On the Loose!

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
"Miss..." the Gryffindor Head of House trailed off, having forgotten the young girl's name. Quickly moving on in an attempt to play it off, Cyndi continued. "You really think your cat would have climbed up here?" she asked. The last thing the woman wanted was to have to console the girl should her cat truly be up and prove to be skittish. Still, she could hardly leave the girl to manage alone even if she had a dozen other things she could be doing.

"Alright...what did you say your cat's name was, dear?" she asked, resigned to help search for a cat that was probably tucked in some nice, warm corner of the castle or nestled in the kitchens with a bowl of milk. The woman tightened her robes around her and gestured for the girl to lead the way.
Marlowe followed close behind the Gryffindor Head of House. Professor Kingsley was the first staff member of the school she had come across when she had been racing inside looking for help locating her lost cat. "I saw her! Her white tail was disappearing up the hillside and and I knew I wasn't allowed to go up there so I raced back inside. What if she falls off the cliffs?! Cats can't swim! We need to hurry!" Marlowe said trying to speed the Professor up as she looked all around for a sign of a white fluffy cat. "Her name is Princess Unicorn Sparkles, but we usually just call her Diamond," Marlowe said answering the Professor's question. AS a kid the name choice didn't seem odd to Marlowe who loved her cat dearly.
It was no secret that Gideon wasn't a fan of his cat - mostly because it didn't seem to be a fan of him, yet as much as he'd wanted to get rid of it in his first year, he'd since grown attached to the grumpy feline. It was like the bitter old grandfather in some families that everyone loved because they felt like they had to, despite how much they didn't want to be around them. Boots, the cat, was essentially that same bitter old grandfather, but smaller, hairier, and clawed.

So, when Boots ran after a random cat that had headed up towards the cliffs, which Gideon had always been told was a dangerous place, he couldn't help but be a bit concerned. Boots was the type of cat to climb trees, but was clumsy enough to fall back out of them, so he could only imagine how bad an idea it was to have the cat anywhere near a cliff. Thankfully, while the Gryffindor was deciding whether or not to break the rules and go up to find his cat before it got itself into a pickle, his head of house appeared alongside a young girl, who he could overhear talking about her own cat, presumably the one Boots had followed up. "PROFESSOR KINGSLEY!" Giddy shouted to grab her attention, quickly running over to join the duo. "Professor! My cat ran up there, too. Can you help to find him as well?"
Professor Kingsley listened to the girl as she spoke, picking up her pace. She had a feeling Princess Unicorn Sparkles would have far more to worry about than her inability to swim should she find herself off the cliff, but she wasnt going to let the young girl know that. Her eyes widened and she quickly turned her head as another student hollered her name, bringing her to a stop.

What is with the cats today? the professor thought to herself, slightly annoyed. Perhaps she would have a talk with the Headmistress advocating for them to not be allowed on campus. "Sure. What's one more cat?" she nodded, gesturing for the two students to follow her onto the cliffside. "And what is your cat's name, Mr. Zelinsky?" This student she knew, and she continued to walk as she awaited his reply. She had doubts about the name beating the one she had just heard. Not that either name would matter. The cats she had known chose when to respond to their names.
Marlowe was surprised to see another student coming up towards them calling for the Professor she was with. "Your cat better not be touching Diamond when we find them or I'll send him over the cliffs," she said glaring towards the boy. Her mind racing with the idea this boy's cat had probably been chasing Princess Unicorn Sparkles and that was why she had spotted her cat's white fluffy tail disappearing into the bushes past the fencing. Her eyes glared at the boy as she followed after the Professor past the line she wasn't allowed to pass without a Professor. "Princess Unicorn Sparkles, where are you?" She called out to her cat, hoping her pearly white cat wouldn't be covered in dirt and also that her cat would be found safe.

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