Looking forward to them being BFFs at Hogwarts :wub:

Manaia + Nolan - Awww poor Nolan! If he ever wants anyone to talk to about stuff, Manaia's always there! He comes from a v queer friendly family and has recently figured out he's bi himself (tho his eyes are firmly locked on Caleb Thorne rn) so he's got a good grounding in this stuff if Nolan need someone to talk things out with.

Giulia + Molly - I def agree about them hanging out behind the scenes :p A language exchange thread could be cute!

Ngawaiata + Abby - This could be fun and I'm intrigued!

Rāwhiti + Josh - HECK YEAH Rāwhiti would be super keen to teach him all about Quidditch! Defs defs keen for these two!

Daria + Lizzie - Awww yes I love this! I can totally see it being a bit awkward at first but I def think they'd be good friends once things get going!

Ainsley + Samantha - Awww yes I would love for these two to hang out, Ainsley barely knows what she's doing with her own life but she'd be super happy to give Samantha any guidance she can think of :p Could do something where they're unwinding after a rough shift? (Ainsley is usually pretty haggard after work though, so if you're not down for that we can do before a shift or something ahha)

Looking at all of those I think maybe Manaia & Nolan, Rāwhiti & Josh, and Ainsley & Sam are the ones that make the most sense to start off with, if you're keen we can get those going soonish and I'll chuck the others on a to-do list and nudge you a bit later on?
Thistle + Conan - Yesss I believe that they did infact meet at one of those meetings. Ooo!!! a family camping trip defs sounds fun! I'm keen on that!

Lucy + Fiona - YAY!

Manaia + Nolan - Oooo! Okay! I'll defs keep all of that in mind!! I'm sure Nolan will defs reach out to Manaia about that. Nolan would appreciate it a lot.

Giulia + Molly - Yes! Sounds good!

Ngawaiata + Abby - Also YAY! Sounds good!

Rāwhiti + Josh - YESSS! Josh would defs appreciate it heaps, he'll defs be into Qudditch for sure after learning about it hehe!

Daria + Lizzie - Yay!!!! :D

Ainsley + Sam - Ooo yes! Defs keen on the end of shift thread idea! :D

Which one's out of the three would you like to start? Ill start whats leftover!

@Samantha Jacobs Yay!! I can start for both the Te Rangi boys (Though I'll prob leave Rāwhiti & Josh til after they're sorted?) if you wanna start for Ainsley & Samantha?
Sweet as! Will send a link through once I've got it up and running! :D
One for Kahurangi!
Hester x Ana Sofia: If Hester is up for having a literal ray of sunshine as a friend than Ana Sofia would very much like to volunteer

Jenna x Ana Sofia: I know we already mentioned this on discord but just to emphasize because I am excited(!!) for whatever it will bring (I mean the possibility of Jenna hurting Ana’s feelings is very real and I am here for it)

Senna x Blanche/Rāwhiti/Daria: Senna being as extravagant and excited as she is I feel like she could be put together with either of the three? I reckon she’d get along with Rāwhiti if he can deal with her energy (or perhaps help her tone it down a bit from time to time) but might also be a good person for Daria to interact with since Senna herself is far from shy? (also she’s already besties with Josh so if she sees Rāwhiti and Josh hanging out she would without a doubt invite herself to hang out with them as well thnx)

Ainsley/Lizzie x Freya: I’m not sure whether they were in the same year at HNZ or not (I think Freya was class of y32) but I’m trying to do more with Freya and any friends would be more than welcome

Kauri x Leif: I am certain these two were in the same year at school so they’d at least know each other. I could see them being friends. Leif went to muggle uni and studied educational psychology so he would probably be keen to hear about what Kauri is doing with the scouts and how he teaches kids stuff!

Connor x Chloë: well if you need someone to tell him he should talk to a professional.. I don’t know how Connor feels but Chloë would at least consider him a friend after working together for a year so she’d probably want to know how he’s doing (specifically after graduation 👀)

feel free to hit me up if you want to discuss more because I'm tired and these are very limited ideas I've put down lol
Rowaaaan!!! I have a bunch because I have a bunch of characters as well and I am not even going to put all the thoughts down because it would take me a whole life bahaha but here we go

Thistle/Nova - Nova is just a really simple kid honestly. She loves boxing and everything that includes any sports and activities. She loves attention and loves to have fun, so maaaybe we could put the girls together and see if they could work out as friends?
Lucy/Christopher - so, I've been meaning to message you about this like forever. Chris is Easterling, another one down the line again hahaha, and like his brother, he isn't the most outgoing person ever. He would probably prefer to stay in his room and talk only to his siblings and parents but they make him communicate and he dislikes that. Not because he doesn't like people, well, he does dislike them but he dislikes them just because he thinks they're stupid and unworthy his time, he would always prefer just playing some games on his phone without having to communnicate with real people 👀 but I want him to interact with kids his own age so maybe Lucy could try to bring him out of his shell?

