Closed New Styles

Zerrin Fergusson

Soft- Quiet- Dorm Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
15 (2/24/2046)
Despite just being back, Zerrin liked to flip through his text books and just get a feel for the classes that year. It was a little boring, sure, but he wanted at least somewhat decent grades. He twirled his pencil idly between his fingers, suppressing a yawn as he flipped the page in his text book. Why did he need these classes again? He sighed. Because his mother would be upset if he failed them, or had to leave school like she did. He shut his book for a moment, rubbing his temple and biting back a sigh.
Larissa Baros recently came across someone that was unnecessarily mean, at least, in her opinion, so she needed something to cheer her up. Maybe not everyone wanted to be friends with her, and she felt bad over it. Was there something wrong with her? She hoped not. She made her way into the student lounge and walked toward one of the seats when she saw someone rubbing his temple. "Hey, are you okay?" Larissa asked, clearly worried. Wait, what if he didn't want her help? What if he would be mean too? Larissa made sure to keep her distance just in case.
Zerrin looked up when he heard someone speak, smiling softly. "Oh, hi." He greeted. "I'm okay, thanks." He told her sincerely. "I'm just trying to study, but it's a bit boring, my head is starting to hurt. I'm just studying because my mom wants me to do well," He chuckled, shutting his books and sliding them away. "What brings you this way?"
Larissa listened to the boy talk about how he was trying to study, but it was boring and his head was starting to hurt. His mom must be putting some pressure on him, and that was not good. Larissa pointed out, "As long as you do your best, that is all you can do, right? Studying can be boring, but you can make a game of it!" Larissa could think of a couple, but for now, she could try to cheer him up. "Just between classes and not wanting to go to my dorms."
Zerrin chuckled. "True, but she'd be sad if I didn't at least try." He stretched and stood up. "I need a break. Want to hang out for a bit?" He asked, giving her an easy smile. "The couches in here are super comfy. We could just relax and talk." He offered. "My name is Zerrin." He held out his hand.
Larissa wondered if he was trying his best or not, but just assumed that he was. She took a step back as he stood up and stretched, but then asked if she wanted to hang out. Larissa would absolutely love to, but worked on toning down her excitement. "I’d like that a lot, actually." She gently shook his hand and smiled warmly, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Zerrin. I’m Larissa." She walked over to one of the couches and plopped down on it, making sure that there was enough space for him. "You do have lovely hair. I wonder if I could braid that length of hair, honestly."
Zerrin smiled, moving to follow after her and sit with her. "Thanks! I like your hair too, go ahead and do it if you want to," He shifted to sit on the floor. "It feels nice when someone plays with my hair, I don't mind," He smiled impishly. "You can style it anytime,' He crossed his legs. "Do you like to style hair?" He questioned, wanting to know more about her.

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