🌹 Rose Giving A Rose Fit For A Princess

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
yellow rose for @Rosie Archer

Although Dahlia wasn't in the Wild Patch Club (it was way too on the nose for her to join, with a name like Dahlia), she did like the idea of rose giving, and she was happy to participate in handing out roses. She'd even dressed up, in the sense that she'd put some angel wings on and had a plastic bow and arrow, like she was a sort of cupid. She could've kept moping, but she thought it was about time she did something positive (even if there was an aspect of angling for gossip). After looking for a while, she was able to find Rosie Archer in the gardens. At least Rosie was someone she recognized. "Hey, Rosie! If you guess which colour rose I've got for you, I'll give you a bonus chocolate!"
Rosie had come out to the gardens, while her sister spent time on the pitch. it was a nice day and with the roses being handed out, it just made sense for her to come out and tend to the garden. She was working away for a moment when she heard someone approach and say her name. She looked at the young girl and smiled at her. "Well, I hope it's pink but it's probably yellow," she replied with a giggle.
Dahlia giggled in return, pink roses were probably the most fun to get and she hoped when she was older she'd get plenty of them. But yellow it was. "Ding ding ding, we have a winner! I bet someone else might have a pink rose for you, though!" She held out the rose and note, and offered the box of heart shaped chocolates for Rosie to take one. "You can take one for your sister, too!"

I was lucky to meet you in our first year. You have always been a fantastic friend. Thank you.

Rosie gave a little giggle. She hoped that she would get a pink rose, but a yellow rose was as nice. She smiled. "The yellow roses are beautiful though," she did love all the roses. She took the note and then a chocolate, she ate the the chocolate before taking another for her sister and placing it in her pocket for later. She opened the note and gave a smile. "Oh this is so sweet," she said about the rose and note. "Thank you, Dahlia,"
"They really are," Dahlia agreed. She'd gotten at least one yellow rose of her own and it had certainly brightened her day. "Glad you like it! Just thought I'd bring something from home." She beamed, putting the box back in her satchel bag and giving a small wave. "Enjoy your Valentine's Day! I'll keep my fingers crossed for that pink rose for ya."
Rosie gave an easy smile, in agreement that the chocolates were nice, and knowing that her sister would definitely appreciate her getting one too. "You too! I hope you get something," Rosie replied with a warm tone, waving easily to her. she did hope Dahlia got something for this valentines day.
Xinyi had been looking for Rosie for a little bit now, wanting to ask her to the dance before anyone else could. He smiled at a pretty girl with wings as he passed by before spotting his girl- er, his friend. He walked up, slipping an arm around her waist and kissing her temple. "Hey, Rosie, you busy?" He asked, giving her a warm smile.
Rosie gave a little jump as she was approached, but she knew immediately who it was. She leaned into his touch and his kiss. "No, I'm just spending time with the flowers," she said. "Thank you for the flowers you gave me, they were beautiful, I'm sorry I only sent one,"
Xinyi chuckled. "Hey, no worries," He squeezed his arm around her gently. "I was just swinging by to see if you would want to come to the dance with me later?" He asked, giving her a warm smile.
Rosie blushed lightly, but she nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that," Rosie agreed easily. "I'll have to do a bit of work, but we can hang around during that?" she suggested with a smile.
Xinyi chuckled. "Oh of course, I already thought as much." He countered. "I just thought I should ask you to be my date before someone else beat me to it."
Rosie smiled, looking at Xinyi with a soft expression. "I wouldn't say yes to anyone else," Rosie assured him. She might go with a friend if they asked, but a date, she wouldn't say yes to anyone but him.
-godmod approved-

Xinyi smiled shyly, reaching up to brush his thumb against her cheek. "You wouldn't?" He asked gently, his heart fluttering. Why did that please him? He hesitated a moment, strange feelings twisting around and knotting up inside him. He acted on impulse then, tilting her chin up with his hand before leaning in and pressing his lips gently over hers in a soft, shy kiss.
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Rosie shook her head lightly in agreement. She looked up at him and gave a soft fond smile. A little surprised as he kissed her. She reacted immediately, kissing him back with a little eagerness. It was nice, his lips were nice, soft and sweet.
Xinyi broke the kiss after a moment, surprised with himself, but he just leant his forehead against hers. "That was nice," He murmured softly, unable to keep the silly smile off of his face. "Was that alright?" He asked, pulling back a bit and worrying he might have pushed past her boundaries.
Rosie was a little disappointed when the kiss ended, she pulled away from him and just smiled. "That was really nice," she agreed, "it was perfect," she said. Wanting to do it again, but not wanting to overstep.
Xinyi smiled shyly. "I'm sorry I didn't ask," He offered gently. "For what it's worth, you can kiss me anytime you'd like," He told her, his heart skipping a little as he said it.
Rosie gave a shake of her head. "It's okay," she assured him before watching him for a moment, letting herself build up the little courage she needed. Her hands went to take his face as she went to lean in for a kiss.
Xinyi's breath caught as she leaned in and he closed his eyes, accepting the kiss and raising a hand, meaning to place it on her lower back and pull her in a little closer. He was always a cuddler, but it seemed to amplify when he was with Rosie.

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