Closed Active Recruitment Efforts

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel had gotten copies of the poster that Aine had made. he was stil very very impressed by it all. It was a cool poster and he thought it would be good to spread it around as they agreed. He didn't have any slytherin contacts, but he had plenty of Gryffindor ones. He had a number of Gryffindor friends, and as walked into the Great Hall and towards the gryffindor table, he spotted exact who he wanted to speak to at the Gryffindor table. he walked over to the boy, "Kyon!" he greeted warmly. "Do you mind if I join you?" he knew it was impolite to just immediately start by asking him to do the favour and he hadn't spent too much time with him recently, so it would be good to catch up.
Kyon was back at school and ready to make this his year. He'd decided against joining the team this year, thinking it was too cliche, and was debating starting a club of his own, when he heard a familiar voice. He looked up with a bright smile, his untouched breakfast forgotten yet again. "Emmanuel! Hey! Sure thing," He agreed immediately, scooting over a bit. "How you been?"
Emmanuel nodded brightly as Kyon allowed him to sit. He took a spot, and then placed down the posters he'd been carrying beside him. Emmanuel pulled a plate towards him and gave a little nod, "I've been good, working away," he said with a little laugh, "How about you?" he asked, pulling some of the items to eat on to his plate and feeling pretty eager to get eating. He would mention the posters and the club soon enough.
Kyon saw the papers Emmanuel set down and automatically reached for one, curious. "Fine, just eating," He countered, picking up a page and looking it over. "What's this about?" He asked, glancing over at Emmanuel for an answer. Kyons curiosity was peeked. Not that he was overly interested in the subject matter, but he liked Emmanuel and he would do anything for his friend.
Emmanuel had filled his plate as Kyon had reached over and take a poster. "I started a History club, right now it's just me and this Hufflepuff girl, Aine. But we're recruiting," he told him, taking a small mouthful of food. When he was done eating the mouthful he continued, "I was sorta hoping you'd stick a poster up in Gryffindor?" he asked. "Between Aine and I, we can cover Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I thought I could ask you to do gryffindor and we're still figuring out Slytherin," he replied with a little shrug. He knew that Aine had some possible issues with Slytherin, but he still thought they should completely dismiss it.
Kyon looked over the poster again before tossing a grin to Emmanuel. "Sure! And I'll join the club too, if that's cool?" He offered, before considering his next words. "I'll take care of Slytherin too, don't worry," He promised, nodding as he started to formulate a plan. "I can help you hang up posters if you want, really get it going?" He offered, wanting to do everything he could to help his friend.
Emmanuel gave a wide smile, pretty excited to have recruited someone else. ”If you like history, then obviously!” he told him excitedly, it would be good to have more members. He thought it would be good for him to have another friend on the club, though he really liked working with Aine. ”Do you know someone in Slytherin?” he asked eagerly. It would be useful to have someone who had a Slytherin connection until they had a Slytherin in the club. ”Oh yeah! That would be great, Kyon! I'm glad I spoke to you,”
Kyon could tell he was going to have to lie, and quickly. "Sure, history is great," He replied immediately, giving Kyon his best smile. "Absolutely I know someone, just leave it all to me!" He promised. He absolutely did not know someone, but Emmanuel didn't need to know that. Kyon would just have to sneak in himself to do it. It couldn't be that hard, right? A quick in and out job, easy. "Anyway, how are you?" He asked, changing the subject completely before Emmanuel could catch him in his lies.
Emmanuel wasn't sure how much he believe Kyon's words. But given that they only had two people in the history club and in theory they could bring Kyon round to history he didn't think it was bad. He nodded eagerly, quickly believing that Kyon did have a friend in Slytherin. "If you're struggling to convince them to do it, let me know. We're not desperate for slytherins," he admitted knowing that Slytherins weren't Aine's biggest fan. He finished his toast and grabbed something else. "Really good. The history club has another member and we're slowly spreading the word. So, yes I am good," he declared happily. "You? Are you going to be signing up for the three legged race?"
Kyon smiled. "Oh, I'm sure I can manage it," He purred, throwing his friend a playful wink. He took another bite of his food, listening to Emmanuel talk about the club. "Nah, I got other things to do," He countered. "Are you?" He asked, briefly considering changing his plans if it meant he could spend more time with his friend.
Emmanuel glanced at his friend, a little unsure of how much he should trust what he was saying but just nodded. Letting it go. He was surprised and a little curious as to what Kyon had to do, "What other stuff?" he asked with a little smile. Before nodding his head, "Absolutely! It's going to be crazy fun, I'm sure of it," he replied with a warm tone. He didn't do a lot of other school sanctioned things and this just seemed like really easy fun.
