Letters to Home

Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale
Cosette looked over the short parchment in her hands, rereading it to correct any mistakes. It was short, but she did not feel like she should write anymore than she already had. She was really writing the letter because she had nothing else left to do, and her mother had sent her a letter days ago, demanding to know why her daughter had not responded to any of her owls. The auburn girl did not even bother to write her letter in French, seeing as her mother was French and was getting on her case for not speaking enough French. She walked over to a ginger colored owl, and handed the bird her letter. The bird flew off as she reread her letter to her father, a bit longer than the one sent to her mother.
Letter to Mother said:
Dearest Mother,

My years here at Hogwarts has been a fast one. I apologize for not writing back nor thinking to write you mother. Though I would like to inform you that I have gained new friends here. I am still continuing playing my beloved flute from time to time, followed by my sketching. You should know that the rose garden here is such a beauty to see, though I believe ours is more majesty. I also have grown a quarter inched from the last time you have seen me. Armand and Marianne, the two seems to be invisible these days. I miss you mother and I hope you do to.



She found an owl that looked as if it was covered in soot and give it the letter. The next letter would be given to her father who was in Italy for a business trip, though it would be along letter for her to write. On the other hand her mother was somewhere in California, she was going to be in a show where she'll be performing her new piano piece. The owl flew off, leaving Cosette in the owlery with only a few birds left. She had secretly hoped that her mother would not asked further questions about her sibling. Seeing as it was only the afternoon, and that she would introduce herself and make a friend. However, no one else was up here. Just Cosette.

After spending his winter in New Zealand with his cousin Ezekiel, Tessin was finding it a little hard to readjust to Californian life. It wasn't that the weather was bad. Quite the contrary considering he lived in San Diego, which for those who do not know the state well, is very far south. He'd had a fairly long day. It was the first day back at muggle High school and his first day back at work. Now despite the fact it had no been a total of two months since his girlfriend had died, he still found that eyes still followed him everywhere he went. Maybe it was because for the first time since he was about 12, he didn't have some girl standing right beside him, calling him their boyfriend. Or because this was the first time in his school career that he was actually single, or not just getting with different girls like he'd done for a month until he'd taken a trip out of his normal life and gone to New Zealand. Tessin's philosophy had then been just rebound with girls who wanted no ties, which considering he was grieving was happy to do. Which had always been his philosophy even before his last girlfriend, she had been the exeption. He made sure there were no ties, so it wouldn't hurt when either they or he moved away.

Lochie knew that despite all his efforts to persuade his friends of how he was keeping it together they really did not believe him, but thankfully, they at least had the decency to go along with the fact that Lochan was persuading them of how he was fine, over it. He noticed that people were careful in there words around him. And a mention of his ex-girlfriend resulted in his closest friend not so discreetly kicking them under the table. And if they were not at the table, just kicking them in plain sight. But Tessin figured that, when a person leaves for a month, without telling anyone until he's left, most figure that being around said person is like walking on ice. Which Lochie was definitely interested in changing, but the teen did not quite know how to go about this without wearing a sign that said it. It was why, after that first day back and after his first shift back at work, he found himself sitting on the Beach area just outside where he worked. His high school History books at his side sitting on the soft sand, and his owl was perched on top of the books, since despite it's Californian ways, the owl still hated the sand. Tessin was meeting a friend, and they were going to head back to central San Diego shortly after the sun had set at the same time, since they lived right next door, and worked in places very close to one another. Tessin was taking this moment to write a letter to his cousin, Ezekiel. Whom he dearly wanted to move to California so they could spend more time together. It was the only cousin he could actually stand, and it was just his luck that the guy lived out in New Zealand. New Zealand of all places. Once he had finished the letter, he sealed the envelope and attached it to the owl. letting the owl fly off while he watched the sun set and waited for his friend. Tessin took a deep breath and reminded himself of how lucky he was to be alive.​
Letter to Ezekiel said:
<SIZE size="50">Ezekiel,

Literally been back to school one day, and it's not fun. You are seriously lucky your parents don't make you go to muggle school. You pick to go. My dad is all about the wide education, wizarding at home and muggle every where else. We spent a good month together, tell your parents thanks again. Seriously, it's amazing they put up with me for so long. Well, us. Our antics as your dad liked to call them. Although, I still think New Zealand is boring. It's no California. For reals man you should convince your parents to move over here. School would be a lot more awesome with you 'round. The guys in my class might need some warmin' up to you, but it could be epic. I mean I'm writing you a letter from the sunny beach in San Diego. Still summer down there? Probably not.
Okay, man, I gotta go. One of my muggle friends is meeting me here, and he'd get freaked by the owl.
I'll see you soon man,
Say Hi to your parents, oh and Evijan says hey.
Don't be lazy, write back to me, cousin.

