coffee break

Praneil Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It was winter and that meant that the rain had descended on the school in the south of france. and for a few weeks the school seemed washed out due to the rain as though the water had washed the colour away from it. This wednesday was one of those days. the sky was grey with a proper storm threatening to break later that afternoon.
Praneil made his way into the castle after sprinting back from the greenhouse after a particularly damp and unsatisfying herbology class. once he was in the entrance hall he dried himself with a jet of hot air from his wand but that still didn't warm him up after the hour of collecting seeds from a plant that was dripping. he went to the kitchen and got himself a coffee before making his way to the lounge on the second floor which was surprisingly near empty with just a few seventh years craning over books or studying in groups. This lounge one of his favourite places to hang out, it was mainly used by the older students as the younger ones didn't know how to get in although a smart few had managed to work it out. he sat down by the fire and had some of his drink. he was feeling a lot better now he was dry and warming up. he wondered if there were any other students around.
The season of winter had sure set it. Lilith didn't really care for it but anything was better than being at Hogwarts. Walking along the hallway. Lilith stopped at a bench and moved it to the side reviling her book bag. Picking it up and putting the bench back in its proper spot. Lilith continued on down the hall. Stopping in front of a blank wall. Lilith looked around. Seeing no one there. She tapped on the wall with her wand. It opened at once to admit her into the lounge. As soon as she had passed though the opening it closed. Heading straight to the fire. Lilith sat down at her favorite seat in the whole area. It had a very pretty few normally of the outside garden but since today everything was all wet and ugly it was just overcast. Smiling to the boy that was drinking what looked like a hot cup of coffee or maybe tea. Lilith pulled out a textbook and pretended to study all the while checking out the new person.
Praneil looked up as a girl took a the empty seat opposite him. he was pretty sure he had seen her in some of his classes but she had never spoken to her. "Hello, nice to see i'm not the only one not cramming for final exams here. I'm Praneil, but pranny, or neil or whatever other combination you can come up with is fine" he said trying not to let his accent through too much. he flashed a quick smile at the girl he hoped that he wasn't disturbing her too much as her bag seemed to be pretty full unlike his that held a couple of pieces of parchment a quill some ink and a plant cutting that he had to identify and write about before his next herbology class the next week.
Lilith smiled at the boy. "Well Praneil it is nice to meet. You I'm Lilith Koshiba. I don't know how much studying I am really doing but its nice to have some company." Lilith admitted. She really should crack down and get some studying down but it wasn't that big of a deal for her. She would do well enough when it came to test time and if not she would just do a make up no big deal. "So what brings you in here?" Lilith asked.
Praneil was gad that he wasnt alone not working. he needed time to relax as well as work as relaxing is important too surely. "Its a pleasure to meet you too Lilith Koshiba. if you want second names mines Patil, Praneil Patil " he said genuinely glad to have met the girl. "the fire is what brings me here today. I've just had herbology and depoding a Venomous Tentacula is this weather isn't fun" he said taking another mouthful of coffee. "how about you? any particular reason to being here or is it just the atmosphere and the company" he said adding the last bit in a joking kind of way he wasn't really that big headed.
Lilith nodded her head. "It's ugly outside. I have avoided it as much as I can. I might even skip Herbology tomorrow if it doesn't start to clear up." Lilith closed her text book and really looked at the boy in front of her. He was handsome. Different from the boys that she had chased in the past but that was a good thing right? What was Lilith thinking? She needed to focus on going to school and getting good grades so that when she told her family she was going to be working with them they wouldn't so mad at her. "Erm not to sure I just didn't want to be in the common room. I am happy that I have some company." Lilith smiled at Praneil
Praneil nodded. "ugly is a bit of an understatement, skiping herboligy may be a good plan." he said. he knew that his future probably lay in herboligy as his family owned a business dealing in different potions ingredients, and a strong knowledge of plants was important. he didn't want to work for his farther in india, but he was considering starting a new branch somewhere else in the world, france or somewhere else. "yes, the common room can be a bit rowdy." he said looking up at Lilith, she was pretty cute and she seemed pretty easy going. "so what do you like doing?" he asked, wondering what she enjoyed doing.
Lilith caught herself giggling. It had been a while since she had really had a conversation with someone outside her family. She really liked it. "I don't need Herbology for what I want to do later in life." Lilith said thoughtfully. She used to have dreams of going into the Ministry but once her sister became a Death Eater Lilith knew that those dreams where long gone and out the window. Lilith still had dreams of doing it and she would give it her best try. "I like playing Quidditch." Lilith said thoughtfully, she really didn't know what she liked to do. She did alright in school but she didn't like being at school. Shopping wasn't her thing and being around her family. Lilith didn't really care about that.
