Closed Great Minds Think Alike

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Now June wasn't a first year anymore, she could participate in duelling this year. And since it was gonna be the first time, she wanted to be prepared really well. Just like she did for all the classes. Being part of the SDA was an good step as well and who could help her better than the president Celia Vuong, also headgirl. June saw an shiny future ahead of her and since Celia was chosen to be headgirl and could duel really well June could perhaps try and learn a bit. Not that she needed it ofcourse, she believed she was the best already. But she knew Celia her ego was big and the girl was kind of interesting to hang out with. So she made her way to the duelling chamber and would meet up with Celia there. June had already spoken to her quickly and it would be good time investment for multiple goals. The blonde pushed open the door and noticed the seventh year standing with her back to her. June put on a smile and walked towards her. '' Hi Celia.'' the blonde than said to let the girl know it was her.
Celia had been reluctant to meet with June for a dueling lesson. She generally tried not to spend time with 12-year-olds, and unlike the Quidditch captaincy, the Student Defense Association presidency didn't really come with the same obligation to help younger students. However, the request had intrigued her. Maybe it was reductive stereotyping, but June had never struck her as the kind of person who would be interested in dueling. Celia still associated June with all the other former Elite Sisterhood members, even if she was one of the few who had continued to talk to her after the howler incident. It was hard to imagine Jenna or Gwen or any of the others willingly setting foot in the dueling chamber.

In the end, her curiosity had won out. Celia had arrived at the SDA clubroom early and set up one of the practice dummies. She was staring at the list of past champions when she heard her name. Celia turned and glanced first at June and then at her watch. The girl was on time — a decent start. She gave the younger Slytherin a perfunctory smile. "Hey. You ready?" she asked, not wanting to waste any time. Celia started to move towards the platform on the far side of the room, motioning for June to follow her. As they walked, she gave the girl an appraising look. "What made you want to learn to duel?" Celia asked curiously.
When Celia noticed her and looked at her watch June smiled. The girl seemed to not hate her at least and that was good. June could use Celia. And so she put down her bag on the ground and came closer, having her wand close. '' For sure.'' The blonde said confidently. She noticed the platform of the duelling. June had watched last year, and she could not wait to get on with it herself. She walked along with Celia towards the platform, and wondered which professor or if there was an professor coming to supervise. Because she figured they were not allowed to do together. Or at least she thought. June figured she could come up with something boring, but she figured with Celia she could be straight and honest. '' I just want to be the best in all there is. So duelling as well.'' June said and smirked. '' And since you lead the SDA and I saw you duelling before. You really seem the best teacher to help me prepare. '' June than added it in the way she could do really well. Which made people with ego's like her. Just like her own head of house.
Celia snorted at June's answer, a little taken aback by how open the girl was about her ambitions. "Spoken like a true Slytherin," she said dryly. "You know dueling can be dangerous, right? There are other ways to prove yourself," she warned, though she had to admit that dueling was one of the only formal ways of doing so at this school. She just didn't want to have to deal with June complaining about getting hurt when she was inevitably hit with a hex, either during practice or a duel. Even Celia, who considered herself quite good, had suffered the occasional injury while dueling. At the compliment, she gave the younger girl an amused smile. "So you want to learn to set your opponents on fire," she concluded. Celia knew she had a rather distinctive dueling style, one characterized by fire charms and spectacularly violent curses. Some people dueled merely to win. Celia dueled to win and show off. "How familiar are you with the rules?" she asked, trying to figure out just how basic this lesson was going to be.
As June followed Celia to the platform and they did some chatting the blonde smirked as Celia said she spoke like a true Slytherin. Ofcourse she was and did. June didn't want to be something else. As the headgirl went on about the dangers. It was again another confirmation that people had an image of her being a princess, who liked rainbows and fairytales perhaps and didn't want to get hurt. Just as Horror had. But people underastimated her and that was just what she wanted, all to plan. Ofcourse she didn't liked getting super hurt, but she would need to practice. And if she would be better than anyone else, she would not get hurt again. '' I know. But I don't mind. I want this.'' June said confidently and determined. It was usefull to a lot of stuff. And if someone would ever dare to fire a spell at her they would think twice about that. As Celia mentioned setting people on fire. June tried to hide her smirk a bit. She had watched Celia and June didn't figure the way she dueled was perhaps the smartest way since she had to mentain an role to the profesors and all. But if the spell was the most usefull and powerfull she would not mind. In her mind she would love to set people on fire who deserved it. And that was more cruel than people would perhaps think June was at first eye.

