Open Sore Loser

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (24)
Minnie had managed to avoid anyone in her slow journey to the hospital wing, the weight of what had happened only adding to the pain of the bludgers. She was just trying to keep it together until she was able to sit down, until she could draw a curtain around her and let herself break down. Minnie hadn't exactly been doing great, she'd been working all hours, practicing the rest of the hours, her sleep had diminished with all the extra work she was putting in and everything else but her studies and quidditch had fallen away. So much had been riding on this game, she had so deeply felt the need to prove herself, so deeply wanted to show that she could manage everything, but all it had shown was that she couldn't. She couldn't win one game. She just so often got take out, was unable to catch the snitch in enough time and it rested with her team, and though she had some faith, deeply in her heart if they won without her, then what was left for her their either. Her passion and drive for quidditch, the fact she'd kept doing it after her parents had insisted on not, and the fact now she knew her doing and taking on more in quidditch had played into her not getting prefect, was it at all worth it? Was this pain worth it?
Minnie touched the golden snitch necklace as she walked into the hospital wing, thinking of Leda who had been to encouraging to her and given it to her. It had not brought her the same luck it had for Leda in her games. Minnie didn't bother announcing herself she just made her way to a bed. She sat down on the edge, slowly, with little pain filled moans pulled off some of the outer quidditch gear. She placed them down beside her as tears began bubbling over, the peace and quiet of this room, the distant noises of quidditch both felt oppressive like a massive weight sitting right on her bruises. She was glad she'd broken up with Noel, no matter how nice it would be to have a friend in this moment, she wouldn't be able to face her failure if it resulted in his house's victory. But god, it would be nice to have a friend in this moment. She let out a little sob as more tears streamed more steadily down her face, she covered her face with her hands and just cried, letting it, all for the first time since her hogwarts letter, out.
Adorah couldn't stand to watch another minute of the aftermath of the game. She wanted to be there to support Juniper, but at the same time, if she had to watch her sister get hit so many times like Minnie ever, it would make her anxiety skyrocket. This is why she stayed off of the brooms (ignoring the fact that she was a dreadful flyer). She was a little worried about Minnie, and seeing as their other roommates were on the Ravenclaw team or at the game, she thought she'd at least go to the hospital wing to see if the girl was okay. Maybe she would stay the night and need a few things from their room. Even though Adorah wasn't quite sure she and Minnie were friends, she had felt bad that Minnie hadn't been made a prefect. She knew how hard the girl worked on her studies, and it still didn't quite make sense to her. She wasn't even sure how the whole prefect picking thing worked. As she made her way into the hospital wing, she saw her roommate a little aways pretty upset. She didn't deal well with crying, but she just wanted to pop in for a moment. "Minnie," she said lightly as she made her way up to the Ravenclaw. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Adorah wasn't sure what the best thing to say in this situation was.
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It infuriated Emma that she had to be taken out of the game. She was fine, she could still play! But she had been taken off the pitch and escorted to the Hospital Wing by a nurse who didn't listen to her arguments. In the end she was just crying angrily, and it wasn't because of the pain of the bludgers, not at all. Emma was sniffling as she headed into the Hospital Wing, sitting on one of the beds at the nurse's prompting. Only after she angrily wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, did Emma realize she wasn't alone. Duh, of course she wasn't. Minnie was here because of her, and it seemed like she had a friend here to support her. They would probably be mad at Emma for hitting Minnie and getting her stuck here, though it was her job. Emma could kind of understand being mad now though, she herself was pretty mad at Chloe and Juniper. " Oh." She simply said, sniffling again. "Sorry." She realized Minnie was crying, and felt more and more guilty. "Are... you very hurt?" She asked her, though she knew the answer herself. Emma gently lowered herself down on the bed a bit more, wincing at the pain in her side where the second bludger had hit her. "At least you were avenged." She muttered, looking down.
Minnie was too lost in the pain and tears to hear anyone come in. Truly she wasn’t sure anyone would come check on her, she didn’t exactly had many friends, she had to doubt that Eric was at the game, he didn’t like the sport and he wasn’t a big fan of the gryffindors on the team, so he wouldn’t know. Any of her other friends were on the team, since she was sure her only friends left were Lars and maybe Hattie and both of them were playing. In her sorrow and self pity she would’ve never expected Adorah to be the one to come check on her, but it almost seemed to make the pain worse. She didn’t hate Adorah or resent her being given the prefect position over her. Clearly Adorah, like Chloe had just deserved it more than she had. They were both good people, good ravenclaws, they were both better than she was. Could manage their schoolings and responsibilities better than she ever could. But in this, a moment of complete failure she was the last person Minnie wanted to see. She just nodded, not raising her face from behind her hands, her shoulders still shaking and the tears still flowing. ”I’m fine Adorah,” her voice shook as she spoke a small sob between her words. It would’ve been plain to anyone the contradiction in her words and how she said it. She wiped her eyes as much as she could, trying to reign in her breathing and regain some control.
