🌹 Rose Giving Red Rose To Begin

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Red rose for @Elizabella Drake

Rosie was very happy she'd be able to deliver roses again. She had enjoyed it the last time, and was looking forward to being able to do it again. The teen was still doing it with her sister, which was fun. They had their basket and the roses in it. She knew the first person was a hufflepuff, so they'd come to the great hall. "Elizabella Drake?!" Rosie called out softly.
Aurora was following her sister, more than happy to join her on the rose giving, she wanted nothing more than to do this with her, where they'd both have fun with it. "Elizabella Drake!" she called out as they walked up the hufflepuff table louder than her sister was.
Elizabella her that she was calling and respond'' I am Elizabella.'' She smiled and walked closer to her both. Mayby her sister was sending her rose for Valentin's day. She was soon will be her birthday!
Rosie smiled happily as the girl made herself known. She took out the red rose from the basket and held it out to her. "Here you are," She said with a smile.
Aurora followed Rosie towards the girl that they were giving a rose to. She took out the note and held that out for her too. "This is the note that came along with it,"

You're the very, very, very, very best big sister ever!!!!!!! I love you, Bella <3
"Thanky" She take the rose and read the note. She was know the right that was from her sister and she feeled bad that she didn't send her a red one and she take deep breath. "Happy Valentin's day, both of you" She tolf them and walked away. She will sty the room our greenhouse. Not going the Valentin's day ball.
Rosie was a little surprised that the girl took the rose and note and then immediately walked away. "Happy Valentine's day to you too!" she said back as the girl walked away.

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