Open Exile

Zora Jackson

baby badger · plant obsessed
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 16 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Zora was definitely not afraid. She was the opposite of afraid of the Forbidden Forest. That was what she would tell anyone who asked her. She just didn't want to get into trouble. It was a perfectly believable reason for her to not break the rules. Especially when apparently all kinds of scary creatures lived in the forest. She had heard that vampires were there, some lethifolds, maybe even a few basilisks. Zora definitely didn't want to run into either of them but she had heard rumours from passing Gryffindors that it was fun there. She didn't know what was fun about it but she did want to find out. Still she stood at the edge of the woods just staring forward into the void. She imagined all sorts of scenarios where she might get hurt by beasts in the forest or get murdered by creatures. The girl still would stand by the fact that she wasn't afraid. Maybe she just needed to tell someone where she was so if she didn't come back out her family would know what had happened to her. Or maybe she should ask her big brother to come with her so he could use his more advanced magic instead of the short list of spells she could produce. Zora stood at the precipice, debating what to do and if she should do it now or later, but mostly she was thinking about the endless ways she could end up hurt.

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