Question For You

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
It was an odd idea in his head really, it seemed even a little silly, why would they bother, why would it matter, but he wanted to and he was sure that he'd get a good response. The charms professor surely had better things to be asking her, there were surely better ways of moving them forward, but he was in a school teaching and it was almost christmas, it seemed only right to maybe ask her. So Misha made his way to Patricia's office and when he reached it, he noted the open door and her sitting at the desk inside, a little smile forming on his lips as he saw her working away, being far more serious in this job than Misha perhaps was. He leaned on the door frame and knocked lightly, "Hey you got a minute, I have a question for you," he asked with a little smile on his face. He was enjoying all the little amounts of time he spent with her, it was enjoyable, he liked her, a lot more than he'd probably care to admit. The charms professor was sure this would go just fine, the yuleball after all wasn't just for students.
Patricia found this semester a lot easier than she had just this time last year. Granted, this time last year had been her first end of semester as Professor and, still trying to find her feet on the job, found it all to be quite overwhelming. Now though, she was much more confident in herself and found reading over her student’s assignments quite enjoyable – she loved to see how much they had learned and progressed over the year. As they approached exams week Patricia was pushed to get the rest of her students papers marked so she could get their final marks to them and let them enjoy the Yule Ball. Admittedly, she herself was looking forward to enjoying the Yule Ball, granted not as much as when she was a student, but enjoy it nonetheless. Patricia was so caught up in her marking that when she there was a knock at her door, she almost didn’t hear it. Lifting her head up at the sound of a familiar voice, a smile automatically gracing her lips, she waved Misha in. “I think I can spare more than a minute for you. What’s up?” She asked, setting her quill down, embracing the butterflies in her stomach that she always felt when Misha was around.
There was something Misha enjoyed when he was able to sit with her and mark papers, it was simple, quiet and just nice, he liked all of the time that he spent with her, easily forgetting that she was related to a man who justifiably hated his guts. He smiled warmly when she looked at him with that smile, feeling glad he was doing this, he stood from the door frame and walked into the office, "I was wondering," he started with a faint blush to his cheeks, "I know this is silly, but would you do me the absolute honour of going to the Yuleball with me?" he asked with a smile, "I know we need to be there to make sure that no one gets up to anything, but I think we could spare ten to twenty minutes to be crazy kids ourselves dancing under the great halls excellent yule decorations, even gross a couple of the kids out with some well placed mistletoe," he reasoned with a smile, there was no one he would rather spend time with at the Yuleball, an event where Misha usually did the bare minimum of work, but he could deal with being with her at the event, after all it wasn't like the elder styx would know, since he wasn't going to be there, "So, what do you say?"
Patricia couldn't help but noticed the slight flush that rose in Misha's cheeks, a habit that came from when she was a Healer and had to look for any sort of symptoms her patients may have had in a moments notice. She frowned her eyebrows for a second as she couldn't think where he was going with this but as soon as he came out with his question her face quickly lightened up. She was about to reply instantly with a resounding yes, (why wouldn't she?!) but he continued talking and Patricia just wanted to interupt him, she had already made up her mind the moment he asked her. She couldn't help but breath a laugh at Misha when he mentioned about grossing out a few of the kids, it certainly isn't something she would have liked to see her Professors do when she was their age. Patricia could feel the butterflies in her stomach doing summersaults but she embraced it, she felt like a teenagers all over again - except she never got asked to the Yuleball when she was a teenager. "I'd love to, Misha!" she replied simply, not evening attempting to hide the grin on her face. She was already was planning what she was going to wear and what way she was going to do her hair - the whole shabang.

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