Closed New Arrival

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (54)
Although she had spent the first few years of her job isolated and shy, Kahurangi felt fairly confident that with time she had done a fairly good job of making friends with her colleagues. Although she struggled to connect with the new people who filtered in and out on occasion, she had found a fairly solid core of friends among her co-workers. With a new year came new colleagues, and Kahurangi had been pleasantly surprised to discover that another work-friend had been added to her list. She hadn't realised Quinn was applying to work at Hogwarts, but now that her former classmate was here she was excited to help the woman settle in at Hogwarts and get comfortable with her new home and job.

And that began, of course, with a tour. Although they had gone to university together, Kahurangi knew Quinn had gone to Ilvermorny, and would be discovering all the twists and turns of the Hogwarts castle for the first time. She had taken it on herself to show her friend around the castle, showing Quinn all the quickest and most reliable routes around the school's many unpredictable hallways. "This floor is fairly quiet." Kahurangi explained as they reached the top of another flight of stairs, gesturing down the hall. "The Transfiguration classroom is down that way, and there's a bathroom nearby, but most of the rest of these rooms don't get used much." She paused on the landing, indicating wordlessly to Quinn which of the many staircases would be making its way to them shortly to allow them passage up to the next floor. "So how does Hogwarts compare to Ilvermorny?" She asked curiously, giving Quinn a bright smile as they waited.
Quinn was amazed by everything that Hogwarts New Zealand had to offer. She was still a little shocked at the fact that she even got a job here at Hogwarts. Though she was glad that there was someone that she had already known that worked there. Kahurangi had been giving Quinn a tour around the castle. She looked around each area with amazement everywhere she was taken. She had thought about the times her mum had told her time at Hogwarts NZ those many years ago before she moved to The States.

Quinn nodded along as Kahurangi had told her about the current floor they were on, and showing her where was what on the floor. There were so many twists and turns within the castle that she had seen so far. However, she was grateful that she was shown shortcuts or quicker ways to get to and from places within the castle. "Oh, I guess you could say they are similar yet different. Similar being that they are both in a castle" Quinn chuckles a little. "It's interesting how you just sort your students though," Quinn says with a smile. She hadn't really known that a sorting hat would sort students. She had also been surprised with how they weren't as strict with wands as they are in The States.
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Kahurangi chuckled softly at Quinn's observations, glancing out into the stairwell to watch the stairs approaching their landing. "Really? Doesn't Ilvermorny use some kind of.... statue firing arrows or something? I would think putting on a talking hat would seem boring by comparison." She chuckled softly, setting foot on the stairs once they reached the landing and leading Quinn further up. "Next floor up should be a more familiar one." She added, remembering that both of their classrooms were on that level.

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