It took Cosette an hour for her letter to be received by her mother, "Wow that owl is getting fast and faster each day." she giggled. She never expected her mother to write her back, after all it's been months since the last time she saw her. Not that she was avoiding her whenever her mother was around, Cosette just felt she and her mother weren't connected all. Sire she was the youngest by a few minutes, which made her reason out that she was adopted. Hopefully yes. Cosette took a deep breath before opening the letter where her owl wanted to bite the envelope apart. Still she felt she needed some realization before even thinking how to respond with her mother's letter. "Here it goes." Cosette murmured. Closing her eyes while opening the envelope she was bit shock that the paper was cheap, sure the envelope is dirty from the trip, but the paper itself? Cosette froze, this was obviously someone else. From what she remembered her mother would used her own special paper, scented with her own perfume. Pulling the letter out, her eyes widened the letter was not hers.

The handwriting was different as it was written by a boy. Not only that bothered her, it wasn't her letter! "Ezekiel Who? What? Oh no!" she exclaimed a bit worried if her mother ever got her letter. After it was her owl, it was the first time for her owl to mess up her letters. Unless for such reason that switched the letter by an accident. Cosette wasn't sure what to do now, she was remained standing there like a statue that was about to crack from years of being there. Still she wanted to see who was the letter for and most especially who was Lochie? And so Cosette decided to write the Lochie guy back wanting to know who he was and if he got her letter which was supposed to be for Cosette's mother.
Letter to Lochie? said:

Dear Lochie guy,

Obviously, I got your letter and I was wondering if you got mine? Here is your first letter, I've attached it so you could believe me. Anyway, no need for you to worry as I'm not a muggle myself. There is nothing to hide mister. Though it's a bit sad you're enrolled in a muggle school, must be dreadful? Well, I guess that all I want to say for now. Will wait for your reply.
The name is Cosette.​
After attaching the first letter to her new letter, Cosette then tied it to her owl and commanded it to send it to whomever the first letter belong to. Hopefully her owl was smart as fast as it was before. She took a deep breath and hoped for the best.
It had been a more than a week since he had written to Ezekiel. And while generally this would not have bothered him, he had received a letter, that was clearly not for him. It had been a little formal, too formal for a guy like Ezekiel. Not to mention the use of the word mother instead of mom, had really told him that this person writing, either was going threw a rough patch with said parent, or just in general talked like that. Tessin Lochan had been very confused by the letter, but had thought nothing else off it. Tessin was not exactly free all the time to be able to look into it further. He had his school work to keep up with, his friends to be with, his job, and all the while still persuading all his friends that he was okay, and that a nervous breakdown was not in any case about to happen. Lochie, was not the kind of person to think to much upon a stray letter. Though he held on to it, just in case there letters had been mixed up and the Cosette girl had ended up with his letter. It was an odd thing, but he was sure that it much happen every so often. Clearly it probably was not impossible. However, he did really dislike the fact that someone he didn't know could very well have read his mail. From what he could remember about the letter it was not that bad, nothing too personal, just talking about living in California and how his cousin should move. Since out of all his cousins, Ezekiel was one of the ones he liked. Ezekiel and Andrew, who was technically a second cousin. But, Andrew at least lived in California, so he got to spend time with him. Tessin had just gone through a very hard and long day. It was not that different from the others, just that he had done a very long and hard shift at work, and while he was still able to sit watching the sun set, but he had skipped out on last period sports, to go to work. Which while not a great idea, Tessin really did not care. He was like almost all other nights now sitting on the beach doing homework. His favourite time of the day, surprisingly enough. It was as he worked, that he noticed an owl approach him, He took the letter from the owl, and smiled to find the letter he'd written to Ezekiel and the one that was from the girl. Tessin, would've normally completely ignored such a thing, but he was curious about the Cosette girl. And so he opened the letter and began reading.

