Open Familiar, But Not Too Familiar

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
(open after @Emma van Houten )

The next person on Poppy’s list was someone she had never really talked to but felt like she kind of knew already. As she stood in front of the Gryfindor dorms she kept a look out for the signature red hair of a van Houten, not that she could talk with her own mess of curly red hair. They had been in a few classes together and while Poppy was rather fond her twin, Iris, she hadn't really spent much time with her. Finally she spotted a flash of red coming out of the dorm. "Emma!" Poppy nearly shouted and waved as she walked over to the other first year. "I have a delivery for you!" she explained.
Emma had been hoping to borrow Fleur's broom again today, but her sister had taken it herself. Disappointed, Emma decided to make her way outside and see what other fun she could have today. She was conveniently forgetting about the homework that was still waiting for her up in the dormitory. As she stepped out of the common room, someone called her name. Emma looked up to see Poppy there, a girl she knew was Iris' friend. "Oh! You do?" She asked, eager to see the rose. "Show me!"
Poppy was nearly done with her deliveries and had the yellow rose and accompanying note in her hand already. She glanced around the coordinator, realizing she had never really been to this part of the castle before. There were quite a lot of parts of the castle she hadn't been to and was surprised that she hadn't actually explored the castle as much as she had intended to, with studying taking up so much of her time. Poppy was just about to get lost in thought but she quickly snapped out of her daydream when she saw Emma's expectant face. "One yellow rose, for one Emma van Houten!" she said producing the flower and note with a flourish.

I love being friends with you!!!

Emma beamed as the girl gave her the yellow rose, taking it from her eagerly. "Thanks! How is it to deliver them? My brother is doing it too, but it seemed like a lot of work to me." She admitted with a shrug. "Did you get any?" She added, unfolding the note to read it. "Aw, it's from Nicole. Do you know her? She's in Slytherin." She added, rambling a little.
Poppy was almost overwhelmed by all of the questions but smiled. Is this what its like to talk to her she thought? “It’s been a lot of fun delivering them. Getting to brighten people’s day has been the best part. It’s been a lot of walking though.” she said with a laugh. “No, I didn’t get any roses.” Poppy confessed and tried not to sound sad about it. She really wasn’t, she hadn’t expected any and had been correct. Besides there was always next year! “I think so. She’s been in some of my classes. She seems really nice!” She said brightly.

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