Open A last night of revellry

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Elvera's office was packed. It was weird looking at her life of the last decade all bundled up into a series of cases and boxes it had been a tough decision but she had decided that she needed to take a break. She had been teaching in the single classroom for almost all of her adult life, and the few years she hadnt she had been teaching at home. she had enough long service leave built up to cover most of the year and the rest was she would be able to take unpaid as thankfully she had sold the inner eye and that wasnt leeching into her bank account. she wondered briefly how it was going now, and if the new owner had managed to make it do the one thing she ad always struggled with, that was make a prophet. She knew now was the right time for a break. Morgan wasnt well, she knew that. She also knew that while it had been good for selene to come back and help Morgan. it wasnt her responsibility to care for her grandmother, she didnt want her daughter making any rash decisions like she had done when she was a similar aged and morgause was ill. She pinned the last touches to her hair and fastened her shoes and headed downstairs.
As she entered the great hall she felt like she was entering a winter wonderland. there was snow and trees and sparkly lights.S She knew that she was meant to be here as a chaperone. she was working and meant to be making sure that the students weren't getting themselves or each other into trouble. but she also wanted to enjoy tonight. she picked up a glass of icy cherry lemonade and looked around to see who else was here.
Percival who was halfway through a temporary contract had reluctantly agreed to chaperone the Yule Ball. However, he soon found himself more interested in the refreshments than in monitoring student activity. He went to the drinks table for another refill where he topped up his glass and added a splash from a hip flask hidden in his jacket. He then noticed another professor nearby. "Just adding a little extra flavour," he remarked with a grin. "You're umm, you're off then." He added, a statement rather than a question as he moved to stand next to the woman and keep an eye on the students although choosing not to interfere with anything that was going on.
Milo was largely of the opinion that most of the school events were a total snoozefest. Sure, Yule was a little more interesting with the ice rink set up, but outside of that Milo didn't get the appeal of anything that wasn't Halloween. He wasn't about to skip it though, especially not when he could potentially liven things up a little.

He'd managed to largely avoid suspicion so far, especially when it seemed like Teddy and Audrey were doing something that might have been the precursor to starting a food fight across the hall. It was the perfect distraction to let him sneak up to the drinks table currently occupied by two of the professors. If Milo could pull this off, he'd be a legend he thought, crouching down to hopefully keep out of the professor's eyeline. He had seconds as he lit the whizz bang he'd just pulled from his pocket, the telltale hiss of the fuse already drawing more attention than he'd like. For there, it only took a few moments to aim before he tossed it easily into the punch bowl, unable to resist a "Fire in the hole!" as it landed with a splash before everything exploded in a shower of sparks and cherry lemonade.
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