Closed Everything's Great, Everything's Grand

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
Blood Status
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Senna could not believe everything that had been happening to her over the last couple of weeks. Her arm was starting to bruise from her pinching herself so much to make sure she wasn't dreaming and yet simultaneously it still felt like it was all a dream. If it was, it was a dream no one should dare to wake her up from. So what if she had been told she was late to show magic? A couple of weeks ago she didn't even know magic was real. She still had a feeling she was being pranked every now and then, like it was just one big elaborate ruse. But she had seen it. Seen others do magic. And if she was going to doubt her own eyes she might as well doubt everything else. Which she wasn't planning on doing. Senna hadn't slept much during the previous night, her nerves and excitement getting the better of her, and felt like she was about to explode now she was actually where she had been promised she'd be taken today: an actual magical village. She didn't know if the village itself was magical per sé but she was told everything around the village had to do with magic in one way or another. The shops, the people. After promising she wouldn't stray from the main shopping street and that she'd behave she was allowed to explore for a little while, running off immediately. With so much to see her head was in an immediate state of chaos and she squealed when she looked through a window and noticed something that looked like animals. No. Freaking. Way. Were those magic too? Without looking twice Senna ran over to the window and barely refrained from pressing her nose against the window, although it was very, very close.
Emmanuel's father was off in one of the shops in the village, his mother was back in Nigeria for a few days. It had meant that Emmanuel had been brought with his father to the harbour. He had been here a couple of times, and he didn't mind the shops, they were a bit dull after a while, and the books in the bookshop were all ones he'd already considered or didn't want to read, so it left him a little bored. His father had given him one of the new books he was using for his class and Emmanuel was hoping to find a quiet bench somewhere to be able to bask in the summer sun and be able to read in peace. It was as he began to walk past the pet store, when he noticed a girl with her nose right up against the glass. Emmanuel looked towards where she was looking, but not quite spotting anything that interesting. "You can go inside the shop and have a closer look?" he suggested to the girl.
Senna had been staring at every single moving thing inside the shop, gaining her a few strange looks from some of the customers inside. She didn't care though. There were so many different animals inside. If they were even called that. Some were a little creepy, others were funny or cute. Some even looked a lot like regular animals, which made her wonder if they were special in any way. "Huh?" Senna shifted her attention away from the window when a boy said something to her. "Oh, right!" She nodded when he mentioned heading into the shop. She had been so preoccupied with being amazed that she hadn't even thought to do so. "Are you from here? Do you know if they're like magical animals? They look magical. Or is that not what I should call them? Animals, I mean. Wait- are these pets? Like, could I have one at home?" Senna blurted out a bunch of questions before biting her tongue and shooting the boy a sheepish grin. "I'm kind of new to.. all of this. If you hadn't guessed." She laughed. "I'm Senna, what's your name?"
Emmanuel nodded and motioned into the shop. He frowned a little at the questions that started flowing out of this girl quicker than he could answer any of them, and even at that, she was in part answering some of it. "They are pets...some of them are magical, some of them are not," he said, since he knew the store had cats and dogs, but also fairies and pygmy puffs. It made sense that she was new to all of this. "Emmanuel," he held out his hand to Senna in greeting. "I can try to answer questions....but I don't know everything....," he told her, he picked the words slowly, knowing that he didn't want to open too big a can of worms, but Emmanuel couldn't imagine coming into the magical world knowing nothing and having no one explain it to you. How was someone supposed to learn without the aid of someone else.
Senna listened intently when the boy managed to answer some of her questions, glancing through the window when he mentioned some of the pets inside weren't magical. She shook his hand perhaps a little too enthusiastically when he held it out as he introduced himself. "Oh, well, I mean I have people who can answer my questions. They're just not here right now." Senna responded with a shrug, before grinning at Emmanuel. "So do you have a pet? Is it magical? Do we get to bring pets to school? Which store do you think is the coolest around here?" She fired some more questions at him, hastily looking around to see if any of the other shops instantly caught her eye.
