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Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel had worn his best suit, buttoned it up nice, made sure his shoes were shiny and that he looked his best. Though this was a friend date with one of his closest friends, he also didn't want his friend to ever feel like he wouldn't make an effort. It was extremely important in Emmanuel's mind to make an effort. He was waiting for him, knowing that Kyon wouldn't be too much longer and that it was mostly that Emmanuel had been running a little early. He was looking forward to it, knowing that hanging out with a friend was always fun, but equally spending time dancing with someone at a ball was better than standing awkwardly alone.
Kyon wasn't really a formal guy, and he hopped down next to Emmanuel, knowing he was a few minutes late. "Yo! You look fancy," He offered with a smile, running a hand through his hair. He hadn't come to one of these things with a date before. "What are we doing?" He asked, looking around and letting out a low whistle.
Emmanuel heard Kyon before he saw him, and glanced at the other boy. He laughed a little at his statement. ”Well, Kyon, it is a ball, not a party,” he told him. Emmanuel wasn't sure that wearing jeans was right for a ball, but he wouldn't comment on it. Kyon was his own person and allowed to dress how he wanted, Emmanuel had just been raised pureblood (as a pureblood) and wouldn't go to a ball in jeans. ”We could dance a little? But the snacks are also really nice,”
Kyon nodded easily. "Sure! We could dance," He agreed, and started inside, already bopping to the beat. "This place is pretty cool," He commented, looking around again and taking in all the decorations. "Wow, everyone looks super dressed up. Maybe I should've worn something more fancy," He offered with a light laugh.
Emmanuel nodded, following Kyon as he moved inside the room. Emmanuel began lightly dancing too, taking in some decorations as he did so. It was nice, different from the year before. He glanced back at Kyon and gave a little laugh. "Again, this is a Ball, not a party," he told him, "But we are at school so you can dress however you'd like," he did assure him because he didn't want Kyon feeling bad for not dressing formally.
Kyon laughed, before reaching for Emmanuels hand and pulling him out to the floor. He was already dressed, looking good, and here, so there was no point in worrying about it. Kyon couldn't dance, but he acted like he could. He moved with total confidence, even if he wasn't technically doing any required dances.
Emmanuel let Kyon take his hand and just began dancing with him to the music. It was good fun, his suit was light enough that he was able to dance with ease, and didn't feel restricted by it. He was a little envious of how easily Kyon seemed to do things. But he also didn't mind. He just danced, moving in ways he'd been taught, or seen any of his cousins do.
Kyon let himself go, dancing with Emmanuel easily through several songs. As the music started to slow down though, Kyon took a step back towards the drinks. "Hey, lets go grab some snacks," He motioned for Emmanuel to follow him and headed for the tables.
Emmanuel danced with Kyon for several upbeat songs, as the songs slowed down he was happy to take a break. ”Yeah! They have great snacks,” he caught with Kyon and walked beside him to the snacks table. ”I like coming to events with someone, Halloween is fine alone, but, this is better with someone,” he said. Emmanuel wasn't sure that Kyon would feel the same way, but it was how he felt.
Kyon nodded along as Emmanuel spoke. He grabbed a bunch of snacks and a drink, before seeing an empty table. He smiled at what he said. "Well, hey, if you ever need a date I'm free," He promised with an impish grin. He nodded towards the table and walked over, settling down in an empty sit. "This is pretty cool," He agreed.
Emmanuel laughed lightly. "That is a kind offer my friend," Emmanuel wasn't sure he'd always be taking Kyon up on it, but he certainly would do so if nothing else. It was cool to spend time with his friend in this setting. Emmanuel followed Kyon to a table and sat down next to him. "It is," he said. "Parties like this, are always good fun, or at the very least always have good food,"
Kyon laughed lightly, munching on a few snacks. "Oh yeah, the snacks are great and the decorations are definitely fun." He offered. "Do you show up often?" He asked, curious. "I've missed a few of these, I'm sure." He laughed lightly.
Emmanuel always thought the events were so fun, he didn't even understand why someone wouldn't sign up and do it. He liked all the events. ”I haven't missed one yet, they're fun,” he knew that events weren't for everyone, but they were for him. He liked going, they were always something to do. ”I'll sign up for anything,” he said, laughing lightly. ”I like a good party,”
Kyon laughed lightly, shaking his head. "I'll have to make a point of coming to these more often," He agreed, shaking his drink. "Do you want to make a soft standing date?" He asked, looking over to Emmanuel. "Unless something else pops up we go to events together?" He smiled impishly.
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