Open Time to elect a wish

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
Thomas looked at Allison when she asked what the year was. He thought for a second that it wasn't long before they realized they wouldn't even notice. ''You're right there. The year will pass without even noticing, " he said. The last chords of the song sounded as Allison leaned over and Thomas looked at him in confusion. "Dear, I'd say it ruined my plans a little bit, but if you feel tired, let's go to the common room." he said in a sad voice, then released Alli's waist and walked slowly out of the hall.

@Allison Beckett
ooc: Continuation of the Valentine's Day feast.
Allison smiled gently at his reaction. She knew he might be a little disappointed, but she hoped the surprise she had for him would make up for it. She walked with him, lacing her arm through his. They walked quietly back up towards the common room, but as they reached the seventh floor, she stopped, pulling gently on his arm. "Hey," She gave him her warmest smile. "Hang on. Can I show you something really quick? Before we head back?" She asked.

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