Closed Professor to Professor to Professor

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (30)
Mallory had heard a lot about Professor Styx. She'd considered this greatly- she'd heard plenty of rumors, heard that he was a cranky, scary old man. But still, she was nothing if not optimistic, and she had experience with cranky men. Her father had been intimidating as well. She took a deep breath, and welcome basket in hand, she made her way to the mans office. She took another steadying breath and knocked on his door before going back to worrying her fingers lightly on the handle.
Professor Kalif Styx had several letters to write out concerning his newest grandson's wedding - which he honestly hated every second of it, but at least she was pureblood. And he did not have to deal with her nearly as much anymore. And his youngest children were now Ravenclaws. Where did the ambition go? He tapped his desk with his gloved hand as he looked over his letter, which was written in Bulgarian. A knock was heard, which he looked at the time. Students should be enjoying their time away from lessons, so who would bother him? He gestured with his hand to open the door, and he saw an unfamiliar professor (unfamiliar as in he didn't know the name or who she was after not dealing with her or teaching her). "What is it?" he asked coldly.
Mallory had expected this reaction, and it didn't faze her. She straightened a little bit, giving him an easy smile. "Hello, Professor. My name is Mallory Corrins, I teach Charms first through fourth years. I've heard quite a lot about you from Proffesor Haden. As a returning Professor and my superior, I just thought I'd come by and offer a welcome basket in honor of your return to the school." She told him, showing the basket. "Professor Haden told me these would be items and snacks you would enjoy or find use for," She offered- if he was anything like her father, he hated pleasantries and he'd only want things of value.
Styx inwardly groaned when he heard who this woman was. More specifically, what she taught. Suppose that Haden's optimism was contagious for that floor, so he would not venture on the third floor corridor for long. He would hate to catch what they had. He just stared coldly at Professor Corrins as she offered him a welcome basket. He knew that Haden did not actually know what he would like, since they were not close - at all. "I'll use it as fire kindling." He tapped the wooden desk. "I'll correct you on one thing. Haden would never know what I like." He turned his eyes back to the parchment to read over what he had written in his native language.
Mallory blinked, but set the basket down. "Oh, alright," She offered, keeping her calm. She hesitated a moment, brushing her hair back. "I didn't realize he would be so misguided," She bit her lip, before turning back to the man. "Are there perhaps any snacks or drinks you may like instead, then?" She asked. "I won't expect to bother you much, but I'd like to do something as a show of respect," She tried to explain, keeping her voice as nuetral as possible.
Styx narrowed his onyx eyes as she seemed to ignore the signs that he was giving out to leave him alone. But she put the basket down. "Haden would wander off a cliff if he isn't careful," Styx stated, though he did still wish that from occasion. He had both dropped people off cliffs, and saved them too. When it came to Haden, it was obvious which choice he would do. "None that you have access to." He kept eyecontact with the Charms professor. "I assume that you are on a quest to befriend everyone here at the school. It will fail when it concerns me. I don't socialize." He considered Cyndi Kingsley a friend, so to speak, and he rarely went out of his way to even greet her. "The best show of respect is to take your basket, and leave my office so that I can focus on my work."
Mallory could tell when something was a lost cause. She took a deep breath and picked up her basket again, deciding that she'd done her part to try and reach out to the older Professor. "Understood, Professor," She bowed her head a bit to him, before turning back to the door with her basket on her arm. "I hope you have a good day, sir," She offered, keeping her composure as she walked back to his door. Well, that could have gone worse, she supposed. She would have to think of something else to do with the basket now.
Styx watched as she left. Good. He waved his hand to make the door close and lock. He had a lot of work to be done, and he did not need someone to interrupt him at all.

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