Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y45/S2

Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (18)
Hamish was really hoping to bounce back in the next game and at least secure one victory. It was hard not to feel like it was all riding on him, and he waited anxiously for the team to arrive, focusing on his breathing excercises. His mind drifted to Saturnino, and he couldn't help but with the boy was around for support- though also a bit thankful he didn't have to potentially humiliate himself either. He took a deep breath and turned, giving his best smile to the gathered team. "Alright! Everyone's here, let's get to it! I know we've got this!" He took off into the air and began his search for the snitch.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Hamish continued his search
As much as she'd like to play in the championship, Lucy was still excited to be on the team at all. She gripped her bat tightly as she arrived for practice, listening to Hamish. Once the practice began she tore after a bludger, swinging too hard out of enthusiasm and almost rolling off her broom. As she righted herself she saw the bludger fly right past Hamish, but even as she was lamenting that fact, it hit Savannah instead and she gave a whoop of joy.
@Savannah Walters

Bludger Hits said:
Savannah Walters x1
Michael was a little less intimidated by the Gryffindor chasers as he was by the Hufflepuff ones, so he got himself situated at the goals and ready to try and block shots.
Audrey really wanted to do well this game more than ever, not because she felt like she should be doing well but because she kind of wanted to show off in front of Teddy. She took to the skies quickly, looking for bludgers to hit.
Lucy had recovered from her disappointment at their first defeat, and now was optimistic at their second shot. She was determined not to lose, reaching for the quaffle with steely determination and readying herself for a shot.
Michael kept himself focused as chaser-Lucy took the quaffle and headed towards him.
Audrey kept looking for bludgers.
Lucy was pleased to have hit someone already with her first bludger, in high spirits as she flew on looking for another angle to hit from.
Lucy went for a goal, threw the quaffle hard but missed.
Audrey also wanted to hit a bludger to prove she deserved her spot on the team. Her mother always said there would be someone coming up behind with a bat wanting to take your spot on any team you were on, such was the cutthroat nature of sport.

Also, she didn't hit any bludgers.
Lucy dove for the quaffle and readied herself once more.
Savannah groaned as she was hit by a bludger and continued her search for the snitch.
Lucy caught up to another bludger and swung, wincing as her swing went wide and the ball flew away from her before she could take another crack at it. Well, she'd gotten one hit in so far at least.
Lucy tried to score but failed.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Chasing after the bludger she had missed, Lucy swung hard and gave a squeal of joy as she struck her target this time. She knew she probably shouldn't feel so good about hurting other people, but it was all part of the game in the end.
@Hamish Reid

Bludger Hits said:
Savannah Walters x1
Hamish Reid x1
Michael gave chaser-Lucy a sympathetic smile, and tossed the quaffle back into play.
Audrey hit a bludger at @Lucy Holland to make herself feel better.

Bludger Hits said:
Savannah Walters x 1
Hamish Reid x 1
Lucy Holland x 1
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Lucy squeaked as she realised someone else had sent a bludger her way and tried to swing to bat it back but missed, crying out in pain as the ball managed to hit her.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Lucy rubbed her bruised shoulder as she flew on, hoping she'd still be able to swing hard enough when she next caught up to a bludger.
Hamish continued his search, jumping a little when one of the bludgers hit him. He turned to his beaters and smiled, flashing a thumbs up, before taking off again.

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