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  1. D

    Can't close my eyes, they're wide awake

    Sitting in the kitchen of their house, Dannie was reading the Daily Prophet, enjoying a cup of tea, and watching over her two youngest children as they played and watched a children’s program on the TV in front of them. It was a quiet morning and the mother had decided that it was alright to...
  2. D

    Not Sure how long i will be gone

    So I'm having intense writers block and while normally reading old threads helps me, that's not doing anything so I'm taking off for a few days to try and hunt down my muse. I think it's hiding somewhere in the filth that is my bathroom that needs to be cleaned. so while i tackle that, I will...
  3. D

    Family Ties

    Dannie hung up the phone and sighed. Was it really happening? Her sister was really sending her daughter to the same school Dannie’s own children would be attending in September? There was no way it could be happening and yet, she had just had a phone conversation which told her it was. Dannie...
  4. D

    Embarassing HNZ-related moments

    So there's a thread about your HNZ dreams but what about things that happen in everry day life related to HNZ that are embarassing? I know there's some of you on here who are more addicted than me to this site (heck, I'm still a n00b technically). I have a few HNZ related moments. I'll share...
  5. D

    Old and Friendless

    So, Dannie's 32 and as such, she's always with her family and at home. But she wants to get out and have a little bit of a social life. Heck, if her kids can, she can to. (At least, this is what I want for her) Is there anyone who wants to have a thread with Dannie? Keeping in mind that she...
  6. D

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Movie Discussion

    I'm actually pretty surprised there wasn't one of these up already! I don't know about you guys, but I was there at midnight in full costume (click to view said costume: ooh look, I'm a link! click me!). So my question to all of you is this: What did you think? Are you satisfied with what they...
  7. D

    Piercing Question

    Okay, so I have 5 holes total in my ears, two lobe piercings on each ear and a cartilage piercing on my left ear. I got the first lobe piercing 5 years ago, second 3 years ago, and the cartilage in the beginning of May. Obviously, the lobe piercings are healed and healthy, and the cartilage is...
  8. D

    At Home with the Heatons

    The early morning sun fell across the bedroom and landed right on the sleeping eyes of one, Dannie Bennington. For a short time, the light didn’t disturb the sleep of the mother. After several minutes, however, the warm light started to make her uncomfortable. Her brown eyes fluttered open and...
  9. D

    I'm not actually that old!

    Hi there, everyone! My name is Dannie, I'm 19 (not 32! ahh! I've still got time!), I'm a sophomore in college here in Chicago at Dominican University (go stars!!!) and I love role playing. I've been doing it for almost 5 years now though I took a long break while I was at school because I was...
  10. D

    Dannie Bennington-Heaton

    The Basics Name: Dannie (short for Daniele but she hates it) Bennington-Heaton House: Gryffindor Birthday: 20 July, 1990 Hometown: Razgrad, Bulgaria Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: Half blood Wand: 14 inches, cedar, floo powder core. Dannie believes that her wand core, besides being similar to...