Emmanuel gave her a smile, it was good at least that she had someone who was able to answer the questions though apparently not all of them, as she still had more for him. He listened to all of the questions that she had and then nodded. "No pet, so not possible for it to be magical," he said first, "Yes, there's a list of acceptable pets, which includes owls, ravens, cats, toads, pygmy puffs," he listed a few of them that he remembered his parents telling him. "I like the book store, but it's not the coolest...the coolest is probably the quidditch shop,"
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Senna was glad Emmanuel didn't seem to mind her firing questions at him which made her instantly decide that he was going to be her friend. Whether he had much say in that was a different matter completely. Besides that, she was fun. Surely he'd be her friend. "Do you plan on getting a pet? To take to school? I reckon an owl would be useful, they're used for like.. mail, right?" She asked, already excited at the prospect of getting a new pet and being able to take it to school with her. They didn't allow that at her current school that much was for certain. Although there was still the problem of getting her parents to agree. An owl might be a common pet in wizarding households but it would take some explaining in her own home. "Books are.. fun." Senna nodded when Emmanuel mentioned the bookstore. She didn't enjoy reading and would rather go out and live adventures than to read about them, but if Emmanuel liked it than she wasn't going to say anything bad about it. "Oh, I've heard about that! Kwidi- Quid- That word you just said. It's a sport isn't it? I'll bet you I'd be good at that.. As soon as I learn what it is." She laughed.
Emmanuel shook his head, "Owls are useful for mail, but you can also get a raven if you'd rather that over an owl," he told her, but he didn't intend to take a pet with him to school, though he could see the advantages, his grandparents had a lot of owls so he knew he'd probably see them occasionally but nothing else. "I know books are not for everyone," he told her with a smile thinking it was at least nice of her to not completely dismiss the idea. "It is the sport, it's played on brooms, flying in the air," he said, not quite going into a full explanation of it but going into at least a few details. "I can show you the shop?" he offered.
Senna listened intently as Emmanuel spoke about owls and ravens even. An owl sounded a lot cuter than a raven though but the idea of having a magical pet still overshadowed the practicality of owning an owl. Surely, there were owls at school. "Honestly, they're not for me." She replied with a soft giggle. "But I do believe they can be really fun!" She added with a small smile. She was't a strong reader and had so much energy that she often got distracted halfway through a page but she knew people could get consumed by a good story. "That is wicked cool." Senna grinned when Emmanuel talked about the spot he had mentioned, perking up at his question. "Oh, that'd be great!" She added excitedly as she started walking, before stopping and waiting because she had no clue in which direction the shop even was. "Are you starting school next year too?"
Emmanuel laughed lightly at her words, books were not for everyone and that was okay. "I would agree there," since he did books were fun. He liked reading, he liked learning, but he knew in part that being raised by two historians, he was always most likely to be interested in books, reading and history. He started showing her towards the direction of the shop, "There are seven players on a team, one keeper, one seeker, two beaters and three chasers," he told her a little more about the sport before nodding, "I will be, I am looking forward to it," which of course he would be. It wouldn't the same education as his parents or family had had and he would miss being away from his parents but it was going to be good.
Senna tried her best to stay quiet and follow Emmanuel as he started in the direction of the shop, not wanting to interrupt him while he spoke about the sport. Something that was terribly difficult for her since her mind was already flooding with questions. "I almost feel like I should be taking notes." She chuckled when he told her about the players. Then again, she was sure the family friend she had talked to before had mentioned something about her boyfriend being involved in the sport. So maybe he'd be happy to tell her loads more about it. "Same!" Senna smiled when Emmanuel mentioned being excited about going to school. "That also means we're now friends now and you're going to have to put up with me for like.. seven years. It's seven years, right?" She added lightly.
Emmanuel gave a little laugh, "You can always ask me again or ask more," he wouldn't mind repeating it or going over more details before, though notes would help if they were learning something, he didn't think that her taking notes about a sport would be that fun, he was more than happy to say everything again. His father had always said, if someone asks a question again it was because the original explanation was either not clear or not enough. He was glad she'd be going to school too, and had to admit the idea of already having a friend at the school was one he enjoyed. "Seven years yes, and whose to say that you won't have to put up with me," he replied and joked. "But I'll gladly be your friend Senna," he said honestly and he'd gladly be her friend for all the years to come, seven at a minimum.