Praneil nodded as Lilith said she didn't need herbology. "lucky, my family has run an apothecary supplies business for several generations, so i will end up working there. how about you? what do you want to do?" he said wondering what Lilith was planning for herself. he heard the ran suddenly get harder on the roof and he was glad he had made it inside when he did. When Lilith said she enjoyed quidditch he smiled, he enjoyed the sport too, What position do you play. I usually play beater, but keeper is okay too" he said. trying to work it out before she said, she didn't look like a beater, and something about her didn't seem like a keeper, so she was probably either a chaser or a seeker.
Lilith nodded her head. She knew what it was like to feel like you had no other choice but to go into the family business. Lilith had stood her ground and they had backed down. She would have been worthless to them anyways. Lilith didn't have a mean bone in her body. "I want be a part of the Wizengamot." Lilith said truthfully. She still wasn't sure if she was going to be able to pull it off but she would give it her best shoot. The conversation soon turned to Quidditch and Lilith smiled. "I am a seeker. Caption of one of the teams here but since there is not enough interest it looks like I wont get to play any matches." Lilith said sadly. If she didn't get more game time than how was she going to get a spot on a professional team?
Praneil realised that Lillith knew what it was like to be partially trapped in a family business, he realised that he had heard of the name koshiba before, it was a powerful wizarding family in japan if he remembered right. but he didn't know of anything more than that. "the Wizengamot sounds good.but i don't think it quite what i would do. I think i am probably better suited to dealing potion supplies as then i can travel. thats all i really want to do" he said, looking at the girl. the sun managed to break through the cloud briefly and hit the girl. she really was pretty, and she seemed really nice.
he wasn't surprised at all when Lilith said that she was seeker, she seemed like the type. what did surprise him was when she sad she was the caption of one of the teams. "you mean that there is more than one team, i thought that there was only the one. captained by Mizella. i am on that one." he said. If he had known that there was more than one team he would have tried out for it as he didn't always see eye to eye with her. "too bad you wont get any matches, maybe if we formed one team we could play against other schools, there is not much point in training of there is no game at the end" he suggested.
Lilith nodded her head. Once upon a time she had wanted to be a part of the Auror's but after both Eden and Hoshi had become Death Eaters Lilith knew that she could never do that. "From what I have been studying the Wizengamot is very picky about who they let join there ranks. So I have to keep studying hard and hope for the best." Lilith said lightly as she continued to look at her history of magic book. Feeling the sun for just a moment. Lilith looked up and enjoyed the brief moment of the sun on her face.

At the mention of the other caption. Lilith wrinkled her nose. "Yes there are other teams but for some reason she's the only one getting people to join. I'm a better player but she must be more popular." Lilith muttered under her breath. She didn't hate the girl she just didn't like how her team was run. "It would be smarter to merge the teams but I don't see her agreeing to that. It's fine once I am working at the Ministry a while I will try out for one of the teams and see how I do." Lilith said lightly.
If Praneil thought that the Wizangamot was an odd aim for someone (which he did) he didn't let it show. "I bet you will get in, you seem pretty smart" he said winking. he was flirting and he was dong it shamelessly. he didn't care, he didn't see what he did in france as being anything relevant to what happened in india, it was like he had two life's. sure one Praneil Patil was engaged, but that wasn't him, it was another boy.
when she said that the only team what had gotten members was mizellas he knew why. his family had been in business for as long as he could remember and he knew exactly why. "It is because she advertised first and the most." he said explaining what was he thought. "I cant see people wanting to merge teams either. but you should try for a pro team when you leave school." he said continuing to flirt with her.
Lilith felt her cheeks turn a light pink as the handsome young man flirted with her. Or at least that's what she thought was happening. Lilith didn't have much experience with boys. Maybe she would have a talk with her sisters later on and see what they had to say. The talk soon went back to Quidditch and Lilith sighed. "I wouldn't be on her team anyways from what I have seen she is not the best player and she is way to bossy. Oh well I already have teams scouting me I was just going to spend these last two years perfecting my game but I can always play with my brother and sister when I get back home on break and that will do just as well." Lilith said as she continued to take shy looks at Praneil. He wasn't really Lilith's type but than again she didn't really have a type she dated one boy and that was Alex Blade. She had left Hogwarts to get away from him and Eden and now he was here. Lilith couldn't believe her luck. She almost wanted to go back to Hogwarts or maybe even Drum just to get away from him.
Praneil paused as the Lilith seemed uncomfortable. and she blushed slightly,she was cute when she blushed, he had to admit. "impressive. Pro teams are already scouting you, do you have any idea who you want to play for? I am a Quafflepunchers fan myself." he said laughing. the Pink want his favourite colour but he liked the team, usually he just kept to rosette and a hat, he was not brave enough to wear bright pink robes. "are your siblings into quidditch too?" he asked wondering what siblings she had. he was pretty boring, he was an only child. he sometimes wished that he had an older brother then he wouldn't be the heir to the business and his family may let him go where he wanted to. He didn't want to have to learn about the value of unicorn hair and the best places to buy bezor from. He did like the business but he wanted a more field job than a management job, as his main goal was to travel.