The letter the girl, Cosette had written clearly wanted a reply. And while it was odd to write to someone you didn't know Tessin didn't exactly want to be the ****head who never wrote a reply. So, took a page from his notebook, and then began his letter. It was odd, since the girl had written on parchment with a quill, whereas he was writing on muggle paper with a pen. Tessin wasn't sure what to write, what could he say to such a person. But, since he was sitting on the beach in California, and he guessed she was probably stuck in a school, he was happy with where he was. and talking to her seemed like a good idea. Once he had finished, he enclosed the girl's letter along with the letter he had written to her and sent it away with the owl.​
Letter to Cosette said:
<SIZE size="50">Cosette,

Thanks for sending back the letter. Ezekiel will be pleased when he gets it. Hopefully this time it'll get to the right person. Only witches and wizards can receive mail in the way that we send it. Surely? I don't really know. I know that the owl my family uses does not like muggles. How it can tell the difference, I dunno.
Muggle school is not as bad as you might think. It has some good points. Like the fact I can learn about politics, or another language, both of which could be useful. Plus, I have a lot more freedom than my cousins who attend wizarding school. Are you at a wizarding school? If so, which?
Also, I should introduce myself, I'm Tessin, Tessin Lochan. My friends, and my cousin, Ezekiel call me Lochie. Or Tess. I have a whole load of nicknames, pick whatever you wish to call me and that's cool. And I live in California. I'm sitting on a beach while writing this. I'm not sure what else to say. Where are you from?
Make any more friends? Have you grown more?

Tapping or rather strumming his fingers across his thighs, she waited for the letter to arrive. Such questions kept racing trough his head, questions like. "Is he going to reply?, Should he even reply? Is my letter still with him? He is a boy right?" She then closed her fist when she saw her owl arriving the owlery. Cosette took a deep breath and approached the owl, she got the letter that was attached to her owl and took a tight grip at it. She was feeling unsure if she should continue this, then again she wanted to gain friends and that's all that matters. Cosette smiled and opened the letter, word by word she was still smiling. feeling she was somehow connected with the person on the other side of the globe.

Shaking his arms as it was now getting some cramps, she wondered what to write back at the person. She took a seat near the edge of the tower aware that she wasn't going to fell at all. Crossing her legs together, Cosette took a her parchment and quill to write back at Lochie. She stopped for a moment to think of what to say then after deciding she started to write something on the piece of parchment.
Letter to Lochie said:

Dear Lochie,

That good to know. Yeah I am, Currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand. Obviously you've heard of it right? My family moved here several years ago, so what better school to go to. Please to meet you Tessin Lochan, I have a question though. Are you a boy or a girl?, your name is just suited for both I guess. I'll go with Lochie if that's fine with you? My name is Cosette Mayfair, I don't any nicknames just call me Cosette like my friends do. The beach? Oh I envy you, I love going to the beach and being able to live there much be blast huh? I was born in France but now we reside in New Zealand. Though I miss France from time to time, still New Zealand is well pleasant. My siblings think that New Zealand is dull and boring but at time I see it quite fascinating to be in a new place. I love to make new friends, and yes I do have loads here. Which also concludes to a question, could we be like friends? I know were complete strangers but I would like to know you more. For the past few months I've grown three inches, it is expected as my relatives are tall to. How about you? All questions you've ask applies to you to. Could you describe yourself in a few words? Eager for your reply.
When she was done asking several questions and answering Lochie's, she immediately tied her letter to the owl and crossed her arms, eager for his reply.
It had been a good couple of months since Tessin had anything to look forward to. It wasn't like his life wasn't going well, but since losing his girlfriend things had sort of lost meaning. He drowned himself in work. More so than usual and in the end it just seemed pointless, since no matter how hard he actually tried nothing was quite good enough. His parents were still annoyed at him. His teachers were trying to be nice, but hoping that he would eventually just get over it. And his friends were still waiting for the mental breakdown. Tessin knew he wasn't the only one who'd lost someone, but that really didn't help. After everything that he'd had to go through before meeting his now ex-girlfriend it was just another punch across the face. However after writing to Cosette, a girl he'd never laid eyes on, Tessin had wondered if it was even a good idea. He liked it. Writing to someone who knew next to nothing about him. And he enjoyed the fact that he had to wait for every letter to arrive. However, since things at home were getting a little out of hand. Devon had decided to swing by with his new interest He had not exactly enjoyed being in the house. And had taken to camping out at the beach with his friends. Whom were all quite happy to join him. Since it was southern California, and coming up for summer, the weather was warm, and humid. And it was around the time when the surf season was getting better. And they could get a fire going and open a couple of bottles of beers. But, Tessin expecting a letter from Cosette had gone home for the day to see if it had arrived. And sure enough it had. He took the letter and put it in his bag. However unable to reply since he had to go to school and then work. A busy life Tessin lead. He doubted that Cosette had a busy life like his. But when night finally fell, and everyone around him was asleep, Tessin opened the letter and read.