Senna nodded when Emmanuel told her she could always ask him again. So far, he seemed nice. She knew she could come off a bit strong, ask a lot of questions, but he didn't seem too bothered by it. Tried his best to answer them even. Something she knew not everyone would do. "We'll see about that." Senna laughed at his joke although she couldn't help but to beam when he said he'd gladly be her friend. "Cool." She nodded, trying her best to contain her excitement. If only for a few seconds. "I reckon it'll be great. Seven years is so long we're bound to have heaps of fun!"
Emmanuel gave a little nod, it was nice to think that he did already had a friend and they'd be at school together and he'd be able to talk to her if ever he was alone and wanted to speak to someone. "Seven years is a long time," he agreed. "Do you know what house you want to be in?" Emmanuel wasn't sure if her knowledge of the magical school would stretch to houses, but he asked regardless, if she didn't he could happily explain it to her. After all, they were now friends, and that was what friends did. Though the fact he would've done it regardless was not a point he lingered on.
Senna frowned for a second when Emmanuel asked her if she knew what house she wanted to be in, trying her best to think of everything she knew about that. She knew there were houses, which was a start even if he had just mentioned that. Four if she was not mistaken yet that was about as far as her knowledge went. That, and the fact that they somehow all had their own colours. "Honestly, I don't know a lot about that yet." Senna replied with a small shrug, trying to make it look like she didn't care about her lack of knowledge too much. In reality, she was a little disappointed she hadn't been able to remember it all. Something that was completely unrealistic after only having been told about the school and its houses a single time. "Do you?" She asked in return. "Know what house you want to be in?" She added for clarification, having no doubt by now that he had much more knowledge about it all than she had.
Emmanuel could tell by her reaction that she probably knew a little but perhaps not too much. He didn't want to presume anything about it and then shook his head. "I don't know. I was originally supposed to go to school in Nigeria, which didn't have houses, so until I came to New Zealand I hadn't considered it," he knew more about the houses and had a good idea of where his parents might've ended up, and he knew that at least he didn't want to end up with people who weren't nice, but that could be any house. "I wouldn't mind Hufflepuff, they're known for being hard working and friendly," he added the explanation so that she wouldn't perhaps need to ask. "But Ravenclaw too, they're known as the smart house, but are also creative and curious," he shrugged a little. He would let her ask questions about it if she wanted to do.
Senna listened as Emmanuel told her he had never considered a school having houses untill he had come to New Zealand. If anything she just wanted to open her mouth and let the waterfall of questions regarding him being from Nigeria fall out but she didn't want to stray off topic. Information about her new school seemed important and she was sure she could still ask him about Nigeria later. "That sounds nice. I wouldn't mind that." Senna nodded when he mentioned Hufflepuff. She wasn't sure if she was a hard worker but she did like to believe she was friendly. And she could work hard, surely. "I'm sure if you end up there we won't be together." She replied with a small pout when he mentioned Ravenclaw. Emmanuel seemed knowledgeable so from what he told her about the house she was sure he could end up there. Her? Not so much. She didn't think she had enough characteristics anywhere near smart or logical to even be considered for it. "Do you know anything about the other houses? There's two more right? Is there like a guide on surviving school there?" She asked, finishing with a small laugh. She was sure there wasn't anything like that but had to admit it would be useful if someone could write something like it. Maybe she could once she was finally at school. Although she wasn't much of a writer.
