Open Borrowing a Camera

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
The rain was coming down heaviily outside, and really this was frustrating for Rosie who had wanted to spend time in the gardens. Aurora despite not having a practice had gone outside to train, and Rosie who usually loved the outdoors had opted to not tempt fate and stayed indoors. Most of the hall had cleared out, and it was just Rosie with Aurora's stuff. She opened her sister's bag, having the usual blanket persmission to do so, and took out the camera. Rosie had been curious about it since Aurora had first got it. She hadn't asked for a go yet because she didn't think that Aurora was ready for that, but she wasn't here, and it had been a few months. Rosie moved a scrunched up piece of parchment to be in front of her, and raised the camera to take a picture. It was odd, since Rosie had never been about photos, but the camera was cool, she liked the buttons and see how they changed things, and really she liked the feeling of taking a picture, she had no idea if it was going to look good. Certainly right now, the camera was quite entertaining.
Isadora didn't always sit at the Gryffindor table at meals. Sometimes she stayed with Margo or Cameron at one of their tables. But today she was a little late and sat down at a near-empty house table. She glanced around and noticed Rosie was sitting not too far away, doing something that looked interesting. Abandoning her food, Isadora scooted over to her and tilted her head as she regarded her for a moment. "Why are you taking pictures of parchment?" She finally asked.
Rosie was enjoying herself, even if she wasn't actually doing all that much. She glanced up at someone spoke and smiled at her dorm mate. "I'm just taking pictures really," Rosie said with a little shrug. "I'm using Aurora's camera, so I don't want to take it too far away." She also didn't want to break it so she didn't want to tempt fate by doing things with the camera. "She's at quidditch practice and it's too rainy to go outside, studying is so boring too," Rosie explained further. "What are you doing?"[/B]
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Isadora nodded when Rosie explained, though she thought the girl was perhaps being a bit overly cautious. "Surely you can take it with you if you're careful." She said though she guessed she understood Rosie a little bit. Her relationship with her sister was just so different than what Rosie had with Aurora. She would borrow any of Natalia's things without asking without a second thought. "Or I could help you find interesting things to photograph around here?" She offered. "I'm not really doing anything, I'm pretty bored myself." She admitted.
Rosie nodded with a little smile, "I could, but I want to respect her stuff," it was probably easy enough to replace, but Rosie knew it was important to Aurora and without her there to watch over she felt bad about it. But the offer from Isadora was tempting, it would be a while, and even then it was likely with this rain that Aurora would just want to go straight to the dorm. "Okay! Let's go find some things," Rosie said. She could be careful with it and still do it. It would be better than just sitting around and doing nothing but taking pictures of the same crumbled up parchment.

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