He gave a little laugh, it was true. Telling if he was a girl or a boy would be hard. Since he had a name that really could suit both. Cosette on the other had a very girly name. Not to mention her handwriting was a lot more girl like. Since he had a lot of girls around him a lot, he could tell the difference between a girl's handwriting and a guy's but it made him smile that she didn't. It was nice to hear from her. So he picked up a bit of paper and a pen and wrote a reply.​
Letter to Cosette said:
<SIZE size="50">Cosette,

Of course I've heard of it. My cousin was thinking of going, but he enjoyed muggle school too much. I thought about going but, my dad was more keen on my brothers and I getting an all round education. Basically I do all the same sort of things that you do at school, but on top of that, I go to muggle school, and I have a job. All round education.
And I'm boy. It's difficult to tell with a name like Tessin. Which is why I more often go by my second name, Lochan. I know it's not exactly clear either, but I prefer it. I have a middle name, but it's also girly. Or sounds it. My parent's thought I was going to be a girl. But yeah, I'm a guy. It is very nice to talk to you Cosette. Cosette is a pretty name. But no nicknames that kinda sucks.
France that's cool. I've never been. It's a little far from California. Plus, I mean if I wanted to see the Eiffel Tower I can go to Las Vegas. It's not that near to me, but it is closer. Don't worry Cose I know it's not the same, but it's still an Eiffel Tower. I would love to go to France one day.
Course we can be friends. I thought that was what we were. Unconventional friends but still friends. All we need to do eventually is meet. Next time I'm visiting my cousin, we can. If you want to Cose. Can completely understand if you don't want to.
Me? I was born in California, and have lived here most of my life. I moved to Oregon for a while. Salem to be specific but California is my home. It's great. Most of my family live here. Only Ezekiel and his parents live in New Zealand. And my brother, Devon, lives in Nevada. But California is a big state we are spread out.
I have a lot of friends. We spend a lot of time together. We all have jobs, so after wards we go to our spot on the beach and we lit a bonfire and have a couple of drinks and then do some homework. Be with girls or guys. We don't care about which team each person plays for. We just hang out. And don't go home. We sleep at the beach. I'm at the beach right now. My best friend is snoring beside me. And I have a girl sleeping against my leg. So yeah, friends I have those. BUt, I'm glad to make a new friend.
I'm fairly tall. My family we're of average height so I might grow a little more. About me, well, I've got blonde hair and blue eyes. I have three brothers, all older. I like sport.
What about you? Siblings? What are their names? Do you like attending Hogwarts? What's it actually like? Pitch it to me. I might consider going. I love California, but I need a break. How is it? Do you have a job? How old are you? When's your birthday?

It's always nice to hear from you Cose.

It's been a while since Cosette made a new friend, Jake being the latest. She loved school and always saw it as her own home, her friends like her own siblings. Though her life maybe a bit of perfect to others, it wasn't at all. Being the youngest among the triplets, she was always the left one. Still that didn't stopped her from enjoying her life that is. She knew that it would take days before Lochie would even reply to her new letter and so Cosette decided to head back to her dorm to have some sleep as. She was already tired and needed to rest her body and mind. After finishing changing clothes she tucked herself in and looked at her ceiling. Last week she placed some glow in the dark stickers, it made the rusty room more interesting. Once she took her final glance, Cosette was now sleeping. Upon waking up fixed her bed sheet, pilow and comforter and went began to dress into her jogging pants and shirt. She wanted to take a jog around the cliffs and at the edge of the lake for exercise.

After doing so, she decided to visit the owlery to see if Lochie had already replied. Yes, the person did finally replied. Cosette saw Lochie's letter and placed it inside her pocket then head back to her dorm room to read it there. She left the unread letter on her side table and began to take a quick shower then changed into another set of clothes. Cosette landed on her bed and lay on it, while reading the letter that Lochie sent.

