Open Not So Subtle History Club Sign Up

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel had positioned himself right at the entrance of the courtyard. As an unofficial club they didn't get a table but he was still going to use this as an opportunity to grab people who were perhaps interested in history. He had leaflets, ones advertising the fact they were a history club and when the first meeting was. He knew it was a little more difficult to spot who they were, but he was just trying his best to pass them out. ”History club,” he said as he passed a flyer to someone passing him. He knew there had to be a couple of people interested enough in history to want to join. They were a little club but that didn't matter. "Interested in learning more history?" he said trying to pass a flyer to another kid that passed.
Lucie knew it was about the time the club fair would start, and she debated whether or not she should go this year so that she could help Eugene out. It was her last year, so she thought why not. But as she was heading towards the courtyard, she noticed at the entrance there was a younger boy passing out some flyers. As he tried to convince another student to join him in his unofficial club, she couldn't help but interfere. "What do you mean more history? What sort of history would everyone be learning? Muggle history, or more wizarding history? And how will you get your facts and information when the library only has books on the history that we are already being taught?" she asked, just genuinely curious and wondering why he thought he had the authority to even make his own unofficial club.
The worst part of being back at Hogwarts was having to traipse halfway across the castle just to find Ezra now. If Dorian could reliably owl his friend he'd probably just stay in the tower and not bother, but it was too early in the semester apparently for Ezra to stay still enough so Dorian was forced to try and find him, cringing as he brushed past the crowd gathered in the courtyard for the clubs fair.

He slowed when he saw Emmanuel handing out flyers, the words 'history club' causing Dorian to slow enough to try and peer at a flyer even as one of the Slytherin prefects seemed to take issue with it. Admittedly, Dorian was interested,taking a flyer cautiously. He wanted to hear some Emmanuel's answers to her questions, though one of the girls questions rankled him enough to speak. "If you've actually been in the library you'd know there's more than just what we're taught," he said dismissively, not making eye contact with the prefect as he skimmed the flyer instead.
Aine knew the history club wouldn't do her any favours socially. But it was all interesting to her, and she liked the idea of understanding the world better. Getting to grips with the magical side of things. She awkwardly tossed her hair, hoping to make it sit better as she went to check out the club fair, mostly to see if Emmanuel needed any help. And already it looked like he was getting harassed by a prefect. Aine scowled - as far as she was concerned, even though it wasn't an official club, they weren't doing anything wrong. She knew at least the headmaster had given quiet approval, so they could pull rank if needed. Hopefully that wouldn't be required, however. One younger boy had already spoken up, but Aine couldn't help but jump in, probably making it worse. "I mean, yeah, history's big. So there's plenty we can learn about modern and ancient history, muggle and magical, whatever people want to know. The library's given us a good start, we can also all bring stuff from home and all, share our own research and knowledge," Aine added, shrugging. "We've got brains and stuff."
Georgia knew that she wanted to sign up at clubs as much as she could and even more, she noticed something that was definitely the most in her interests, so she came up immediately. Right away seeing a little bit of the drama that the prefect caused but not really sure whether she should interrupt it, she had enough of Slytherin prefects already. "I'm interested," she put her hand up trying to catch attention and get the flyer.
Emmanuel was quite surprised when the first person who approached him was a much older girl. A prefect and on the slytherin team, but before the boy could say anything as a retort because of course there were more history books in the library than on the subjects they were taught. But he didn't need to between Aine and Dorian who were able to come to its defence. "We're just a group who love history," He allowed them to take care of it after he said his peace. But spotted a young girl who was interested. "Great!" he grabbed a parchment, "Just put your name here, and you'll get an owl with info of our first meeting!" he gave it to her.
@Georgia Astor
Enzo was minding his own business as he meandered through the courtyard, enjoying the air, until he heard a bustle on the side near the Great Hall. As he made his way closer, he saw one of his classmates holding out something and people talking about history. He managed to get close enough to view it, reading something about a history club. Seeing where the girl put her name, he slipped in and wrote his under her's, giving a smile to the Ravenclaw. "I'll take a flyer if you have one. This sounds like fun," he said, looking around at the others who were complaining. They didn't have to join in the fun if they were just going to ruin it. @Emmanuel Okoye
As another young Ravenclaw decided to chime in, Lucie gave him a nasty look. That obviously wasn't what she meant, and that was no way to speak to someone who was older than him. She was simply just enquiring with very valid questions, and she didn't understand why people always took what she said out of proportion. She was about to open her mouth again until a Hufflepuff that was a little older than him spoke. Lucie's face turned into a soft smile and she took a deep breath. "Thank you." she said gently to her, deciding to ignore the other Ravenclaw. She tuned to the first one with the flyers. "Would it be okay if I joined? I like history as well, and I think I can help provide some information. Of course, I don't expect everything to be exactly on point - I mean, it is history after all, but I'd be more than happy to contribute." She was happy to join as long as the other Ravenclaw wasn't going to bother her.
The first thing Ralph saw on the day of the Club fair was the History club at the entrance of the courtyard. It sounded like a club just for him! He had already read the history of Hogwarts cover to cover and was very interested in what the club had to offer. Ralph took the leaflet and familiarized himself with the rules. Yes, it will be the right one. After waiting for another Ravenclaw girl to sign before him, Ralph spoke. "Hello! I would love to apply. What should I do?”
Rion saw Ralph and Georgia before she saw Emmanuel. She ventured over to see why the crowd had formed. History club? Nobody had told her about this one. Well, she wasn't very good at art, or writing, and she needed something to do in her free time besides sit around in the common room. Rion tapped on Georgia's arm. "Sign me up too," she said, before skipping down the steps to peruse the official tables.

