My heart in Copenhagen.

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)

So this time tomorrow, I will be on my way to the airport with a suitcase full of tim-tams (and hopefully some clothes, other things as well if I actually get around to packing them). I already have realised I need to upgrade to a bigger case due to the amount of biscuits I am taking.
I will be away for two weeks, and when I get back, my sister will be visiting and taking me wedding dress shopping (for her, not me. though maybe bridesmaid dresses for me). So will, realistically, I will be away for three weeks.
I will still be around, and lurking a bit and getting some replies in but I will not guarantee anything.
I will still be accessible via Discord. And it should be on enough to lurk and see notifications, post classes when they start back etc.

Mia :mia:
Have a great time Mia!
Sounds like a fun next couple of weeks. Enjoy!

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