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Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Teddy set off on a run along a path that ran alongside the Hogwarts lake, offering spectacular views along the way. He wasn't a stranger to running, but this was different. He was intentionally running for fitness, a decision spurred by a drive to improve his endurance and speed for the Quidditch season. The early spring morning air was crisp, and his breath fogged the cold air as he jogged along the path. Teddy did feel slightly self-conscious, as if eyes were on him but he carried on running nonetheless.
Audrey was used to early mornings and being made to go running in said early mornings. It wasn't new to her. The hardest part of getting back into routine at Hogwarts, she found, was trying to sleep in a little more in order to be able to stay awake later. Especially when she had Astronomy class. But at least she didn't have that this semester so she could take her time. After tripping on a stick, much to her annoyance, Audrey had gone to sit out of the way for a few moments, catching her breath and letting her mind wander. But she saw Teddy out of the corner of her eye, and unable to help herself, had pulled out her wand and sent a quick trip jinx his way. She needed to practice, after all. Besides, if he was going to be playing seeker, he needed to practice his balance. Really, she was helping him. If only she could cast it non-verbally, though, she thought.
Teddy was in the zone, building up a good running pace, allowing the crisp morning air to fill his lungs. He stopped feeling self-conscious and instead, it was a moment when he felt like he could conquer anything. Then, completely out of the blue, Audrey's trip jinx hit him. It was like an invisible rug had been yanked from beneath sending him tumbling forward, unable to stop his momentum. He fell, landing face-first in a muddy puddle. Mud splattered everywhere, coating his clothes and face. The initial shock was met with an exasperated, "Ugh!" as he pushed himself up from the puddle, looking more like a swamp creature than a Hogwarts student. At this point, he was completely unaware of Audrey's presence. Teddy tried to wipe some of the mud from his face but only succeeded in smearing it even more.
((apparently I woke up and chose violence today I'm so sorry))

Audrey crowed with laughter, pleased that the spell had worked. She stood up and wandered over. Teddy looked absolutely ridiculous, and Audrey found it hilarious. Although, there was also a slight pang of regret, like maybe she should have given him a heads up, or perhaps just not done it at all. But she wasn't being mean, she mentally insisted, she was just having fun. "Aw," she got out after a moment, still wheezing a little. "I guess we gotta work on your balance some." She half wished she had a camera, but the wand was still in her hand, and instead she felt somewhat compelled to, shockingly enough, be helpful. Even though her own legs were still a bit muddy from when she'd fallen over earlier. "Alright, stay very still...and...scourgify!"

Teddy's gaze narrowed as it dawned on him that Audrey had been behind his sudden fall. He should have expected it. It was a classic Audrey move. However, as he pondered the situation, a faint smile started to emerge, acknowledging the humour in the situation. He even contemplated returning the favour with a muddy surprise hug but before he could put that idea into motion, Audrey...cleaned him?

Teddy glanced down at his clean self, then back up at Audrey. "What spell is that?" he asked with a tinge of curiosity in his voice. He was careful not to give her too much credit, or thank her. Especially considering it was her earlier trick that led to his fall in the first place.
"Oh, good," Audrey said, smirking as she put her hands behind her back, looking as innocent as she possibly could. "I had no idea if that worked on people. Thank you for being my test subject." She tilted her head a little, pondering whether she should just cast another trip jinx or maybe be slightly less annoying if she wanted Teddy to actually like being around her (considering his friends didn't). Maybe she'd just ask. "Which one, the trip jinx or the cleaning charm? I can show off both, if you want," she was unable to hide the sense of smug pride in her voice.
Teddy had been fairly convinced that Audrey was behind his fall, until she confirmed how she did it, then he was entirely convinced. He flashed her a sly, knowing grin. "Ah, so you got me with a trip jinx," he remarked, musing over it with a nod. "I'll remember that one."

