Closed Comeback

Annabeth Easterling

Twin ✨ Tarot Reader ✨ Model
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly, 9", Ivy wood, Unicorn tail-hair core, rigid
It took Anna a whole year to realise what a mistake she made. But in her defence, she was 18, still in the bloom of her career travelling as a model, it would take such a huge toll on her career and studying. After all, her law studies are paid by her own career only because she cut all the contact with her family right after graduating, there were only some family members that she kept in touch with but none of them would pay for her university. So she naturally did what do the best, leave everything she didn’t want behind. The only matter is that she wanted it, she just wasn’t sure that she was ready. How anyone could be ready for something like that? Her mother became a hero to her the moment that she did her crime. However, it was messing with her head a lot. She didn’t want to be that kind of person that doesn’t hold consequences for her actions, even more, when those consequences is a living human baby. Her baby.

So collecting all her willpower and strength, Anna knocked on the door. A thousand thoughts went through her mind and if the door was not opened soon enough, she would become too anxious and probably leave. It was a scary thing to experience, even more, to admit it to someone. Especially to father of her kid.
Things were coming together. It wasn't often in his life that Miran had been able to say that. But staying with Martine had been the best decision he'd ever made. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had a family. Basil was protective of him, Cas called him often and his sisters seemed to adore him. He hated to think it, but Martine felt more like his mother than his mother had.

Add to that the unexpected blessing of his little Georgie, and things were going great. He and Martine had even discussed things and decided to move to New Zealand- she was going to get back into her art when she could and he was going to open a private practice with her help. It was a goodd plan, he thought. She was at work, though, as was Basil, so Miran was home alone packing up the house while Georgie was bouncing around after him in her walker, babbling happily and sucking on her juice cup.

Miran was chatting with her- a one sided conversation, really, but she was trying, when he heard a knock at the door. He cast a barrier spell, keeping Georgie's walker range in a safe portion of the living room as he went to answer it. He opened the door, curious, and froze when he saw who was there. "Annabeth?" He spoke, voice low, and unthinkingly he shifted so that his body blocked entrance into the house. "What are you doing here?"
Honestly, Anna expected more than just the question. She was kinda expecting a full on anger and rage from Miran but she knew that it wouldn't be typical of him, that kinda was what attracted her to him that night. He was sweet, soft, he was perfect, more perfect than she could ever hope so. And he liked her but she was scared of that, she was scared of responsibility and commitment even to her own child. But here she was now, she knew that she wasn't the best mom ever already, who was able to leave their child at someone's door like that? And even more, what was she supposed to expect now? That Miran was gonna be happy that she came around or that he would hug her and be appreciative? She was a stranger to her own child, to her own flesh and blood, and she was unknown to her by her own choice.

"I know that apology will change nothing, however, I am indeed so deeply sorry," Anna started to talk quietly. First, she wasn't sure if the kid was asleep or not, second, it just seemed better to keep that tone. "I was scared of responsibility, I was scared of ruining my career for which I had done so much, I was scared to lose all those privilegies and didn't think about nothing," she didn't try to say that it was anyone's elses fault but hers. It was only Anna's regret and no one else was responsible for that. "But I couldn't take my mind off of you or her, she was 24/7 on my mind even when I was supposed to focus on anything else, and if you would be okay with that, I would like try to from a blank page," Annabeth shifted a little bit uncomfortably, it wasn't common for her to apologize or admit being in the wrong. "I am ready to pay up everything that is needed now and was before, if you need time, I will always be around, I can pay for nursery, for kindergarden, for all her toys, clothes, doctor appointments, I can accommodate you around too," she had no idea what else to offer than that to prove that she indeed was being serious. "I would love to be a part of her life and if you don't want that, I am still absolutely ready to pay for all the expenses," and as the last resort, she pulled out a build-a-bear out of the bag that she had with her.

There was sadness in Anna's eyes, they seemed to sparkle a little as if they were about to get watery but it wasn't the place for her to cry, it was the place for Miran to make his decision. She wasn't about to push him or make a scene if he decided against it but she just had a hope that everything will be alright and they will be able to co-parent from now on.
Miran let her speak, quiet as he considered everything. "We're moving," He told her after a moment. "We're moving to New Zealand." He had his arms crossed. "My mother, brother and I will be getting a three story house. You can visit... on the weekends, supervised." He chewed on his lips. "But you can't introduce yourself as her mother. Not right now." He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't want your money, Annabeth." He peeked back behind him, torn. "Look... alright, okay." He turned back towards her. "Do you want to come inside? I can give you... half an hour, right now, but I'll need to talk to mom before I can give you more time. I'm willing to work with you but you need to put in a lot of effort. I won't let her get attached only for you to run off again." His voice was firm, trying to set up some clear boundaries.
Annabeth nodded her head. “New Zealand, of course, that works too,” she was from New Zealand herself after all. And then she listened to his rules and nodded her head. “I promise Miran, no running off again. And I expected that you wouldn’t want my money but it is not my money when it is for her, please,” she tried to plead with him. “I will follow all your rules and if you will need me, I will always be here from now on,” Anna smiled weakly.

“I would love that! I would like to meet her, how did you decide to call her?”
It was weird for her to go on to meet her daughter without knowing her name, yet, indeed she wanted to make everything alright. “How have you been all this time?” Anna tried to find out as much as she could, that was the least she could do.
Miran was hesitant, quiet for a few moments as he chewed on his lip. He sighed and stepped aside, motioning for her to enter the house. "Georgie," He told her gently. "Her name is Georgie Kemp." He shut the door behind them and walked to the living room, letting down the barriers he put up. Almost as soon as he had, Georgie was barrelling towards him in her walker, bouncing and babbling happily. He leant down, picking Georgie up out of her walker. She was the spitting image of him, with jaw length auburn blond curls that were bouncing around her head and his stormy blue eyes- though looking at her he could see Annabeths more delicate features peeking through. He put her on his hip and she babbled, just playing with the collar of his shirt. He turned to Annabeth, taking a deep breath. "Georgie, this is Annabeth. Annabeth, Georgie," He introduced. The one year old looked over to the woman, and as friendly as she was, just immediately reached out with chubby baby fingers grasping, trying to wiggle into her new friends arms.

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