Open Pity The Weather Sucks Right Now

Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (13)
Friday had so far found Hogwarts equal parts amazing and boring. It was perhaps a little because she hadn't yet started engaging with her classes and thus just had way less that she needed to be doing. Friday had stuck to exploring, stucking to wandering around the school looking for things to do, for people to be friends with, with mixed success. The Gryffindor had come outside, there had been a break in the rain and she was able to just wander around outside a little. She was well wrapped up, and trying to stick close to the school in case the heavens opened again, but she was in the gardens, and thinking about how nice this place could be were it not winter and had it not been raining for what felt like centuries (a couple of hours).

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