🌹 Rose Giving Yellow is Red is Red

Airen Gates

Younger Twin- Sweet- Embroidery- Artist
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 16 Inch Swishy Hornbeam Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
14 (11/2/2047)
Airen had gone through several floors and several people before she'd finally gotten a good idea of who she was after. "Elaraaa!" She called, bouncing to try and see over the crowd. She was short, and she needed to try and find a seventh year. "Elaraaa!" She called again.
Elara heard her name being called and turned to see a younger girl bouncing about. "Over here!"
Airen lit up when someone called back, hurrying over. It took a little ducking and weaving, and she was out of breath when she arrived, but she made it. She giggled, taking out the yellow rose and it's note. "These are yours," She told her with a bright smile.

LOVE YOUUU!!!!! Keep being amazing after graduation <3

Loooooooove, Maggi!!

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