Open For a Friend

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
Open after Donna posts with @Sierra Woodlock

While it was best to take advantage of any opportunity to find people on his list for rose deliveries, Elliot still liked the idea of at least trying to do things in order, and he was grateful he could start out his deliveries with a friend, just to ease himself into it. Leaning against the first floor railing, Elliot tried to see if he could spot Sierra, hoping to catch her leaving the Great Hall. He was relieved when he did, making his way over to the stairs to catch up to her and giving her a quick wave with his free hand. "Sierra, hey, got a rose for you." He said, raising his basket in greeting.
The owls had come quite early that morning, so after shoveling some toast down and running out of the Great Hall, Sierra started to head upstairs, back to her Common Room. Upon seeing Elliot, Sierra grinned and ran up to him, giving him a huge hug. "Elliot hi! Yay!!!" She exclaimed, stepping back, ready for her rose.
Elliot was a little caught off guard by the hug, returning it with a sheepish smile. He was a little envious sometimes how open Sierra was with her affection and energy all the time. Once Sierra stepped back, Elliot remembered he was actually supposed to hand over the rose, digging a pink one out of his basket. "Oh right, here. It's uh, pink one," He added, unnecessarily handing it over. "No note though, sorry." He wondered if Sierra was expecting a rose from someone or not.
Sierra grinned when she received her rose, waiting expectantly for the note, which she had sent with all of her roses. But Elliot straight away said it came with no note, and Sierra frowned, looking at the pink rose, wondering who the heck it was! "Again?" She said, looking at Elliot. "And you have zero idea who sent it?"
"Yeah sorry, I only know it's for you," Elliot said sympathetically before blinking a few moments as he processed what Sierra had just said. "Wait, again? Are you.. getting a lot of pink ones?" He knew Sierra was pretty popular, it was easy to believe with how friendly she was, but Elliot wasn't sure how it must feel to get multiple pink roses. Just getting one had been enough for him.
Sierra laughed and shook her head. "No, just the last Valentines Day's I've gotten a rose with no note too! It's driving me crazy! I don't know who it's from!" She exclaimed. She wasn't sure about the colours any more, as after receiving the pink rose, she thought maybe that's just what friends sent, so she had sent out all of her roses as pink as well.
Tyler had been keeping an eye on Sierra all day, as he was hoping to see her receive his rose and see her reaction to it. He knew deep down that he wouldn't be able to make much of her reaction, as she wouldn't know it was from him, but he was still curious. He had been keeping an eye on the Gryffindor table during breakfast, but Sierra had left pretty quickly. Abandoning his pumpkin juice, Tyler had left the great hall after her. He wasn't planning on following her all the way to her common room, that would be weird. But he could still take a slight detour to the library, right? Tyler stopped in his tracks as he saw Sierra with Elliot up ahead, clearly receiving a rose. Suddenly, he regretted his decision a lot. Why had he wanted to be here for this? Quickly, he tried to move past them without them noticing, counting on them being too focused on the rose. He couldn't help overhearing that Sierra had received a rose last year too without a note, and he couldn't help feeling slightly good about that. At least he seemed to be the only one sending Sierra pink roses, and a part of him was also relieved she hadn't figured out that it had been him.
"Oh, I guess you have a secret admirer then?" He offered, scratching at his ear. "No one's asked you out recently or anything?" Elliot could get maybe not feeling brave enough to sign your name to a pink rose, he had been scared to and he and Lars were already going out, but a year was a long time to not own up to it.

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