Minnie looked up from her hands and sniffed loudly, trying to wipe her cheeks and stop the still flowing tears. She noted then the gryffindor beater who had taken her out, clearly had been sent here too and either it was the end of the game or she'd just been hit a few times, but this didn't exactly make her feel much better, faced with two types of her failure, surely the universe wouldn't curse her with more. She hated that the young gryffindor was nice, was speaking to her. "I'm fine," she said unconvincing as tears still spilled from her eyes. She could feel her whole body shaking, half sobs she was trying push away as she tried to get herself composed. She couldn't but feel like she wanted to snap at the young girl, to snap at Adorah. "Girls, I appreciate the concern, but I'm fine, and I'd really like to be alone please," her tone was tight, forced politeness even more evident, she looked between the two quickly, not lingering on either as she spoke. Minnie didn’t want to be cruel to either for just half caring, but she couldn’t handle any conversation.
Adorah wasn't surprised that Minnie didn't seem to want to talk. She figured it wouldn't help when someone finally mentioned they had lost to Gryffindor, and the prefect did not want to be the one to break that news to her roommate. Pushing her hair behind her ear, she saw one of the Gryffindor players make their way in and realized it was one of the beaters her sister had hit. Looking down at the ground, she took a step back as the girl spoke to Minnie. However, nothing they were saying seemed to be helping, and Adorah thought her coming to check on her roommate might have upset her more. She glanced at the Gryffindor and then back at Minnie. "I'm sorry to bother you. I can bring you anything you might need from the room?" she asked softly, unsure of how long Minnie might be staying here.
Emma looked at Minnie, feeling increasingly guilty as the girl insisted she was fine while still crying. Was she just sad because she was in pain, or was it because she had to leave the game? That was mostly why Emma had been crying, the bludgers barely hurt. Okay, maybe they hurt a lot, but she was way more upset about leaving the game and not knowing who won. But then Minnie spoke to both her and her friend, and Emma frowned at her. "You're clearly not fine." She blurted out. "And as much as I would love to leave you alone, I'm not exactly here by choice myself." She snapped back, crossing her arms and wincing at the feeling. The other girl seemed to be leaving, and Emma thought that was probably a bad idea. It had to be nice to have a friend here, Emma kind of wished there was someone here for her. Though she mostly wished she could be back on the pitch.
Minnie wasn’t too sure how either girl would react to her insistence. She just wanted to be alone, she didn’t want to deal with the other team, or her roommate. ”I won’t be here long, I have to study later,” she spoke the sentence quickly, it didn’t matter that the nurse would likely want her to stay a little longer, or to take it easy, Minnie didn’t have time for that. She needed to just move on, try and pull herself together and revise, she still had the OWLs, if she did perfectly on them then maybe her parents would be proud of her, maybe Professor Josephs would be proud of her, all of the points that would bring in. That was all she had now, that was what she needed to focus on, nothing else. She looked at the gryffindor and frowned her, she knew she hadn’t exactly been nice first but this girl hadn’t exactly been reassuring. She didn’t know what she could say back, it was true this girl was stuck here, and Minnie hardly wanted to be any meaner with a prefect right there. Instead she just wanted to be alone. She didn’t want to speak to anyone, she didn’t want to deal with trying to keep herself composed. ”I’m sorry, I am fine, it’s just a lot of pain, and admittedly i’m not in the mood for friendly chit chat,” she spoke quick, her voice hitching in places, she left out, an especially with you that she believed. Hopefully this would get them both to lay off. To leave her be.
Adorah was surprised that the Gryffindor called Minnie out and bit her lip. She wasn't good with confrontation and also didn't want to upset the girl more than she already was. She listened as Minnie responded to the beater and looked at the floor. She knew what it was like to want to be alone, but at the same time, she was worried about her roommate. It had a been a rough semester for everyone so far. "What if... what if we just sit here. I can sit with both of you since you're both hurt. And no one has to talk. Unless they want to," she said, faltering at the end. She scooted herself on the end of an empty bed and looked at Minnie, unsure if the girl was going to just ask her to leave again or yell or cry more.