Jenna/Kaia - not unexpected duo to offer. They're friends and sothey could bring it to the BESTIEEEES level, well, maybe they could gossip about like everyone they see or know? What bonds two people better than a common dislike for everyone who is worse than them?
Maggi/Nate - well, if Maggi is considering that dating is a good idea, then Nate is there to prove otherwise. He's some sort of a player, he likes to flirt, likes to take girls and boys out for dates, likes kissing them and then just kinda leaving them? We could do that it's exactly what Nate does to Maggi maybe?
Manaia/Jules - well, family threads? Jules would like to have more friends and any sports are perfect for her, she would absolutely agree to play rugby with Manaia. For the siblings, well, Jules would easily explain that Tim is mentally still around the age... of a toddler. And she wouldn't be wrong tho hahaha but yes, he wouldn't even notice that he is set up for a playdate pretty much, he would just enjoy to be there lol
Giulia/Evander - they know each other already, they could maybe slowly try to become more as friends?
Ngawaiata/Aika - first, they're dormmates, second, they both are quiet and loners. They could just be around each other time to time so no one would bother them with questions and offers with friendships?
Rāwhiti/Sabrina - Sabrina is just a cute cinnamon roll. Hates being away from her twin, loves studying, music, she's kinda vintage, she's a loner but because she thinks she doesn't need anyone except for her brother and also, because she's shy. Sab is sure she has no personality except for loving and caringfor her twin. He could maybe be her friend? They could be at least an interesting duo haha
Daria/Mila - again the opposite duo. Mila is just a teddy bear that wants an attention (count her as a little Kiara honestly) and she could try to bring Daria out of her shell. Also, if Daria and Lizzie (Maria's character) are going to be friends, Mila would love to be friends with Daria as well since Mila and Lizzie are two inseperable identical twins lol

Clifton/Raven - she's soft and pretty much a person who can't get mad at anyone which isn't surprising, she's an Easterling from the friendly side.We could put them together and see how it goes?
Shale/Eden - to say the least, Eden doesn't even consider to stick to anything long-term, since she's always travelling with the fact that she's a model. But Shale and Eden could maybe be flings or friends with benefits?
Connor/Kiara - of course them, I love how they interact, it's just so cute and well, Kiara is just the therapist friend he could need? Especially since she knows how important Kas is to Connor even if she doesn't know that he likes him, Kiara would try to make sure that Connor is doing fine, doesn't need anything and would just try to be sure he is absolutely fine.
Emily/Jason - well, he could be her boyfriend? He'd absolutely let hertake part and know about everything in his life, he would even love that. He loves people lol so we could see where that leads maybe?

Let me know what you think hehe we can always just sort out what's gonna stick there and what won't
Hi Rowan :wub: I have a couple of things for you.

Thistle x Ruto
Ruto is due to be sorted not this year but next. She seems very much like her. Loves working with her hands, is creative, very connected with nature and the likes. She collects leaves of different shapes, sizes and colours. I could see them being good friends and maybe going on some adventures together?

Guilia x Genevieve
Always up for plots with these two! Evie didn't have a very good year last year so it would be nice for her to chat to a friend and get some more motivation back.

Zoe x Sophie
I feel like these two would get along very well tbh. Sophie is also adjusting to having a baby at a very young age. Whilst she has some support from her boyfriend and her sister, she could also use a friend to confide in. Maybe they can meet in a random mother's group? Her daughter would be about 18 months by now.

Let me know what you think ^_^
Aaaah so many replies thank you guys!!

@Chloe Thompson

Hester x Ana Sofia: omg yes I love this! Ray of sunshine meets ray of sunshine :wub: I think they'd get along super well!

Jenna x Ana Sofia: Yessss I'm deeeefinitely keen for the drama to come ehehhe

Senna x Rāwhiti/Daria: Awww I love the idea of her latching on to Josh & Rāwhiti! They could be a cute lil trio :p Super super keen for Senna & Daria too! I think Daria would do really well with a more outgoing friend to help pull her out of her shell.

Ainsley x Freya: Ahahha I was actually looking through the Puff firstie dorm for an old thread the other day so I can confirm she was the year above Ainsley & Lizzie :p I'd def be keen for her & Ainsley to hang out! They could bond over being (relatively) new to shop ownership?

Kauri x Leif: Awwww yes I love this idea! I don't remember if they ever interacted in school but Kauri would defs remember him, would be awesome for them to catch up & bond over working with kids!