Letter to Lochie said:
Dear Lochie,

Obviously, I don't know what's in like to be enrolled in a muggle school, though it sound quite interesting.I guessed that before, I mean if you're a girl then probably we would be talking boys, gossip and girl stuffs. Still Tessin is a wonderful, it's very unique. Well some close friends of mine back home calls me CC or was it's spelled with a e like CeCe. Pick from the two if you wish to call me in a shorter version. France is lovely, I'd be happy to tour you around there someday. Friends it is, Thanks! I'd love that though I hope the timing would be right so we could meet. So, you drink? Now I wonder how old are you? Of course I don't drink any alcohol beverages, except during occasions, gala, event and the lights. From the sound of it you look dashing.
Moi? Long wavy auburn hair, fair skin tone and quite tall for my age. It must be my genes as all of them are quit tall too.About the nickname thing before, some people called me Gold when i was younger. It's because of my gold eyes, they're literally gold. I was born with a different color, unlike my siblings whose eyes are well brown like?Anyway, I'm a part of a triplet. I'm the youngest by a couple of minutes. Though were not the typical identical twins. Armand, Marianne then me, just us. I love here at Hogwarts, I consider it as my second home. Well, it's old though I think it's splendid. You should visit the school sometime, I just adore the Garden here. So you're thinking about going here too? That sound wonderful, I'll be happy to show you around too. No, I do not have a job and the fact that my parents will not be please to her their daughter working at a young age. I'm just fourteen, How about you Lochie? I was born on November 2 (All Souls Day) sound awkward isn't it? How about you? All questions apply to you too? What's like to have three older brothers?
After finishing her letter, she decided to ran back to the owlery and sent the letter as soon as possible.
<SIZE size="50">With one of the rare days of rain, the Californian boy didn't quite know what to do with himself or where to go. He wasn't exactly dressed for rain. With his shorts and short sleeved t-shirt. The fact that he hadn't ever thought he would need clothes for the rain was a mistake that happened to him once a year. It wasn't like he ever knew when it would happen so that he could plan ahead for the day. Since it had started out by being a little cloudy with a light wind, which had changed to be large clouds with no wind by the middle of the day, the Californian teen had not had the time to be able to just go home and get changed into something better. He had headed to work and even though it was now slightly earlier than usual the boy still hadn't left his work place. It wasn't like he didn't want to, but the boy wanted to wait a little while for the rain to die down a little. Thankfully he actually had something to do with his time while sitting in work with no actual work to do. The letter from Cosette had arrived that morning before he'd left for work. Since Devon was still home for a while, things had been stressful enough that no one had noticed the fact that he received mail. Which the boy was thankful for. He didn't want them thinking anything. Like thinking that he was dating someone. Tessin pretty much believed that his family believed he was already over the death of his girlfriend, and while he was happy to have it that way, he didn't want them to think that he was already with someone a little more seriously than a one night stand. He read through the letter and found himself smiling. It was nice to hear from someone he had never met. It was good. She was different, and she had no idea that his girlfriend had died. She knew nothing about him. And while they'd spoken a little about some personal things, it wasn't anything that gave too much away. As soon as he'd finished reading he took a pen and paper and began writing a response.​
Cosette said:


I like that Nickname, gold eyes that's something different. I'm sure it's beautiful. My eyes are just blue. Nothing that cool. Gold that's cool. I'll be sure to use your nickname from here on out. I'm big on nicknames, as are most of my friends. I mean I have about 5 nicknames. I just like Lochie the most. It's probably the best of the lost. My mom likes to call me Tess. Which is a little too girly. Which is why I tend to go by Lochan more than Tessin. Most of my school professors call me Lochan. But if they're pissed at me, it's Tessin Sage Lochan. My full name.
Drink, yeah there is that, I'm 15. I know what you're thinking, what's a fifteen year old doing drinking, but I assure it's quite the norm here. The group I hang out with all enjoy a little bit of drink at a party. I try to not. Avoid it as much as possible, but when everyone is, it's impolite. You know.
Well, you sound very pretty, I'm sure you have boys (or girls if you swing that way) falling over themselves to be with you.
It's early thoughts, I'm going to see if I can persuade my cousin who lives in New Zealand to attend with me, but I dunno if he'll want to. I'm keen on visiting, to at least see the place. What do you like about the school? What do you hate about it? Which house are you in? Which house is best? Which do you think I'll be placed in?
I have a job, I have to help my parents out, and it's a good way of keeping me distracted. Something to do with my time, and it means that I have good skills when I'm looking for a job in later life. Plus, it's easy work for the money. My birthday is the 11th of March. So I'll be 16 this year. I'm a little older than you.
Three brothers, There is Nathan he's 23 and married and currently living in Salem. Then after him theres Evijan, which is an odd name, He's 20. He's at Stanford University on a Sports scholarship. I think it's International Business law he's doing. He's the smartest of the four of us. And then there is Devon, He's 18 and just finished high School. Spent the summer in Vegas and is living there with his friends. But, he's home right now. And it's not bad. I don't get along with Devon, but the other two are cool. Devon's kinda the f##k up of the family. But, it's good to have three brothers. I know if anyone ever gives me sh1t, I have people who'll always have my back and I'll always have their back. It's good. Would you want any other siblings? What about extended family? Many cousins? Is your entire family magical? Oh, and it's raining here. Which major sucks. I don't know what to do when it rains. Got any suggestions?

