Closed How'd It Go?

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was pleased to be back in New Zealand, the travelling had been good fun, he had seen a lot of the world and gotten some really good pictures for starting his business. It had been a busy day and well a busy return. He had meant to go with Ava to see the healer, but in the end they had also needed to get the keys to the new place and Vader had spent most of his time before with Goku packing up his room to bring the stuff here. But Goku had gone back to work and Vader was left slowly using his magic to unpack boxes and nervously waiting for Ava to get back. He felt bad that she had had to go and do this very important thing on her own, but he knew too that there had been no way around it. Today had been the day to get the keys and there had been no moving either, though they'd tried. Vader just was nervous, he wanted Ava to be okay to be happy and to be safe, all of this was so new and though he was excited to be an uncle to the baby he knew it would hard and Goku was on board but it wasn't going to make things easy and of course, above everything else, Vader was a naturally worried person. He glanced at his watch and hoped she'd be back soon, she was due home any time now.
Ava had been really nervous about today, her nerves doubled as Vader wasn't able to go with her. She had thought of asking Alice, but in the end Ava had ended up going alone. She just couldn't bring herself to ask anyone. She regretted that decision. Clutching the ultrasound in her hand, she rushed home. She knew she was starting to show how pregnant she was, and had finally gotten a solid fix on how far along she was.

Ava burst into the room, spotting Vader and hurrying over quickly. "Vader, Vader!" She rushed over, standing really close. "I- I'm eighteen weeks, about four months, and um, well, um," she struggled with her words and eventually held out the ultrasound. "I know what genders they are," she whispered, knowing that alone could be very telling.
Vader looked up as the door burst open and he spotted Ava. He was immediately on his feet and moving to meet her half way and he listened to what she said, first the length of time, but Vader hadn't had to do maths in a while so until she said months he was not able to figure out what she meant, but then she used a plural and he frowned. Deeply frowned. "They?" he asked, was it more than one. He wasn't sure if twins ran in Ava's family, or maybe it was in the man's family. "Is it twins?" he asked, he knew that would only make things more difficult for everything. Would this place be big enough for twins, merlin forbid it was anything more.
Ava bit her lip at his question, nodding easily. "One of each," she told him, moving to sit down and practically falling into the couch. "This just keeps getting more exciting, doesn't it?" She asked dryly, pulling a pillow into her lap. "Well, at least I can use both of my names," She joked, giving him a small smile. "Aurora Alice and Nico Timothy," she murmured. Without thinking Ava placed a hand on her stomach and looked out the window, wondering if she was really cut out for this sort of thing. She didn't know anything about babies. Would this really be okay?
Vader was quite surprised when she said it was one of each, certainly he hadn't expected that. Though really every twist and turn from the moment he'd learned about the pregnancy had been unexpected. He wasn't sure if it was more exciting but it wouldn't change too much they would just need to do more work to ensure that it was fine. Which he was sure it would be. Vader wasn't sure whether to lock down the names now or if to wait for closer to the time, but he thought they'd be nice names. "Twins will be interesting...." he said, he could tell she maybe was struggling a bit with it, "Twins isn't that much different from it just being the one," he said. "And there are two of us, plus Goku, and my sisters...we'll be fine,"
Ava took a deep breath, looking over at Vader after a few moments and smiling softly. "Well, its not like you sleep anyway," she gave him a shy smile. "Maybe it'll finally wear you out enough that you'll sleep better," she teased him. She patted the couch next to her, wanting him to sit with her so she could cuddle into him.
Vader gave a little laugh, "We'll see, though it might be better if I don't, I'll always be able to do the night shift," he joked lightly, his sleep was better than it had been, he had days when it was far worse and days when he felt asleep instantly, but his sleep never got back to the levels that he knew others would deem good. "I haven't gotten anywhere near done with all the tidying away, look at this place it's a mess," he joked, he wanted to provide comfort, but ht wanted to finish with the last of the unpacking so he could move on to working on his studio and well, so they both had a good place to sleep that night.
Ava giggled softly and shook her head. "We'll need to figure out where to put the twins," she mused, standing and moving over to start unpacking a box. "Can twins share a crib?" She asked, unsure. "They would be able to cuddle each other." She mused. "I can keep them in my room, in case you want to have Goku over," she smiled at Vader, winking playfully. "I doubt I'll be needing any kind of company any time soon." She laughed, smirking a bit. She was perfectly content to be on her own.
Vader nodded, he would certainly rather when Goku was over to not have the twins in his room, if only because with his boyfriend he did want a little privacy but he nodded. "They must share for a while," he said, he would need to try and find out though Vader wasn't sure where he might find such information. Were there specific baby books about twins and how to prepare for twins. "You never know, we can have one crib and just move it about as we need it?" with magic it wouldn't even take that much to move.
Ava set some plates on the kitchen table, chuckling and shaking her head. "That sounds like a good plan," she smiled at him, though it faltered quickly and she put a hand on her belly again. She looked away, trying to hide the small twinge of sadness that had crept over her face. "Timmy, are we out of ice cream?" She asked, peeking back up at him. "I know I had some last night... are we out?" She asked, her voice cracking. Had she really eaten all of it? She wanted more...
Vader had begun moving around the house to move things into their rightful place, and was surprised when he heard Ava asking about ice cream not too long after with a voice that indicated to her that she was upset. He wanted back to her and frowned a little. "Yeah, we ate all of it," he told her tentatively. his mother had told him to watch out for the ranging emotions and how quickly they could shift and change. "Why don't we pause this and just go out and get more? Like go to the ice cream place?"
Ava's eyes teared up and her shoulders dropped. She sniffled, about to start really crying from the disappointment. When he offered that they go out, she looked up and her lip quivered. "Really?" Her voice cracked, and a few tears slipped out. "You're so sweet," She broke down on the last word, and buried her face in her hands. She felt ridiculous, but she couldn't stop crying. She bit her lip, trying to at least be quieter about it, but her entire body still shook.
Vader nodded. He was already heading to put on his shoes and grab a coat. "Let's go get ice cream!" he said with a smile, he could tell she was still crying but he knew at least that while she was upset she wasn't anything other than hormone upset. It would be difficult to tell when one thing was happening over another but he would always try and figure it out and help.
Ava nodded, biting her lip. She stood, crying and struggling to get control of herself. She walked over to the closet, trying to control her breathing. She slipped on her own shoes and slid into one of Vader's jackets instead of her own, finding comfort in the familiar warmth. It calmed her a bit, shifting her crying to quieter sniffling. She moved closer to Vader, wanting to cuddle closer into his side. "I'm buying," she gave him a shaky smile.

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