Red for a Redhead

Flavio Morales-Tipene

Newlywed | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
With his second rose delivered and out of the way, Flavio headed out to the castle grounds to complete his third delivery. Luckily he recognized the recipient's name instantly and just as quickly knew he would likely find her somewhere in the wild patch. Ainsley was more invested in the wild patch than he was, which was something Flavio did not think was possible until getting to know her more during the last couple of years. But she was for sure more dedicated to helping the plants grow and wanted to continue taking care of them more than he ever could, which he admired greatly. Arriving to the wild patch, Flavio looked around, not needing much time to spot Ainsley's mess of red hair a short distance away. "Ainsley!" He called out, weaving through the plants and heading over to her. "I have a rose with your name on it." A smile appeared on his face as he anticipated her reaction. The rose he was delivering to her was bright red and it went without saying who sent it; he couldn't wait to see Ainsley's reaction and was honored to be part of the moment that was delivering this rose and making his new friend's valentine's day all the more special.​
As much as she was enjoying the sunshine, Ainsley was eager to finish harvesting her strawberries and raspberries. She had been watching their growth over the summer, and bringing a feast of berries to surprise her friends felt like a lovely way to with them a happy Valentines day. Her basket was near filled with fresh berries, and she was keen for the hot work to be finished, so she could head back to the castle and enjoy more of the romantic atmosphere. She was near finished clearing the last of the ripe raspberries when she heard a familiar voice calling her name, and looked over with a bright smile. "Flavio!" Ainsley said happily, detangling herself from the raspberry nets. "Oh, really?" Ainsley looked at his flowers hopefully. As lovely as all the messages from her friends had been, Ainsley had been waiting all day for her rose from Amber, and hoped this would finally be the delivery she had been waiting for.
Flavio nodded to Ainsley, then glanced down to his basket of roses as he picked out the red rose for her. Smiling wide, he handed over the rose and it's note to Ainsley, not wanting to make her wait any longer than she wanted to receive the rose she was likely waiting for. Flavio was holding out for when he received a rose from November that day so he definitely understood that plane of thought. He assumed it went unsaid that this rose was one Amber had sent, and waited for Ainsley's reaction. Hopefully the rose and it's accompanying note were all she could have wanted and it would make her valentine's day special.​
Note said:
Dear Ainsley,
I'm very happy you're my girlfriend, I hope we can have many more years together even if this is the second to last rose I can send you this way. I love you! I hope to see you at the dance tonight, I'm sure you'll look beautiful.
Ainsley's heart skipped a beat with excitement when she saw Flavio picking up a red rose, reaching for it in delight. "Oh! Thank you!" Ainsley beamed brightly, opening the message excitedly. As she read it her heart melted, smiling warmly at Amber's sweet words. Smiling brightly, she paused to smell the rose before looking up at Flavio, smiling. "Thanks! It's from Amber." She figured the statement was obvious, but it felt worth saying anyway. "How have your deliveries been going?" Ainsley added, not wanting to ignore Flavio in favour of her rose. She would have to thank Amber later.
Ainsley seemed ecstatic to receive her red rose and it warmed Flavio's heart. He couldn't be happier being part of this small happy moment for his friend and nodded when she said the rose was from Amber, because of course it was. As Ainsley asked how his deliveries were going his attention wavered to his basket, mentally counting how many roses he had left to deliver before he looked back at her. "The deliveries are going well, you are the third person who I have delivered a rose to today, and I have a few more until I am done." He answered. "Everyone has been happy to get roses which is good." He added, knowing that not every year people wanted roses which was unfortunate. It wasn't something he understood either, thinking that the rose deliveries were a special part of valentine's day at hogwarts, but he assumed anyone who was against sending and receiving well wishes from people that mattered to them had their own reasons. "What are you working on over here?" Flavio asked, looking around curiously to see which plants Ainsley was taking care of that day.​
Ainsley kept her rose close to her nose as she listened to Flavio, enjoying its sweet scent. "Oh, that's so exciting!" Ainsley said happily as she listened to Flavio talking. "There must be so many roses this year, it seems like everyone's busy running all over the place." As much as she enjoyed the atmosphere of love, the noise and business of the already sometimes overwhelming castle had been a bit much for Ainsley, and it was a bit of a relief to get some relative quiet out in the fresh air. Ainsley balked a little when Flavio asked what she was doing, glancing back nervously. She didn't want to give away the surprise, but there wasn't much else she could say she was doing. "Oh, I'm harvesting the berries I've been growing." She smiled a little nervously, gesturing back at the bushes Flavio had seen her cultivating the last few months. "It's a bit late in their season so I want to make sure I get everything." She smiled at Flavio, hoping that would be answer enough and he wouldn't ask what she was going to do with so many berries.

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