Procrastination Must Stop!

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Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose


I should've done this at the start of the month but HNZ is way too addictive.
I am a 5th High School student, with mass amounts of work. I am currently studying towards getting my Highers. (NEWTs) And I have not been working as hard as I could. So with my first exam in under a month, I really need to start studying. Intensely. 
So I will be away for about a month and a half. Back on the 27th or 28th of May, when I have finished for the entire year.
I'm sorry about the topics I'm in, plots that I am involved in.

This will affect:
Imogen Day
Lily Fossil
Elle White

Elijah Tine
Grande Fuego
Lewis Kane

Pixie Day
Oscar Fossil

Kiara Tine

Again, I'm sorry but this is unfortunetly a lot more important than HNZ.



P.S the banner shop will stay open, It might just take a long while for me to be able to upload them, and if I do it will be through mobile photobucket, which always makes the banners bigger. But people will get the banners if they have ordered ones.

P.P.S I will be here for sorting. I'll fit some time in so that Oscar can be sorted.
Best of luck with your exams, Emzies!
We'll miss you 'round here, but I'm happy to know you'll be back and aren't leaving us entirely. :D
Good luck Emize :hug:

Awww...good luck Emzies!! Do awesome on your schooling and then you can come back and hang with the cool kids ;)

..then you can come back and hang with the cool kids adult.
Corrected for you. :)

Best of luck, Emz, with the examinations; and other things. :hug:

Come back soon and hang with lil' cool me. :D
You'll pass those NEWTs, don't worry. Will miss you but I know that you have to study. Remember, if you behave then you earn points for the house of Awesome. W00t! :hug:
Good luck for the exams, I know you'll do awesomely!

x Olivia

Okay, So I'm kinda back.
My exams are still on going, but I have a lot more time on my hands, so I'll be able to spare most nights to HNZ.

I've missed the site, but, I've been doing a lot of lurking, lol!
I'll still be sketchy over the next week or so, but this is me back.


I have been quite busy the past few days. Falling behind in lessons already :r
But I have finished my exams and two weeks to do nothing. Good right?


Due to my internet being silly, it won't let me stay connected for more than 5, 10 minutes at the most.
It's doing pretty well now, but it has taken me close to 4,5 hours to get to this point. So you can gather, I am pretty bloody pissed off at this point. I am also with out my ipod which doesn't help.
So I will be away for a few days until it gets fixed. It depends.
But I will be back for tuesday, and then you won't be able to get rid of me.


-Kicks the interweb- why! Anyways :hug: see you when you get back :)
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