"I'm already familiar with the trip jinx. It's the other one, the cleaning one. Score-giffy or something like that. Can you teach me that one?" It annoyed Teddy that Audrey was learning spells before him but he didn't want her to know that.
Audrey felt a tiny bit sorry for Teddy, the fact that he didn't get to do Charms until later on sucked. At least next year they'd have all their classes together, for better or for worse. Though, there was a tiny bit of pride that she was ahead for now. She wasn't going to underestimate Teddy, because he was (mostly) actually pretty smart. But it was all dwarfed by the fact she felt kind of good about being asked to help. "Yeah, sure! You wave your wand in an 'S' shape, like this, and its scourgify." She pointed her wand at her slightly muddy right hand, moving it in an 's'. "Scourgify!" She giggled as the magic cleaned off the grime, surprised by the slight tingling sensation.
Teddy, never one to let a chance for payback slip by, watched Audrey intently as she demonstrated the Scourgify spell. His mischievous grin was the only telltale sign of his impending mischief. He pointed his wand at the mud on Audrey's leg, "Alright, Audrey, let's see if I got this right." He waved his wand in an exaggerated 'S' shape, but at the last second, he cast "Locomotor Mortis" at her legs. It was a little payback regarding the trip jinx. Whether Audrey would see it coming in time remained to be seen.
Realistically, Audrey knew she should have expected it. She only registered his expression a second too late, and didn't react in time at all. Her legs locked together, and she fell straight down into the mud with a squeal of shock. It took her a moment to process. In part, she felt a bit hurt that he'd do something like that to her, ignoring the fact that it was entirely justified payback. She also wasn't terribly used to anyone actually giving as good as they got - mostly getting ignored or yelled at. Audrey blinked a few times, before she started laughing. She managed to get herself up onto her elbow, choking out a jelly legs jinx in the middle of giggles. Though, she wasn't sure it would actually land, considering she was a bit too giggly through the incantation. "Good thing Ravenclaw aren't playing Gryffindor yet," she teased.
Teddy burst into laughter, relieved that Audrey was taking the whole thing in stride. He knew that not everyone could dish it out and take it, but Audrey seemed to be just fine. "Well, that worked better than expected," he chuckled, still grinning. He quickly offered his hand to help Audrey up, checking to make sure her counter spell had worked first.

"Alright, alright, no more tricks for now. We're even!" he grinned, trying to reassure her. "Now, you're the perfect amount of muddy for me to practice the cleaning charm. Scourgify!" He waved his wand in an S shape, and a tiny speck of mud vanished from her robes. So small that you could easily argue that the spell had not worked. "There you go, good as new!"
Already, of course, Audrey's mind was whirring with ways to get the upper hand. She wondered if Teddy would be entering the duelling tournament. She was a little wary of the hand offered, half taking it but mostly getting up on her own strength. Her legs just felt a little weird after being locked together. "A truce," she agreed, blinking as she tried to see where Teddy's spell had worked, if it had worked at all. She wiped a muddy hand over the bridge of her nose. "This is supposed to make me more beautiful, right? Seems unfair to everyone else."
Teddy let out a playful sigh as Audrey's movement accidentally smeared the speck he'd just cleaned. He found it quite amusing, and burst into laughter when she smeared mud on her face. "Careful now, you'll make them all jealous." he playfully teased, "And if you let people see you like that, you'll start a new fashion trend." While he completely understood why some of his friends didn't like her, Teddy appreciated Audrey's confidence, humour, and intelligence. However, he kept those compliments to himself as her ego was big enough already.
Audrey posed, pouting her lips like the models she saw in some fashion magazines and pressing a muddy hand to her hair. She'd do what she could with a spell but at this point a bath was definitely going to be needed. "Well, I am on the cutting edge," she joked, although she did rather like the idea of being a trendsetter. Somehow, she didn't think this would take off though. "I'd hope they'd be jealous of me. That means I win." Her tone was still playful, but there was a little bit of something else, like she was a little unconvinced. She shook her head. "Soooo, you made the Gryffindor team, huh? Sleeping with one eye open, are you?"

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