So June nodded. '' Who did you liked beating the most with duelling?'' June than asked her in between just out of curiousity. She knew Celia hated a lot of people, at least from what she had learned of the girl and the girl has told her. When she asked about the rules June thought. '' I've read and heard some. But if you can fill me in exactly? '' June than replied. She was an person who liked to be prepared really well and knew all she could. And perhaps rules changed over the years.
June seemed quite confident in her answer, and Celia decided to take her words at face value. She had done her due diligence in warning the younger Slytherin. At this point, if June got hit with a hex and complained, it would be on her, not Celia. She was a little surprised by June's next question, and she had to think for a moment. The easy answer was Caleb, of course. But there had also been that one duel when she'd successfully set Atlas on fire, which had been a lot of fun. And then there was the duel with Louis, the one where she'd finally redeemed herself. That had been a sweet victory. "I liked beating them all," Celia said simply. "But winning the last round, the championship round, is always the most satisfying." She didn't trust June, and she wasn't about to give out information about her rivalries so freely. It wasn't exactly a secret who she disliked, but she was still wary of divulging any personal information.

Though June had mentioned watching some of her duels, Celia figured it'd be best to start with the basics. "It's simple enough. You take turns throwing spells until one person drops their wand or is unable to continue. You can only cast one offensive spell at a time, and you have to give your opponent time to cast a spell back before you retaliate again." It was a dumb rule, but dueling was a very rigid and formal activity. "You're also only limited to objects on the platform." Celia gestured to the platform, where a practice dummy was waiting, and motioned for June to step onto the stage. "The easiest way to learn the rules is to just start dueling. Say hi to your opponent for today," she instructed with a smirk, nodding towards the dummy.
As June was pretty sure what she wanted and listened to Celia answering her question, she just knew the girl had an good vibe. The one she needed, who wanted to beat everyone and be the best. And smirked at her answer. Although she wondered if Celia had someone she hated or saw as her rival. '' Ofcourse.'' June replied. '' To win you have to beat everyone.'' She didn't bother to ask more or to get an name, since she was her for herself and that mattered.

As Celia was becoming some sort of teacher in explaining. June listened closely. She took it seriously ofcourse, because that was needed. Misha could sure have some good advice for her when she would start duelling. But June liked hearing from someone who had good experiance and was an student. As she heard of giving someone time, June frowned. That was lame. If she was quick and the best, why wait. But ofcourse there were rules to follow. And she nodded to the rest. As June could not wait to get started she noticed the dummy, and was kind of dissapointed. But ofcourse she had to start somewhere. And perhaps Celia was afraid to get hit. And there had to be an professor, and there was no one. So June followed Celia to the opponent which was the dummy and took her wand beside her. '' Not very talkative.'' June said dry. But smiled shortly.
'' Great. I'm ready.'' June than said confident.
At June's comment about the dummy, Celia gave her a thin smile. "No, it's not," she agreed. "Which means anticipating attacks will be even harder." She knew she was throwing June in the deep end by having her practice against a nonverbal "opponent," but there wasn't anyone else around to duel the younger Slytherin. It had crossed Celia's mind that she could duel June, but unsupervised dueling was against the rules, and there was the risk that June would rat her out if things didn't go her way. Celia was also a little worried she would accidentally hurt June; she could already imagine what people might say if they found out she'd cursed a 12-year-old in an unsupervised duel.

Once June had her wand out, Celia stepped off the platform and moved towards the middle. "Step one. Bow to your opponent," she instructed. She flicked her wand towards the dummy, forcing it to tip forward in a "bow." Then she activated it. "It's going to start shooting spells at you," Celia warned. She'd barely finished speaking when the dummy sent a Tarantallegra towards June.

Current Points: 150
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145

In an actual duel, you'll have to respond within 24 hours or you'll lose, but we'll ignore that for this thread

[b]Current Points:
Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:[/b]
June saw Celia smile shortly and smirked. She just nodded at her comment and made herself ready. Took her wand before her body and bowed just as Celia said. That was so stupid, but June had watched people doing that before. And when Celia said she was gonna shoot spells June watched. She could start any minute know. And quicker than she thought an spell was fired. And indeed June had no idea which spell it was. But she had to use an protective spell or dodge it for sure. So she quickly decided to cast an shielding charm. The spells were no problem. And she shielded herself. But she had to learn how to play things smart. But she wanted to attack herself as well. She was not an person to wait around. So went for an effective spell she believed from what she knew. '' Expelliarmus '' June casted confidently towards the dummy.