Kyon smiled. "I already made plans to hang out with my brother, he isn't interested in the race," He explained. "Even though we're in separate houses we still try to hang out and stuff." He shrugged. He smiled softly, pleased to see Emmanuel looking so excited. "I hope you have fun," he countered. "Maybe we can go together to something else," He offered, in an effort to make up for it.
Emmanuel frowned slightly, a little disappointed that Kyon wouldn't be taking part. But he got the reason why he was opting for his brother and that time rather than with Emmanuel. It had to be difficult to be in a different house from a sibling, so close and yet unable to as easily spend time together. He nodded at him, clearly thinking it would be fun. ”Well…it might not be as fun, but we could go to the ball together?” he asked, he couldn't mind if Kyon was much of a ball person, ”Or sign up for duelling together if it happens,”
Kyon considered Emmanuels suggestion. "Let's go to the ball together, it could be fun to go with a date." He offered with a smile. "Or a friend date, as it were," He was quick to add. The thought of dating made him oddly nervous, and Kyon was never nervous so it was an idea he'd rather avoid. "Duelling would be cool but we'd be against each other, wouldn't we?" He mused, looking to Emmanuel.
Emmanuel nodded lightly, a little glad that it was just a friend date. He liked Kyon, but not as more than a friend, he didn't like anyone as more than a friend. It wasn't because he was a boy, Emmanuel never considered what he liked. History and school were more important. "maybe, but whoever wins or goes forward can be supported by the other," Emmanuel wasn't that competitive, he knew that he would want to win, but would equally support Kyon if he won.
Kyon laughed lightly, nodding. "Okay, you have a point." He teased. "Friendly competition could be fun. Though seeing as how you're the smart one, you'd probably win," He replied easily, propping his chin in his hand. "Do you think your club will be a lot of other smart kids?" He asked, wondering if he'd be super out of place... he was joining all the same, but still.
Emmanuel gave a little nod, he thought it was right, things could be competition without being bad, or descending too much into actual fights. "I hope it'll just be any kid with an interest in history, and you don't need to be a smart kid to enjoy history," he replied. he was sure that those more likely to join would be ravenclaws, but he didn't think it would be exclusively ravenclaws either.
Kyon nodded easily, smiling at his friend. "That's good, seeing as how I'm not really the smart kid," He joked. "I just like listening to the stories, honestly." He told Emmanuel, running a hand through his hair. "It's a bit simple, sure, but I've always listened to my brother tell me stories. This is just... familiar, and kinda comforting."
Emmanuel considered how Kyon liked stories, and listening to stories. He knew that he could listen to his own parents talk for hours about their work. it was usually something that he was interested in and was comforting, though he struggled to sleep after it. If only because he was excited by what he'd learnt. "That makes sense, and what is history but a lot of stories,"
Kyon laughed lightly, shaking his head. "You're absolutely right," He agreed with an easy smile. "Some of the best stories ever," He nodded, finishing his drink. He smiled at Emmanuel. "Do you want to tell me some of your favorite stories?" He asked, curious to which stories would have caught the other boys interests.
Emmanuel smiled widely at his friend, glad he agreed with him. Emmanuel certainly thought he'd said something a little prophetic or deep so it was nice that he did seem to agree. "Well, I have been reading a lot about the founders of this school's first location, the one in Scotland, four friends who founded a school, and then how even in their wisdom, it still sort of fell apart," he said. He didn't agree with some of the aspects of the founders, but he found it interesting.
Kyon sipped his drink, glad to listen to Emmanuel. "Really? It did?" He asked, propping his chin in his hand and settling in to listen. He liked it when Emmanuel went on about his history things. "Tell me about it," He prompted with an impish smile. Emmanuel always had the best stories.
Emmanuel nodded, "They made a good attempt at it really," he said, since it wasn't all of it, but humans were humans even back then. He told in briefer than he'd read about the founders of their counterpart school. He didn't give all of the details, focusing on telling the story of Gryffindor and Slytherin and the chamber that was in the school. "Though we are like Hogwarts we don't have such a chamber and Slytherin was wrong," he concluded.
Kyon listened to Emmanuel easily, smiling softly and listening to his stories. Deciding to abandon his plans for the day, he shifted in his seat and smiled. "Hey, are you busy today?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. "I'd be really interested to hear some more stories, if you're willing," He suggested, really hoping Emmanuel would say yes. "We could build a fort in the student lounge, maybe grab some snacks, just chill out?" He offered, enjoying the plan forming in his head.
Emmanuel shook his head somewhat he had some posters to put up but that was just about it. He nodded at Kyon’s suggestion. It would be good fun. ”I have to hand out these flyers but then I have the rest of the day,” Emmanuel told him. ”If you get started I can join you? I promise I won’t be long,” he assured him.

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