Closed Just looking around, not doing anything

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Teddy spent the morning roaming the Great Lawn, a bundle of restless energy in search of amusement. His yearning for an adventure had him feeling impulsive, but the challenge lay in deciding where to begin. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he stumbled upon the greenhouses nearby. He approached cautiously at first, hoping not to be caught somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. Once he was happy that no one had seen him, he walked up to the greenhouse window and leaned closer, his hands and face pressed eagerly against the cool glass to try get a closer look at what was inside.

@Audrey Beauchamp
Audrey was excited by just how much there was to explore. Compared to home, she felt like it would take a long time to get bored by the school. She didn't think she'd find out all its secrets right away and that would keep her entertained for ages. That, and the outdoors wasn't limited to an area for Quidditch. There were plants, and a lake with all kinds of mysterious creatures, and a forest that was against the rules to go into but she'd go check it out in time. Maybe she could see if she could find some company for it, if it really was as dangerous as they said it was better not to check it out alone. It was as she was wandering by the greenhouses that she saw a boy from her year - but another house, Gryffindor, maybe? - peering into the windows. Audrey grinned, boldly stepping closer. "Do you think they have plants in there that eat people?"
Teddy jumped a little, caught off guard by the sudden presence. He had been so engrossed in peering into the greenhouse that her question took him by surprise. He chuckled and shook his head, his curly hair bouncing with the motion. "Nah, I don't think they have plants in there that eat people," Teddy replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But I bet there are mandrakes. They look like babies and scream when pulled out of the ground. Quite the show, I must say!" Although he spoke with confidence, the truth was that Teddy had exhausted his knowledge of Herbology in a single sentence. Nevertheless, he didn't let that dampen his enthusiasm. He shrugged, his playful demeanor undeterred. "Only one way to find out, right?" he suggested, his grin widening. He looked at the girl, hoping to gauge her interest.
Audrey nodded sagely, she had heard about mandrakes and they seemed like they would be dangerous but fun. Little did she know she'd probably grow to despise them in second year, but that was still a way off yet. "You got earplugs?" she asked with a grin, knowing there was probably a spell for that but of course she didn't know it yet. Though maybe pulling them out of the ground would be a bad idea. Not that it would be scary, she just didn't feel like getting knocked out. "Why, are you suggesting we-" she started, pretending to sound affronted before snorting with laughter. Audrey simply couldn't pretend she wasn't interested. "Yeah, see what we can find! I heard there's bouncing bulbs in there and they jump all over the place. Imagine setting them loose in history or something. It'd stop boring lectures," she said, making a face. Audrey could cope with a lecture of it was interesting, but she had to be learning something new for it to be. Carefully she looked around, wanting to see if the coast was clear.
Teddy's mischievous grin widened upon hearing a mention of earplugs. The fact that she was asking suggested that he had found a kindred spirit. "Oh, I'm certain we can scrounge up some earplugs around here," he responded, scanning their surroundings with hopeful anticipation, as if expecting to stumble upon a forgotten pair lying on the ground. As it was, it was not OSW this week!

His attention captured by the Ravenclaw, Teddy listened to her idea. The notion of injecting chaos and excitement into an otherwise dull setting resonated with him. "Well let's see what we can find!" Teddy grinned mischievously. "I'm Teddy by the way." Teddy mirrored checking their surroundings. They had to be alone for their exploring to take place. "Coast is clear." Teddy confirmed.
Audrey grinned. It was nice, meeting a bunch of likeminded and cool people. She had already come across a few she got along with - some she didn't so much - and it was so much better than home. "I'm Audrey. Please t'make yer acquaintance," she said with a mock curtsey and a slightly silly voice. She had been of course taught to be polite to adults and be the picture of a perfectly precocious and charming child, but it was a little bit ridiculous. She started creeping towards the door, looking around and thinking that she was doing a very good job of being stealthy. She wasn't, really, but it didn't necessarily hurt to let her believe it.
Teddy's eyes twinkled with amusement at the formalities and playful curtsey. Deciding to play along, he adopted a charming tone, "Oh, the pleasure is all mine, milady. May I have the honour?" With a flourish, he extended his arm towards her and bowed.

Audrey creeping reminded him of Elmer Fudd from the cartoons his grandfather had once shared with him. Chuckling uncontrollably, Teddy's attempt at maintaining any semblance of stealth was utterly futile. Their presence in the greenhouse was announced with joyous echoes reverberating through the air.
"D'ya know they actually put on dances here? I dance a mean tango," Audrey said, as seriously as possible even with the twinkle of mirth evident in her eye. Of course, she'd never really danced before. She'd seen it done but it honestly seemed kind of boring. Maybe when she was older and if she was dancing with a handsome boy it would be more interesting. Now, though, she was considering if she could get away with butter on the floor of the hall. Or whether it would be a good time for a glitterbomb attack. (Definitely, she thought).

She tilted her head in mock annoyance at Teddy's laughing, about to pretend to be affronted. But she couldn't do it, a couple of snorts giving way to peals of laughter, all pretense of stealth given up. "Okay, maybe I'm not gonna be a super secret agent..." she admitted between giggles, looking around to see if any professors were around and just walking in normally (well, when she wasn't stopping to laugh again).
"Tango?" Teddy shook his head, "Oh, sorry, I only know the Fandango," he quipped back, his tone dripping with playful humour. Trying to stifle his laughter, he made a concerted effort to quieten down in the greenhouse. "I don't know what you are talking about, I see New Zealand's espionage at its finest!" Despite his attempts to stifle his laughter, the greenhouse seemed to amplify the giggles.
"I'm trying to work on my paso doble, then the waltz, so maybe sixth year we can show 'em how it's done," Audrey said, not that seriously. If it was a genuine attempt to ask someone to the ball, six years in advance was probably a poor way to do so. Doubtless they'd both forget by then. She only knew a bit about dancing from Dion's dad being muggleborn and having a tee-vee. Such a strange but exciting device! Muggles really did have some cool inventions. She was brought out of her thinking by a wailing noise, and jolted her head around, seeing some potted plants with names on them that seemed to be making some screeching sounds. "Are they the mandrakes? Or is that something else? You're not dying, are you? I'm not...I don't think."
Teddy chuckled at the ambitious plans for sixth year, "Six years is a long time away. If you want to show off your dance moves at this Yule Ball, I'll be there." Teddy heard the wailing noise and followed Audrey's gaze to the potted plants. "Oh, um, well truth be told - I don't know if they are mandrakes." Teddy replied, inspecting himself. "And, good news, I'm still alive," he added with a mock dramatic sigh, unless he'd become a ghost without realising it, he thought. To test if he was indeed alive and tangible, Teddy tapped one pot gently, and to his surprise, it hushed the plant inside. "Well, that's one way to quiet them down," he said with a laugh. "Maybe they don't like where they are. Shall we move them to a happier spot in the sunshine?"

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