Emmanuel thought that given Senna's curious and friendly nature that she would probably be a good Hufflepuff, but this was his first conversation with her, so perhaps he wasn't quite on the money about it. He gave a little shrug, "Maybe not, but even if we're in different house, doesn't mean we won't remain friends," he told her with a smile, "We are after all, stuck with each other," The boy agreed. He gave a little nod, "Gryffindor and Slytherin, no survival guide, but it's just like most other schools," Emmanuel replied with a little shrug, all schools were very similar. One no better or more difficult to survive than another. "Gryffindors are known for their adventurous spirit, and Slytherins are known for their cunning, which makes them probably as smart as the smart house,"
Senna was becoming more and more glad that she had been allowed to do a little exploring around the main shopping street with the second. If not, she might not have met her friend or learned some new things. Things that interested her. Like the possibility of owning a magical pet and how wizards practiced a sport while flying a broom at the same time. All of it was wicked cool and she couldn't quite believe this was what her life was going to be like. "True!" She laughed when Emmanuel mentioned them being stuck with each other either way. It was nice to know she'd already have someone she considered a friend when the time for school came around. "Right." Senna nodded when he mentioned the other houses, trying her best to remember all four names now but still feeling like she should just make a cheat sheet once she was back home tonight. "Well then I think Hufflepuff and Gryffindor sound the most fun. Most like they would fit me." She smiled. It was little information to go on and she was sure there were a lot of different factors that would be taken into account when she got sorted but for now those houses sounded better than the other two. "So did you grow up with magic? Were, like, wizarding things different in.. Nigeria? It was Nigeria, right?"
Emmanuel nodded in her assessment about which houses would suit her. "I've read a book which believes that the hat considers your opinion when you get sorted," Emmanuel told her, he knew that her coming into magic a little fresh was probably a bit difficult to know but he figured it was knowledge worth knowing. He nodded, "I did, I have a large, and very magical family," Emmanuel told her, "I don't think they are different from here, well...some things are, like the food, and there is a much smaller relience on wands to preform magic, but more on the hand movements and pointing. I also know that the school in Uganda has a lot of emphasis on animagus and self-transfiguration magic, but that's not Nigeria" he told her, knowing that a lot of this was probably not what she had expected or would necessarily understand but she had asked. "I am interested in being the first of my family to learn at a Hogwarts School,"
Senna had hear about sorting before and while she had forgotten many important names and terms already but the fact that it would be done by a hat wasn't going to slip her mind anytime soon. It sounded to strange to be true if she didn't take into account that a short while ago she hadn't even believed magic existed at all. Now, she felt like she shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore. Yet she still was. "Well that's nice of it." She snickered, although she did think that to be true. At least it meant that there was a small chance of having an influence as to where one ended up. Senna listened intently when Emmanuel spoke about his family, wondering what a large, magical family would even be like. "That sounds so cool!" She nodded. "I mean wands sound cool and all, don't get me wrong, but not needing a wand sounds even more interesting." She added in all honesty before smiling at what he said next. "Same! I mean it's a different situation, but still same. You get what I mean."
Emmanuel gave a little nod, since he could agree that it was nice to have a hat listen to them. It was a good thing, and though he didn't think that any house was bad, but people would have their preferences if it came to family, or if it came to friends. He wasn't sure how much the hat would listen but it was worth asking if it mattered that much to a person. He nodded in agreement. "it is pretty cool, but I am also looking forward to a wand," he thought a wand would be like a pencil or a pen, something also weilded. He gave a little smile. "Well, I'll be your magic guide, but we can help each other with the hogwarts stuff, since we're stuck with each other anyway," he said just as they finally reached the quidditch shop.
Senna tried to imagine what people using magic in Nigeria would look like. It wasn't like she had seen a lot of magic where people did use wands yet so she didn't exactly have a lot to compare it to but it still interested her. Who wouldn't be curious about magic in different cultures? "Same. I hope mine looks cool." She grinned when Emmanuel mentioned looking forward to having a wand. Having a wand to perform magic with still sounded a little silly, almost as if she would become a magician of some sorts, but she was confident that once she'd get her wand she wouldn't want to let go anymore. "Deal." Senna nodded before glancing at the quidditch shop. "I'm probably going in and ask a bunch of questions." She grinned at her new friend, motioning towards the shop. "You want to come? Or is someone waiting for you?"
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Emmanuel gave a wide smile and nodded, "Of course, I'll do some extra reading and research," he didn't sound too put off by the fact he was suggesting he do. Emmanuel had a lot of interest in reading and revising and learning, so it wasn't something that bothered him in the slightest. He then hestiated a little. "I'm not waiting on anyone," Emmanuel said, he didn't have anywhere to be but he didn't always go into shops like quidditch ones, but this was his new friend and so he decided to nod. "Okay, I'm not much of a quidditch though...I'll be honest," he was much more of a book guy than a sports guy.

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