Open Newly Single, Ready to Mingle

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Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Breaking up with Penny had been for the best. He liked her, she was sweet and kind but he knew that he didn't like her like that. He had quickly realised it and had dragged it on too long. It was unfair of him to have done so for so long, so it was for the best that they had now broken up. He wasn't sure what the polite thing to do after a break up was, but Emmanuel had come to the dance anyway, he knew that it went a little against the 'breaking up to focus on studies' which had been part of the given reason, but he was fine, he could say he was heartbroken. Emmanuel was walking around the hall with a drink, just watching others as they danced.
Emrys was trying his best to move on, to get past his misguided relationship with Marnie. He walked down to the dance, not in a suit but dressed nicely. He straightened his shirt, feeling nervous as he looked around. He spotted a familiar face and relaxed a bit. He hurried over to Emmanuel, a shy smile on his face. "Hey, you waiting for anyone?"
Emmanuel smiled at Emrys as the boy joined him. There was a moment as he stared at him with a friendly smile that Emmanuel thought the boy looked cute. He gave a little small shake of his head, and then cleared his throat. "Oh no, penny and I broke up, so I'm here alone," he said with slightly brighter tone than one might've taken when they'd just broken up with someone.
Emrys grimaced. "Oh, gods, I'm sorry," He countered immediately, before looking around. "You didn't ask Kyon?" He questioned, turning back to his friend. "I mean, I'm happy to steal your time, but I've seen the way he sulks around whenever you have dates to these things," He shrugged, falling in more against Emmanuels side. "You were too good for Penny anyway," He countered.
Emmanuel shrugged a little, "It's okay," he was quick to assure him. "There wasn't time," he explained with a shrug and he couldn't spot Kyon within the hall itself. Emmanuel hadn't thought he did sulk. "Kyon doesn't sulk?" he questioned a little. Before he gave equally more of a shrug to it. "We just weren't good for each other.
Emrys snorted. "Well then he gives you a lot of funny looks before going off to snog with random guys in the halls." He shrugged, and found some empty seats nearby. "Hey, do you wanna sit for a bit?" He asked, motioning to the chairs with his thumb over his shoulder.
Emmanuel frowned a little, he hadn't noticed him doing that, and really he was surprised when he felt...jealous..jealousy. That was odd, he knew he shouldn't be feeling that at all. He nodded lightly. "Okay, let's sit. Tell me about how you've been?" he prompted keen to discuss something else if he could.
Emrys smiled and moved over, taking his seat. He shrugged. "I've been good, I suppose, just hanging out reading a lot." He told Emmanuel easily. "What about you? Doing okay?" He asked, checking in on his friend since he'd dated and broken up with Marnie's best friend.
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