@Georgia Astor @Emmanuel Okoye
Hugo was making his way to the club fair. he wasn't sure what club he wanted to join but knew that he should probably join something. maybe somewhere he could take photos or maybe write. he was just about to reach the courtyard where he saw his dorm mate and a group of students huddled around a boy who seemed to have a handful of pamphlets. there were a couple of girls he recognised from his home too though he didn't know their names and one of them ran away before he could get there. "Hey Ralph. What club is this?" he asked opening the question more to everyone than just to Ralph.
Georgia excitedly smiled at the guy. "Nice, thank you!" she leaned down to write down her name as she felt someone tapping on her shoulder. "Yes, totally," she nodded once more and wrote down dormmates name. "You like history?" Georgia asked as she moved away from the sign up paper and talked to Rion. She honestly didn't expect that her dormmate liked history. @Rion Pendleton
Ralph heard his name and turned to the speaker. It turned out to be his dorm mate Hugo. Many Ravenclaws had joined at this end! And he wasn't at all surprised to see Hugo here, since history was something these bespectacled guys might be interested in.
"Hi Hugo! It's History club. One of the many that are in Club fair today.” Ralph took the leaflet from the table and gave it to Hugo. @Hugo Stark-West
Emmanuel was pretty surprised with all the people who wanted to sign up for his club. He handed on to the boy in his year, who was in slytherin. The older girl who had been asking questions, seemed to perhaps just phrased the questions wrong. "Everyone can just sign up here," he told the growing crowd. "Just put your name and we'll be in touch about the first meeting," he told them all, handing several parchment to people who had wanted to sign up.
Lucie nodded as the Ravenclaw told everyone to sign their name. When it was her turn, she did so, taking the piece of parchment and scribbling it down. It would be an interesting experience, even if it all turned out quite horribly. The Slytherin then kept heading towards the club fair in the courtyard.
Dorian scowled when the prefect decided to ignore him; apparently she was fine joining the club she'd been so dubious of with little argument, which Dorian didn't think boded too well for him. Nor did the sheer number of other students who had caught wind of either the flyers or the commotion and seemed to be interested in joining. Dorian recognized a few faces from around the common room but it didn't make the crowd any more tolerable and he hurriedly excused himself to head back inside. Ezra wasn't here and if he was really curious he was sure he could figure out when the club's meeting was and check it out before deciding if he really wanted to join. He couldn't imagine reading with 20 other people involved was really all that fun now that he thought about it, casting the crowd of potential club members a final look as he skirted away from the fair.

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