It's always nice to here from you, Goldie,

Autumn, the weather was just perfect as ever. Even though the leaves scattered the castle it was still enchanting as ever. It was the perfect day to sketch, Cosette went out of her dorm room and decided to see the wondrous thing to draw. Along with the girl was her charcoal and sketchbook, she sat down under a tree and started to open her sketchbook. The young girl saw some piles up leaves circling the whole lawn and she decided to start that off. With every line and every textures where drawn into Cosette's attention. After finishing her sketch she was glad to be able to finish it in a day, Cosette quite felt tired and decided to take a nap.

As she finally was done sleeping Cosette woke up to see that she was the only one remaining, she smiled with delight and decided to test out her powers. It was just last week that she finally accepted that she had a gift, the Hufflepuff was a Metamorphmagus. She adored being one just like her aunt was one too. Among the triplets she was the one who could be able to change her physical appearance, although she was indeed beautiful it was still fun to play with her hair, nose and stuff. The first try was basic, Cosette decided to change her hair color into a dark green tone. "It's looks terrible." she giggled and tried another one. Cosette then closed her eyes and decided to change her nose and mouth, her mouth turned into a duck's beak and her nose turned into a snout of a big. The feeling was unusual and surreal which made Cosette decided to stop and wondered if she should write Lochie back. The auburn nodded and teared apart the last page of her sketch book and decided to write back Lochie using her sketching pencil.
Dear Sage,

I just love the name Sage, I hope you don't mind me calling you that for the mean time. Is it really your name, like your second name or is it your mother's maiden name. Anyway, Yeah having gold eyes is something though I feel weird when people keeps on staring at me every time I pass by. I mean I'm not a veela like some students here, i guess I'm not used to any attention. I've been loner myself at times. I like your name it's very.. unique and quite interesting. I don't think it's an odd name though I apologize about earlier when I thought you were a girl. I don't think I'm THAT pretty, I mean I have friends who are boys and I don't think they think of me as that pretty, like what you are saying. I don't really want to elaborate on that, let's just keep that at as it is. It would be lovely to see you in person, as I can't imagine you fully. School is well, interesting. I like it more than home, I mean being able to be apart from my sibling is such a great moment for me, there isn't no pressure to be perfect and act like a princess. It's really a stressful environment for me. I try to remove the word hate from my vocabulary at the moment. I was sorted into Hufflepuff, no reason for me argue with the sorting hat I guess, though I was wishing to be in Gryffindor before but now I'm contented with it. Well that depends, I mean I don't really know your personality so well that. Yeah, I'd rather have brothers than a sister like Marianne, she's such a snob and quite rude. I'm not sure if you would like her, I mean she's horrible and I'm her sister, I know but she's just the complete opposite of that we really don't get along at all. I'm quite contented with my sibling and as for my family, no i don't have any extended family. I mean my father and mother can't do that, other that it against the law it is the fact that their to busy with their careers. I'm just a half-blood, How about you? Raining huh? I know it sound weird but whenever it's raining I try to go out and try to just dance outside in the rain, without any shoes that is. Feeling the wet grass and the rain all over my body is somewhat refreshing to me, it's just really nice. Again all questions apply to you as I think you've asked me too many question for me to repeat that in here but here are some additions: Do you have any special abilities? What's your favorite food? Do you play any instruments, sports? Hope to see you soon.
Cosette aka Goldie​

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