Connor x Chloë: Aww yes Connor deeeefinitely considers Chloë a friend & he would love to hang out with her more after grad, though I think he'd be more focused on apologising for grad than anything else :p

Maybe we could start off with Senna & Daria, Ainsley & Freya, and Connor & Chloë for now, and put the others on a list for later in the year?

@Sabrina Wagner

omg so many ideas!!!! I cut this down to just my favourites, but if I removed any you were super eager for let me know and we can talk about them more :D

Thistle/Nova - Aww yes I love this, I think they'd get along well!
Jenna/Kaia - ahahaha yesss a gossip session is the perfect way to cement them as BFF!!!
Maggi/Nate - OMG I love this, a terrible relationship would be so much fun! (for me. to write. not for Maggi sry mags :p ) DEFINITELY keen for this! Maybe we set something up close to the Yule Ball?
Giulia/Evander - Yessss! I rly enjoyed their last thread, def keen for them to get closer :D
Ngawaiata/Aika - Ohhh yes I like this a lot! I love them being Quiet Buddies in their dorm :p
Daria/Mila - Yessssssss! Super keen for Daria & Mila, and them being a lil friend group with Lizzie is super cute! @Samantha Jacobs if you're keen we could do a thread with all 3 of them?
Clifton/Raven - Aww yes this sounds good! Clifton's def in need of a friend, he's been pretty isolated since school so it would be great for him to connect with someone new!
Shale/Eden - Yesss a short wee fling between these two sounds perfect!
Connor/Kiara - Awww yes I would love for them to catch up post school! He's pretty embarrassed about how grad went so he'll be hiding a bit, but she could corner him in the stock room at work for a catch up?
Emily/Jason - Awww this sounds cute! Could you tell me a bit more about Jason?

I think maybe a few good ones to start with would be Ngawaiata & Aika, Daria, Mila, and maybe also Lizzie, and Connor & Kiara? And then revisit the others later in the year?

@Professor Landon Carter

Thistle x Ruto - Awwww I love this! I think these two would get along super well, and Thistle would love having a friend who's gonna be in her year at school! Is Ruto involved with the scouts at all? Would be an easy way for them to meet, otherwise maybe they could run into each other at the park or something?

Guilia x Genevieve - Yessss always keen for these two! Giulia would be super happy to try & help Evie cheer up a bit (& Giulia has a crush she might wanna ask for some advice about :p )

Zoe x Sophie - Oooh yes this is a great call! Zoe's twins are about to turn 3 so they could definitely be in some kind of playgroup together or something that the mums meet at?

Are there any particular ideas you'd be keen for us to do first/any that can wait for a bit later in the year? I love all of these so I can't pick what I want to prioritise :p
@Professor Landon Carter

Thistle x Ruto - Awwww I love this! I think these two would get along super well, and Thistle would love having a friend who's gonna be in her year at school! Is Ruto involved with the scouts at all? Would be an easy way for them to meet, otherwise maybe they could run into each other at the park or something?

Guilia x Genevieve - Yessss always keen for these two! Giulia would be super happy to try & help Evie cheer up a bit (& Giulia has a crush she might wanna ask for some advice about :p )

Zoe x Sophie - Oooh yes this is a great call! Zoe's twins are about to turn 3 so they could definitely be in some kind of playgroup together or something that the mums meet at?

Are there any particular ideas you'd be keen for us to do first/any that can wait for a bit later in the year? I love all of these so I can't pick what I want to prioritise :p

Yay :wub:

I haven't thought too much about scouts for Ruto but I think she'd enjoy it and it's never too late for her to join! Maybe she goes to sign up and Thistle is there?

We can wait to start Guilia and Genevieve later on when the year finally starts up so you're not too overloaded with topics. For now, we could just do the other two if you'd like? I can start both of them if that makes things easier for you :)
@Professor Landon Carter

That sounds rly cute! Maybe she's come to one session as a trial? (We can just RP them like At A Generic Scout Meeting without it having to be a whole group thread thing haha)

That sounds perfect! Thank you for starting :wub:
Okay Rowan you are not allowed to have a plot thread up and not have me reply. so here we go. suggestions in no particular order (actually it is the order that you list them). I only put a brief outline of ideas but we can build more on any that you like the sounds of.

Lucy and Ivy Cullen: I am not going to make the account for Ivy until august so this is a back burner suggestion, I don't know much about her personality yet but she is the youngest of the cullens. and similar age. i can see them being lumped together with the ministry childcare or at events. and being friends.

Finn and linden. Obviously friendships and we have already talked about a date. don't worry lin is not after anything serious. (more just needing a rebound and distraction)

Manaia and Sky just hanging out in the music room. sort of musical friends.

