Closed An Overdue Explanation

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was working, he had a lot of work to do to be able to host the superlatives for Accio and while it was going well, there was just a lot for him to get done, mixed in with all his regular accio activities. He'd been down there for a while, even brought some coffee with him to be able not leave for a while, though he had a watch that would tell him when he really needed to be doing something else. Even if it was just eat. Admittedly Ava was still better at his time management than he was. He heard someone chap on the door of accio and looked round, "It's open, just come in," he called out, he imagined it was Goku or maybe it was Alice or someone who was looking for one of the other accio members, so when he turned and was faced with Isabelle, surprise crossed his features, "Oh Isabelle, hey,"
Isabelle had been thinking a lot about seeing Vader. But before it was too painfull, she had even dyed her hair blonde last year thinking perhaps he would come to her and actually see her. But it didn't mattered, she didn't felt different than. She hoped it would make her feel more pretty and more confident, but it didn't done anything. She decided to get all the courage she tried to pretend she had, reading her story books about hero's and stuff. And went to the Accio room to try and get some answers from Vader. When she knocked Vader answered she could tell and she sighted before showing her face coming inside. He seemed suprised she was there. And his reaction was just not what she hoped for, but she was here now. '' Vader.'' The brunette than said and walked inside further to see his face better. She kept silent for an moment and than put her arms over eachother. '' We need to talk.'' Isabelle than said. And looked around for a place where she could sit perhaps. But it seemed like they were alone.
Vader was pleased that he'd been the only one currently in the accio room. He glanced around nodding as she said they needed to speak. he felt his nervousness sky rocket and he gave a jerky little nod, "Sure sure," he replied, he glanced around, "We've a table over here," he directed her over to the table and summoned to chairs, putting one out for her and taking the other for him. He went to grab his coffee and sat down, holding the cup tightly in his hands. He wasn't sure what she wanted, but knowing their history and what he had done as he figured himself out easily put him on edge, though he knew at least he would be able to tell her. "What do you want to talk about?"
The brunette walked further and looked at the way Vader reacted to her. It was like she was nobody, and just someone who entered her. It made her a bit irritated, had he no idea how she felt? She walked along to the table he was directing her too and than went sitting down. He went sitting there across her and Isabelle sighted for an moment. He really had no idea where she wanted to talk about it seemed. She kept silent the whole time until they both sat and looked at Vader. '' You have no idea?'' The brunette than asked a bit suprised. And sighted again, she was not happy at all. And she tried to be confident. But she had it hard, she could let her tears come any minute since he acted like there was nothing. '' About what happend, when you broke up with me. You never explained, just did it.'' Isabelle than told him and looked to the ground for an moment and than up to him again. '' Why did you broke up with me? Wasn't I good enough? Not pretty enough?'' The brunette than asked and felt the pain in her voice.
Vader grimaced lightly at her first question before nodding lightly, "I have an idea," he said quietly, but he didn't exactly want to have this conversation or admit that in his attempts to hide away from his sexuality he had used Isabelle, and Pho, he had been with them trying to fall for them in the hopes that he wasn't gay. Which had been desperate but not completely out the ordinary for someone in his position. He looked away from her as she spoke, frowning and feeling his own frustration mount. It was as she said that it was perhaps because she wasn't pretty enough that his head all but snapped up, "No, Isabelle, it wasn't that. You're very pretty, you're good enough," he said, but he paused, cleared his throat and tightened his grip on the cup of coffee, "I'm gay," this didn't really explain the break up given he'd dated someone else after but perhaps would help her understand.

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