Maddiie tired

Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Maddiie may her way to the the forbidden forest. She had enough with this school. To much probelms she wonder if she should quit?
Bellatrix was walking along the edge of the forest when she saw an old 'friend' She watched the girl walk along. Ahhhh so peaceful on the outside... how I can change that quickly... "I haven't seen you in a while.... Hows mum and dad?" she said with a sly smile.

ooc: I couldn't resist the 'hows mum and dad' part :lol:
Alice had been walking outside and was inexplicably drawn to the Forbidden Forest. She knew it was Forbidden for a reason and while she tended to obey the rules, she couldn't help herself from wandering over there.

When she arrived she saw Maddiie, her editor from the Hogwarts Weekly and the infamous Bellatrix Green. Maddiie looked terribly sad and she wondered why. Hoping it wasn't because of Bellatrix she walked over to see if everything was okay.

"Hello Maddiie, Are you okay?" She smiled at Bellatrix as she spoke. She had never met Bellatrix before but her reputation forced Alice to make sure to stay on her good side.
Bellatrix stared at the girl not returning the smile. "And I am sure little Maddiie is just fine..." she snapped.
Taken aback by Bellatrix's snappiness she pulled up all her courage and answered her back. "While I appreciate what you are saying might be true, I'd rather hear it from Maddiie." Alice felt the butterflies in her stomach and her cheeks flush slightly but she did want to make sure Maddiie was okay.
"I'm afraid I don't know you well enough to have gained any trust of you yet." Alice sensed that Bellatrix was all talk these days but she wasn't about to test it.
"I just want to make sure Maddiie tells me so I know for sure."

Alice's premonition senses were starting to get the better of her and she didn't want to leave Maddiie alone right now until she stopped sensing danger. So no matter what Bellatrix told her it, didn't ring true for Alice.
Maddiie gave Bellatrix and Alice a weak smile. "Im okay" she spoke quitley.
"But not here Im not..."
"I dont belong here my sickness, my grades, everything. I'm more thab this, something telling me to leave."
Alice could not believe what she was hearing. She had truly liked Maddiie and was shocked to hear what she was saying. She was however not shocked by Bellatrix's response and thought, Typical as she tried to avoid looking at her.

"Maddiie, I don't know what sickness you are talking about but surely the grades can be taken care of with some professor counsellings and tutoring. Please don't make such a major decision like this without talking to someone first."

Alice still felt a strangeness about the situation and knew she had to get away from the forest. How to do that, she didn't know. She certainly hadn't been very successful with Anastasia and dangerous places but she would try harder with Maddiie.

"Listen Maddiie." Alice began again trying to ignore Bellatrix's presence. "Why don't we go down to the Three Broomsticks and have a drink and talk about what's going on?"

Alice hoped she could get through to Maddiie and that she would reconsider staying.
"Oh please, don't give her pity. She fakes everything. She's not ill and the only reason for her bad grades is that she is just plain out dull."
Maddiie felt a apin go throught her cheast. She didnt know why the pain was occuring, but hoping none of them notice. "Thanks for your offer Alice, but Im not in a mood tonight." She ignored Bellatrix commet and started walking deeper into the forest.
"Wait!" Alice shouted, reaching her hand out to Maddiie. "I really think we need to talk." Then turning to Bellatrix she added "You aren't helping!"

"Maddiie please talk to me." Alice's head was spinning trying to figure out a way to keep Maddiie from going into the forest. "Ummm, I did need to ask you a question...ummm the Hogwarts Weekly." She felt a spark of inspiration. "I saw that you were giving up the editorship of it. Can you tell me what is involved in it? and how much work you think it might be?"

Hopefully this would get Maddiie talking for a bit so she could think of some other way to keep Maddiie from going into the Forest.
Maddiie ignored the girl called Alice. Her mind was a bit dizzy but she did not want to hear about her failure. She kept going deeper hoping to lose them both.
After haering Bellatrix remarked Maddiie turned around.

"Hearing that from you make me wonder if you know of anyone attacking me now. " Maddiie looked at Bella suspicious
"True but knowing you anyone can be trusted but you"
Alice was getting frustrated by her inability to get through to Maddiie. "Listen Maddiie, what the heck is going on here? I have a strange feeling you are off to the Forest to intentionally get yourself hurt. If this is true you need to talk about it to someone. And Bellatrix, for heaven's sake, stop being so bloody insensitive and mean!" Alice then stood still wait for the fireworks to start from Bellatrix as she was sure she probably shouldn't have said what she said, but couldn't take back the words now.
"Alice thanks for your concern but I have no itention I just need some alone time"
Alice was frustrated with Maddiie's giving up attitude. She was sure something bad was going to happen but was not prepared to endanger herself for a girl she hardly knew and who didn't seem to care anymore. She felt bad about giving up but decided that Maddiie was on her own.

"No problem Maddiie, I just hope you've thought about it and the decision you are making is not something you'll regret later on. Good night Maddiie and Good night Bellatrix."

Alice turned and left the Forbidden Forest. As she stepped out of it, she felt a huge blackness lift from her and was already feeling lighthearted as she headed back to the castle.

((I hope you stay Maddiie but, I'm not prepared to beg. You're a big girl and can make your own decisions. Good luck))
"Oh is that so? Anyone can be trusted but me? Does that mean you would rather trust someone else. Maybe family?" she snapped.

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