Giulia and sky: obviously need I say more,

Rāwhiti and Linden. I can sort of see lin getting along, especially if he ends up in hufflepudd. lin could help him out with something and is hoping to get back on the quidditch team

Kauri and Selene: we never did get around to that seer dinner. or we could just have the two of them hang out.

Zoe and Rhiannon. rhiannons little one is two so they could hang ou on a play date or rhi could be the healer if they get into any mischief.

Charlie and Willow: Auror friends. spilling secrets over guarding candidates (and willow complaining about her mum)

Nell and Selene: they need to run into each other. see how things are between them.

Connor and Linden. they may have had their *ahem*disagreements* last year. but Lin did try and make things better between them. I can see lin possibly checking in on him at some stage. or asking advice on how on earth one is meant to share a dorm with one's ex.

Connor and Elvera: he is always welcome to pop into the eye for some advice.

Gabriel and Bridget Mcgowan: rhi's aunt and a silversmith. she has been spending more time in new Zealand helping her niece with the baby. maybe. fling or just see what happens

Kahurangi and elvera: one of elveras only friends and always a sugestion

Kahurangi and Alyce: If i remember correctly Kahurangi got alyce to play rugby. maybe post game drinks?

Adelia and Alyce: they should have another date.

Kyle and Briar: BFFLs. or just an awkward transaction in the shop.

Maria and elvera: again like kahurangi. I reckon they will probably be friends.

Kitty and Briar: Interview in the evening

Ceder and Alyce: she is twice his age. but one could be visiting the others bar one night and just have a chat.
Maybe we could start off with Senna & Daria, Ainsley & Freya, and Connor & Chloë for now, and put the others on a list for later in the year?

Sounds good! You pick which one(s) you wanna start and I'll put the rest on my to do list? ^_^
Hello! I see you've got a lot going so I'll offer just a couple of things, one, if you were looking for another possible member to the secret better heta omega group with Jenna, I feel Val could be a candidate.

Also for any of your first years, I've got Emmanuel, he's a ravenclaw, he's really keen on history (both of his parents are historians). He's very patient with people, is the sort of person who'd answer the same question like over and over without getting annoyed. He's a very warm and happy individual. He could be a friend to any of your first years.
Aaaaa so many replies thank you guyssss :wub: sorry this took me a few days to get to I have been Having A Time Of It over here

@Professor Elvera Le Fey

YESSS I was hoping you would reply :hug: I've cut it down just to the ones I'm keenest for, but if there's anything I missed that you're super into let me know and we can discuss it more!

Lucy and Ivy Cullen: Awww yes I love the idea of them meeting through Ministry stuff! Lemme know when you've made her account and they can hang out :wub:

Finn and Linden: Yess still keen for these two! Do you wanna do anything in s1 or save it for the Yule Ball?

Manaia and Sky: Yesssss super keen! I think we talked last year about them doing a jam thread with Ngawaiata as well? Def keen for jam buds!

Giulia and Sky: BFFFF :wub: Did you have a specific thread in mind?

Kauri and Selene: Oooh yes I'm still super keen for Seer Dinner!

Charlie and Willow: Ahahaha Charlie isn't much for spilling secrets but I definitely love them being work friends!

Nell and Selene: YES!!!!!!!!!! Is Selene going to the blars wedding? Or they could bump into each other somewhere around the harbour or something?

Connor and Linden: Awww yes I'm definitely keen for some kind of reunion/reconcilliation with them. Him asking Connor for advice abt rooming with an ex is great ahahaha... maybe he could write Connor a letter once school gets going again?

Kahurangi and Elvera: Yesss I love their friendship, they're some of the chars I just imagine are always hanging out "off screen" :p

Kahurangi and Alyce: Yesss that's right! Def keen for post game drinks sometime!

Adelia and Alyce: Agreeeeeee! I hope Alyce is ready to hear Adelia's Opinions about the election :p

Kitty and Briar: HECK YEAH SUPER KEEN! I might nudge you abt this after the debate wraps up?

For right now immediately I'm the most keen on Manaia, Sky, & Ngawaiata jam thread, and Nell and Selene... if you're keen we could get those going now & put the rest on the to-do list?

@Chloe Thompson

Yay! I can start for Senna & Daria and Ainsley & Freya if you like?

@Samantha Jacobs

It's perffff thank you for starting! :wub:

@Stefan Archer

Ooooh yes, Jenna would defs be keen to get Val on board with the Elite Sisterhood!

As far as Emannuel, I think he'd perhaps be best matched to hang out with Daria? She's quite shy and a little jumpy, so having someone so relaxed and stable would probably do wonders for her :D

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