Current Points: 150
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell 2x
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Celia smirked a little as June bowed to the dummy. She'd never understood the point of all the decorum involved with dueling, and it seemed even sillier observing it from the outside. Celia was a little disappointed when June wasn't immediately hit, and it occurred to her a fraction of a second too late that she wasn't even sure if the dummy was capable of blocking spells. It seemed the answer was no. The mannequin jerked out of the way and then sent back a Locomotor Mortis.

Current Points: 145
Action(s) Taken: Dodged, cast spell
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 130
June smirked as her spell went to the dummy. But the dummy seemed to dodge it, so she frowned for an second. But hold her wand in front as it quickly casted a spell towards her. June copied the dummy and managed to dodge the spell, but it seemed close, she had to be quicker. So she quickly casted a new spell. '' Everte Statum'' June said clear and focused.

Current Points: 140
Action(s) Taken: Dodge spell, cast spell.
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 125
After June's first spell, Celia thought she had a pretty good idea of what kind of duelist the girl was. So she was mildly surprised when the younger Slytherin retaliated with an Everte Statum. The spell hit the dummy in the arm, violently knocking the mannequin back. It skittered to the edge of the platform but did not fall off. The dummy stood up and shot back a Knee-Reversing Hex. Celia raised her eyebrows slightly. Maybe this duel wouldn't be a complete bore.

Current Points: 130
Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, cast spell
Point Changes: +10
Points Remaining: 140
When June watched her spell hitting the dummy in the arm, she smirked. But this was a dummy and not a real person ofcourse. So if it wouldn't hit, that would be really bad. But it was good to see her spells working. So she had some time to prepare for the next. The spells fired at her were nonverbal which were coming at her June quickly was good to block with an shielding spell. She wondered when she would learn to perform spells nonverbal. June was very focused. Although she had to be quicker, because it was close again. June than wanted to go for something powerfull. '' Stupefy'' she than casted quickly towards the dummy.

Current Points: 125
Action(s) Taken: cast spell 2x, spell hit
Point Changes: -30
Points Remaining: 95
As the duel progressed, Celia stared at the dummy, trying to guess which spells it was using by the color of the light. She knew there was a good chance her opponents this year would use nonverbal spells themselves. She was momentarily distracted by a jet of red light — stupefy for sure — that hit the dummy's torso. The figure instantly collapsed, like a puppet that had its strings cuts. Celia glanced at June. "Congratulations," she said a little sarcastically, because there was no glory in beating a dummy. "Just keep doing that during the tournament until you win." She walked over to the dummy, which looked fine, but she cast a nonverbal reparo just in case. "Any questions?" Celia asked, turning back to June.

Current Points: 140
Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, lost duel
Point Changes: +15
Points Remaining: ---
June smiled as her spell hit the target and collapsed. She knew it was over now. And it was good practice, but to an dummy was not too much competition. But still her rivals would not use nonverbal spells, so it was another thing added which she had done well. June smirked to Celia and wondered what the girl really thought. She knew Celia was not to be trusted, but she herself was not too so no worries. But she figured it was good to have Celia at her side as an coach in dueling, since she did well. '' For sure.'' June than smiled. And than shook her head. '' No it's clear. Can't wait...'' June than mentioned and smirked. '' It's your last tournament this year right? Do you like to continue outside of Hogwarts?'' The blonde than asked the girl. Wondering what Celia would do after all of this.
Celia raised her eyebrows a little when June shook her head. If it had been her, she would've had questions about her performance and how she could improve. But it seemed June thought she was perfect and didn't need any advice simply because she'd beaten a dummy once. Celia couldn't wait to see how things worked out for the younger Slytherin once the actual tournament came around. She snorted at the question about her future plans. "No," she said with a considerable level of disdain. Fighting for money was what people did when they had no other employable skills. "This year's tournament is going to be the last time I duel." While Celia did enjoy throwing curses at other people, she had no intention of continuing after graduation — at least not in a formal setting. "Are you hoping to become a professional duelist?" June still had several years to go before she had to make any serious plans, but Celia was curious to know what she wanted to be when she grew up. Little kids had all sorts of dumb dreams — astronaut, professional athlete, influencer — and Celia wondered what June's was.

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