Closed Out of place

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk really needed a place to go for a good run, but he couldn’t risk just running over students. Sometimes it sucked being as tall as he was, but he also liked the idea of people being afraid of him too. It was entertaining to say the least. But instead, he made his way out of the corridors and out to the grounds. It was Spring here in New Zealand, so he actually decided to do the rare thing and dress down for the day. Shorts and a tee-shirt. All it did was prove that almost every inch of his skin was tattooed. He did have on robes on top, but since he was outside, he folded them up and put them down on the grass with a spell to repel the dirt. If anyone walked by it, the robes would likely look like a king sized blanket, if not larger. Killian thought about throwing rocks into the lake, but those rocks wouldn’t be large enough for a workout. He could find another dead tree to handle. He started to stretch instead, wondering how to cure his boredom. After all, he only had one class to teach this semester, and Amethyst seemed to be a little busy today.
One of the many places Noelle loved to frequent was the lawn. It was green all around and one could just spend hours relaxing and studying or reading. This was what brought Noelle to the place, to read. Pairing his sweater with a pair of jeans, he made his way out of the castle and out to the grounds. The day brought a gentle breeze as he walked the grassy path, his nose already buried in his book. He was so engrossed that he did not notice a looming figure up ahead. He just kept walking at a relaxed pace, flipping a page as he did so.
Killian was about to just start walking when he heard some rustle of grass. He looked around before rolling his eyes, and looked toward the ground. It was another professor, or a seventh year - it was just so hard to tell until he heard them speak. And he was not watching where he was going. Just his nose buried in a book. And he was heading straight toward him too. At this rate, the man might run into his leg. Letting out a sigh, he folded his arms across his chest and cleared his throat to get his attention, "If you don't watch where you are going, you are going to run into a wall, or me." Killian made sure that he was loud enough to get his attention, with his Russian accent still heavy on his words. At least he was fluent with English.
Despite the reading he was doing, Noelle's thoughts were all over the place. With classes, Ava, Vader, Ava again, the book. It was when he flipped another page that he heard a deep voice spoke up. The Russian accent reminded him of Mallory but yet it was masculine. This made him look up just in time to stop in his tracks to avoid body collision. "Oh, hey, professor! My apologies!", he casually said, surprise in his voice. He tucked his book under his elbow to give his colleague his full attention now. "How are you settling in school?", he asked, striking up a conversation. He knew he was new, only on his second year if he was not mistaken. Noelle had been there before.
Killian took note that his voice managed to stop the other professor in his tracks before he ran into him. If he had, Killian would have to wonder how many walls and trees the man had run into during his tenure at school. Killian thought that at least it was nice of him to apologize. Killian unfolded his arms from his chest, and put one on his hip to stare down at him. He didn’t expect the man to stick around but here he was. Shame Killian stayed hidden so he was not too sure of who most were besides his girlfriend, Ignacio, that odd Charms professor that was also Russian, and Professor Moncrieffe. "It is different. My other professions were a little less… Kid friendly I suppose is the word. And I have to pick and choose what I wear." He did work as a DJ and bouncer at a nightclub. Prior to that, he was a professional fighter and boxer. "I am still struggling to make my way around the school, so I don’t have a clue who you are or what you teach."
Noelle could definitely see how little he was compared to the towering figure that Professor Borisyuk had. No wonder his class was a tad surprised to find him teaching the higher years. He could clearly remember his first year taking over Professor Styx's class and with the students who knew the retired man, his classes were definitely a surprising change. He nodded at his response, a clear picture in his mind of what other possible careers this man had. At his last sentence, Noelle replied, "Where are my manners? Professor Noelle Maxwell, DADA professor. Well, for the higher years." He held out his hand for a handshake.
Killian nodded along as the professor introduced himself as Noelle Maxwell, and how he taught the upper years of Defence Against the Dark Arts. He never took that subject, but his school offered Dark Arts instead, which was his best class. He looked down at his hand and made a small motion with his hand, “If I shake your hand, I might crush it.” He did not want to necessarily be rude but at least he explained why he did not shake hands. It made him slightly nervous when he even held Amethysts’s hand. Hands were just so fragile to him. “So, you teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. Never took that subject myself. Do you monitor over dueling? If your students are practicing spells, how would you handle it if someone hit you with a spell?” Killian never had to worry about that. He was pretty resistant.
Killian was Russian so Noelle would think he had Dark Arts classes back in school. At his explanation as to refusing a handshake. "Perfectly understandable. How about a fist bump?", he suggested instead, balling his hand. He figured it would be another way for the man to connect with his peers if handshakes made him uncomfortable. "I observed the duels, not officially monitoring it." He just made sure that all the students were following the rules and that there would be no accidents during the event. "Well, let's see. I never had a student hit me yet, hopefully, it stayed that way.", he chuckled. "If it happens though, I'll commend them for a job well done.", he raised his hands. "I know what you're thinking, but if the student managed to hit me that means he is learning.", he explained. "Plus, I made sure they're learning spells that are not too serious.", he added. "So, how about you? Settling in okay? How do you find teaching History of Magic?" It was one of his favorite classes aside from Potions.
Killian wondered why physical contact was so important to the man. And it seemed like he was a talker, so rather than make the man's neck cramp up, he knelt down (which he was still taller but at least it was easier). "If you are so insistent on it," Killian put his fist up so at least the man could reach. Killian knew that if he taught that class, he would be at an advantage, since his giant blood made magic much less effective on him. It would take a lot to take him down, magically. But Maxwell's explanation helped him see it in another perspective. "At least the students here are not that aggressive or pranksters." From what he could tell anyway. Though him asking about his own subject made him shrug his shoulders. "Everything was entirely outdated, so I decided to redo my years. It should be much better now, but the sixth and seventh years won't have the chance to learn it." Killian was not exactly shy about his disdain for the old lesson material, but now, it was definitely well-suited.

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