Noel had been really fighting his thoughts after the quidditch game against Ravenclaw. They had won and he was more than happy about that. But he felt bad for Minnie. It wasn't like he hated her so much, he just hated the situation and her parents at the moment. And he wanted to make sure if she was ok. They hadn't talked anymore after the break up and Noel tried to keep it that way. So walking towards the Hospital wing he was stopping a few times and turning around, but he needed to see for himself. Otherwise he would never forgive himself if he didn't. He heard some voices out of the hospital wing and when he got closer he tried to hide after the door. He than spotted Adorah and Emma. He figured he could make up an excuse that he came to check in for Emma, and than could see Minnie also. He thought of it for an moment.

He wanted to see if Emma was ok though, it was no lie. She was an member in their team as well and got taken out. He sighted for an moment and than walked in with his quidditch clothes still on. He than saw Minnie in an bed and Emma and looked at Emma. He saw Minnie was bruised and Emma as well. Minnie didn't seemed fine at all. He than quickly looked at Emma and walked towards her standing at the end of the bed. '' Hey Emma. How are you feeling?'' Noel than asked her. She had played an good game for sure. He than looked at Adorah and smiled shortly, not trying to give Minnie so much attention.
@Emma van Houten
Emma rolled her eyes at the Ravenclaw girl. Really, who could think about studying now? She just wanted to know who had won the match, and she was itching to talk to Lysander about ti all. Emma shrugged as the girl apologized. "Your beaters are mean too, I'm in pain as well." She pointed out with another shrug. "And what else can we do but chit chat?" She asked, frowning. "Isn't a distraction better?" Then Noel came in, and Emma gasped and sat up. "NOEL! DID WE WIN?" She asked, trying to get out of bed for a moment before wincing from the pain. "Ouch. But did we?" She asked, flailing a little in her excitement.
Minnie sighed slightly, beginning to draw herself together better knowing she had to at least be on for these people. She could be crying if they insisted on bothering her. She might’ve managed it too, but of course the one other person she didn’t want to see walked in. She felt have that he was doing this because he wanted to see her and the other because he probably did want to see Emma, there was no way he was doing this to intentionally annoy Minnie, but then again she could help but be so frustrated by it, why was he doing this….why couldn’t he have waited. She shook her head and just stood up. She was sore and bruised, she felt like her world was slowly collapsing around her and she couldn’t linger in this hospital. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t seen a nurse. It didn’t matter, she could heal up on her, nothing was broken as far she could tell. She’d be fine, some rest and she would be fine. She gathered up her things and then looked at Adorah, ”I’m gonna go,” she told her, not even glancing towards the two gryffindors. ”I should go take a shower and get back to my revision,” and with that Minnie headed out of the room.
Noel watched Emma but had looked to Minnie as well. But she didn't even seemed to care, and didn't say anything. Ofcourse she felt bad, and he understood but she ignored him like he was air. He grinned as Emma asked excited, she didn't knew the ending ofcourse because she had to leave. '' We won!'' He said happy to her and grinned of the way she was in pain but still was excited. '' Calm down, bouncing ball. Go and rest for an bit, and come celebrate later.'' He said with an grin and went with his hand through her red hair playfully. He found it fun to see she was so competetive. He liked the Gryffindor spirit ofcourse. Than he heard Minnie saying she was gonna go. He turned around as she tried to walk away. He doubted if he had to say something. '' Min...'' He started but than she already had left the room. He sighted for an moment and looked at Adorah. '' I don't get it.. can you please check on her later? I'm worried. And I'm air or something to her.. so?'' He than said to Adorah and sighted again.
Adorah was about to respond to Emma when she saw Noel walk in. She scratched her head as an awkward interaction ensued and then nodded as Minnie told her she was going to leave. "Mkay," she muttered in response and then stayed on the bed for a moment. She felt bad for her roommate, and she also, for some reason, had the desire to apologize for getting prefect over her. Minnie had been having a bit of bad luck as it seemed for the past few months, and while she wasn't sure if they were friends, she did worry. "I can try, but she doesn't really talk to me," she replied to Noel, shrugging and trying to give him a half-hearted smile. Maybe she just needed to go home for break and things would return to a new normal next semester. Or at least, one could hope.

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