Lilith sat there and wondered what team she wanted to play for. "Well the Kenmare Kestrels are looking at me, but I am learning more toward the Falmouth Falcons or the Holyhead Harpies." Lilith said thoughtfully. She didn't really have a clue of who she wanted to play for. "My sister Hoshi used to play but she got bored of it and no one else has any real interest. I play with the maids at the house there a bit good and I have some friends in Japan that are really good so I get enough practice." Lilith closed her book and placed it in her bag. She was done studying for now. She just wanted to sit back and relax and talk with the boy in front of her. He was easy on the eyes, and he seemed able to hold a conversation.
"wow, they are pretty impressive teams. the Falcons and the harpies are both amazing teams to play for" he said still partially flirting with her. she said that her sister used to play before she got bored of it. he knew that there was two king of quiddich players the ones who played for a hobby, like himself, and those who found quidditch as a way of life, as this girl seemed to be. "getting the maids to play quidditch, where i come form the made would not be able to use a broom for any more than sweep the floor. as I come form a muggle town. so i have no one to practice with when i am at home, but i still get to fly as long as i go where no one will see, usually at night, night flying is fun" he said smiling. Lilith was very pretty and he hoped that he would be able to spend more time with her after this afternoon. but as they were going today would turn into a great day.
Lilith grinned, she normally didn't let anyone outside her family see this side of her. But Praneil was different she felt at ease around him. "Would you want to come and watch me play if I get on a team?" Lilith asked shyly, she didn't know how to continue from there. She would figure it out one way or another. Lilith found it interesting that her new friend had grown up in a muggle town. "I live far from muggles in Japan. You could always come visit and we could play." Lilith offered. Looking at her watch Lilith saw that it was close to dinner. Deciding that she would oaleave her bag here and than come back for it later. Lilith got to her feet. "Its close to dinner. Would you want to come eat with me?" Lilith blushed again, she would really need to get that under control if she was going to be spending more time with Praneil.
Praneil felt the girl relax, which in turn made him relax even more too. "I would enjoy watching you play when you get on a professional team. most matches are fun, but watching someone you know, especially someone you like playing would just make it ten times better." he said removing all uncertainty from her statement. "you live in japan, I wouldn't have put you as coming from there." he said hopeing that she didn't find it insulting. it was just her Caucasian skin made him think europe, america or australasia. but he also couldn't help thinking that japan was one place where the family business didn't have a branch, and the country did seem to have a rather high wizarding community to be able to have a wizarding town, but then again if he opened a branch there he would have to learn Japanese.
when Lilith stood up he looked at his watch. the afternoon had gone by so fast. he stood up and decided to leave his bag there too, it wasn't like anyone would steel it, and if they did there was nothing of any value in there. when she asked if he wanted to eat with her he offered her his arm and bowed his head and in a mock formal way said "that will be my honour", then spoiling the formality with his characteristic cheeky grin.
Lilith felt her smile grow a little bit more. He likes me? Lilith wondered what kind of like it was. Realizing that she had just met him a few hours ago. Lilith put the thoughts out of her head. "I am adopted. My adopted parents live in Japan. Just a few months ago I met my birth mother. I could go and live with her and my older sister but I don't want to put them out. I know they would tell me its no trouble but I don't just want to leave the family that raised me. Its really confusing sometimes." Lilith said, she didn't want to scare the boy away and tell him that she felt like an outcast being the only person in her family that wasn't a seer. As the Praneil got to his feet and offered her his arm and did a silly bow. Lilith started to giggle. Linking her arm in his, Lilith bumped her hip into his. "Lead the way." Lilith said trying to be serious but failing when another giggle escaped from her grinning face.
Praeil nodded his head as she explained about her family. "I am sure that either family will be happy to have you, but it does sound confusing." he said agreeing with her. his family was simple to the point of boring. he had his mother and farther and that was it, well he obviously had aunts and uncles and cousins but that wasn't the same really. started to head over to the door in the wall, which just looked like a door from this side, and realised that although he got on rather well with most of the girls, there was something different about Lilith she was much easier to talk to and the conversations were more interesting. he hoped that he would have more time to be able to spend with her in the future. he lightly took hold of her hand so she could let go if she wanted to and he let his arm relax so now they were holding hands as opposed to awkwardly walking with their arms higher up. he hoped that he wasn't offending Lilith by doing that but his flirty self was telling him that it is what he should do.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry if i godmodded slightly, if you want me to change it i will do. also i am not very good at ending threads so if you think here would be a good place (obviously you can put your reply if you want) just shoot me a PM.

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